ゼクスXヘルムAstalos Helm X
Those that wear the Astalos on their head trade kindness for a traitor's degeneracy.

ゼクスXメイルAstalos Mail X
Those that wear the Astalos on their body trade virtue for a traitor's barbarity.

ゼクスXアームAstalos Braces X
Those that wear the Astalos on their arms trade innocence for a traitor's malice.

ゼクスXフォールドAstalos Faulds X
Those that wear the Astalos at their waist trade decency for a traitor's rancor.

ゼクスXグリーヴAstalos Greaves X
Those that wear the Astalos on their legs choose hatred over righteousness.

× Astalos Helm X 120 ~ 158--2+3-3+2◯―― Chain Crit:+2 Stun:+3 Stam Recov:+2
× Astalos Mail X 120 ~ 158--2+3-3+2◯―― Chain Crit:+3 Stun:+3 Stam Recov:+2
× Astalos Braces X 120 ~ 158--2+3-3+2◯◯― Chain Crit:+2 Stun:+2 Stam Recov:+2
× Astalos Faulds X 120 ~ 158--2+3-3+2◯―― Chain Crit:+2 Stun:+3 Stam Recov:+2
× Astalos Greaves X 120 ~ 158--2+3-3+2◯◯― Chain Crit:+1 Stun:+4 Stam Recov:+2
600 ~ 790--10+15-15+107連撃Chain Crit:+10気絶Stun:+15気力回復Stam Recov:+10

連撃Chain Crit+10Skills that increase Affinity following repeated attacks.
気絶Stun+15Skills that affect the likelihood of becoming Stunned.
気力回復Stam Recov+10Skills that affect Stamina recovery speed.

LvAstalos Helm XAstalos Mail XAstalos Braces XAstalos Faulds XAstalos Greaves X

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.