コトルXメイルUroktor Torso X
Chest armor made from Uroktor parts by a craftsman hailing from a land of fire.

コトルXフォールドUroktor Tassets X
Waist armor made from Uroktor parts that can withstand even the heat of a raging volcano.

× Uroktor Torso X 98 ~ 140+4-2--1-◯◯― Guard Up:+4 Evasion:+3
× Uroktor Tassets X 98 ~ 140+4-2--1-◯◯― Guard Up:+6 Evasion:+1
196 ~ 280+8-4--2-4ガード強化Guard Up:+10回避性能Evasion:+4

ガード強化Guard Up+10Skills that cause previously unblockable attacks to become blockable.
回避性能Evasion+4Skills that affect your invulnerability period length when evading.

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.