フルフルXRキャップKhezu Cap XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

フルフルXRレジストKhezu Vest XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

フルフルXRガードKhezu Guards XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

フルフルXRコートKhezu Coat XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

フルフルXRレギンスKhezu Leggings XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

× Khezu Cap XR 61 ~ 88-4+1+5+2+1◯―― Rec Level:+5 Combo Rate:-2
× Khezu Vest XR 61 ~ 88-4+1+5+2+1◯―― Rec Speed:+6 Combo Rate:-2
× Khezu Guards XR 61 ~ 88-4+1+5+2+1◯―― Rec Level:+6 Combo Rate:-2
× Khezu Coat XR 61 ~ 88-4+1+5+2+1◯◯― Rec Speed:+5 Rec Level:+1 Combo Rate:-2
× Khezu Leggings XR 61 ~ 88-4+1+5+2+1◯―― Rec Speed:+8 Combo Rate:-2
305 ~ 440-20+5+25+10+56回復量Rec Level:+12調合成功率Combo Rate:-10回復速度Rec Speed:+19

回復量Rec Level+12Skills that affect the efficacy of Health recovery items.
調合成功率Combo Rate-10Skills that affect your Combination success rate.
回復速度Rec Speed+19Skills that affect recovery speed from temporary damage (the red portion of the Health Gauge).

LvKhezu Cap XRKhezu Vest XRKhezu Guards XRKhezu Coat XRKhezu Leggings XR

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.