ネコの解体術【大】Felyne Carver (Hi) Often increases the number of times you can carve.
ネコの解体術【小】Felyne Carver (Lo) Sometimes increases the number of times you can carve.
ネコの医療術Felyne Medic Increased Health recovery from items, and Antidote Herb and Bitterbug always work.
ネコの体術Felyne Black Belt Slows down Stamina depletion when evading, blocking, etc.
ネコの火薬術Felyne Pyro Increases damage for all types of Barrel Bombs, and increases the power of Blast attacks.
ネコの特殊攻撃術Felyne Specialist Increases the potency of abnormal status attacks.
ネコの防御術【大】Felyne Defender (Hi) Often decreases damage taken.
ネコの防御術【小】Felyne Defender (Lo) Sometimes decreases damage taken.
ネコの吹奏術Felyne Hornblower Decreases the likelihood of Horn/Flute items breaking.
ネコの道具倹約術Felyne Woodsman Decreases the likelihood of Pickaxes and Bug Nets breaking.
ネコのカリスマFelyne Charisma Maximizes the number of times you can talk to the Veggie Elder.
ネコの調合術【大】Felyne Combiner (Hi) Increases Combination success rate by 20%.
ネコの調合術【小】Felyne Combiner (Lo) Increases Combination success rate by 10%.
ネコの採取術Felyne Gatherer Sometimes increases the number of times items can be gathered at Gathering Points.
ネコの射撃術Felyne Sharpshooter Increases the power of Normal shots (Normal S).
招きネコの激運Ultra Lucky Cat Often increases the number of Reward Items received at the end of a Quest.
招きネコの幸運Lucky Cat Sometimes increases the number of Reward Items received at the end of a Quest.
ネコの火事場力Felyne Heroics Greatly increases Attack when Health is very low.
ネコのはじかれ上手Felyne Deflector Helps your weapon retain Sharpness when attacks are deflected.
ネコの逃走術Felyne Escape Artist Decreases Stamina depletion when fleeing from large monsters.
ネコの投擲術Felyne Hurler Increases damage of projectiles such as Stones, Throwing Knives, and Boomerangs.
ネコの胆力Felyne Courage Prevents flinching when discovered by a monster.
ネコの運搬の超人Felyne Supercat Slows Stamina depletion from dashing and prevents knockbacks when transporting an item.
ネコの運搬の鉄人Felyne Strongcat Prevents being knocked back when transporting an item.
ネコの弱いの来い!Felyne Weakener Large monsters encountered on Quests have an increased chance of being weaker than normal.
ネコの秘境探索術Felyne Explorer Ensures you always begin in Hidden Areas during Quests with random starting points.
ネコの換算術Felyne Exchanger Increases the number of Hunter Rank Points received for completing a Quest.
ネコの起上り術【大】Felyne Riser (Hi) Greatly extends the invulnerability period when getting up.
ネコの起上り術【小】Felyne Riser (Lo) Extends the invulnerability period when getting up.
ネコの暴れ撃ちFelyne Temper Increases Bowgun damage, but also increases Deviation.
ネコの蹴脚術Felyne Kickboxer Strengthens kicks.
ネコの拳闘術Felyne Fighter Increases damage inflicted by the Shadowbox gesture.
ネコのはりつき超人Felyne Cliffhanger Decreases Stamina loss on walls or icicles. Also withstands some attacks.
ネコのはりつき鉄人Felyne Gripper Allows you to withstand some attacks while on walls or icicles.
ネコの解体の鉄人Felyne Supercarver Prevents knockbacks from attacks while carving.
ネコの着地術Felyne Lander Prevents stumbling when jumping down from high places.
ネコの休憩術Cool Cat Grants a temporary Attack boost when you use the Kick Back gesture for a while.
ネコのゴリ押し術Felyne Bulldozer Increases Sharpness when you strike right after an attack is deflected.
ネコのおまけ術Felyne Foodie Causes food effects to remain even after you faint in battle.
ネコのKO術Felyne Slugger Makes it easier to stun monsters.
招きネコの金運Crazy Lucky Cat Increases the amount of zenny received at the end of a Quest.
ネコの砲撃術Felyne Bombardier Increases Ballista, Crag shot (Crag S), Gunlance, Cannon and Demolisher ammo damage.
ネコのド根性Felyne Moxie Prevents fainting one time when damage taken exceeds your remaining Health.
ネコのこやし玉達人Felyne Dungmaster Guarantees Dung Bombs will be effective, and ensures their Combinations will succeed.
ネコの毛づくろい上手Felyne Groomer Halves the effect durations of Defense Down and Resistance Down, and speeds Blight recovery.
ネコの長靴術Felyne Fur Coating Prevents damage from environmental effects.
ネコのすり抜け術Felyne Slider Makes it easier to escape when pinned down by a large monster.
ネコの千里眼の術Felyne Oracle Displays large monsters on the Map at the start of a Quest for a limited amount of time.
ネコの研磨術Felyne Polisher Often speeds up sharpening time.
ネコの受け身術Felyne Acrobat Grants a quick recovery when sent flying by a monster.
ネコのかかってこいFelyne Gamechanger Guarantees a large monster will appear when the hunting environment is unstable.
ネコのオトモ指導術Felyne Trainer Speeds up Palico growth.
ネコの短期催眠術Felyne Booster Increases Attack and Defense at the start of a Quest for a limited amount of time.
ネコの手配上手Felyne Supplier Causes additional Supply Items to be delivered immediately.
ネコの不眠術Felyne Insomniac Prevents you from sleeping during a Quest, even on the base camp bed.
ネコのふんばり術Felyne Feet Prevents you from getting knocked on your butt.
ネコの釣り上手Felyne Fisher Increases the likelihood fish will bite when fishing.
招きネコの悪運Unlucky Cat Causes unfortunate events to occur at the start of a Quest...
ネコの乗り上手Felyne Rider Makes it easier to mount monsters.
ネコの乗り支援術Felyne Hostler Fills gauge faster when attacking a monster mounted by another player.
ネコの報酬金保険Felyne Insurance Prevents your group from being penalized the first time a member faints.
ネコの憎まれ上手Felyne Provoker Draws monsters' attention, increasing the likelihood of being targeted.
ネコの会計術Felyne Accounting Increases the amount of Wycademy Points received at the end of a Quest.
ネコのあとは任せた!Felyne Will When you faint, you will recover the health of party members in the same area.
招きネコの不運Bad Luck Cat Slight unfortunate events to occur at the start of a Quest...

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.