ゲリョスXRキャップGypceros Cap XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

ゲリョスXRレジストGypceros Vest XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

ゲリョスXRガードGypceros Guards XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

ゲリョスXRコートGypceros Coat XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

ゲリョスXRレギンスGypceros Leggings XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

× Gypceros Cap XR 57 ~ 84-3+1+5-1-――― Poison:+9 Stun:+3
× Gypceros Vest XR 57 ~ 84-3+1+5-1-◯―― Stamina:+6 Hunger:-4
× Gypceros Guards XR 57 ~ 84-3+1+5-1-◯―― Stun:+5 Paralysis:-3 Stamina:+1
× Gypceros Coat XR 57 ~ 84-3+1+5-1-◯―― Stun:+7 Paralysis:-3
× Gypceros Leggings XR 57 ~ 84-3+1+5-1-――― Stamina:+9 Hunger:-5
285 ~ 420-15+5+25-5-3Poison:+9気絶Stun:+15スタミナStamina:+16腹減りHunger:-9麻痺Paralysis:-6

Poison+9Skills that affect your resistance to Poison.
気絶Stun+15Skills that affect the likelihood of becoming Stunned.
スタミナStamina+16Skills that affect Stamina depletion for actions other than evasion and blocking.
腹減りHunger-9Skills that affect the speed at which your maximum Stamina depletes.
麻痺Paralysis-6Skills that negate or double the effects of Paralysis attacks.

LvGypceros Cap XRGypceros Vest XRGypceros Guards XRGypceros Coat XRGypceros Leggings XR

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.