アーティアXキャップArtian Cap X
Head armor made from eldritch scraps. Hints at a higher civilization.

アーティアXレジストArtian Vest X
Chest armor made from eldritch scraps. Unlocking its potential took patience.

アーティアXガードArtian Guards X
Armguards made from eldritch scraps. The gears help augment arm strength.

アーティアXコートArtian Coat X
Waist armor made from eldritch scraps. Its true Defense has been unlocked.

アーティアXレギンスArtian Leggings X
Leg armor made from eldritch scraps. It still conceals many mysteries.

× Artian Cap X 67 ~ 94+3-2-2+2+3◯◯◯ Thdr Atk:+1
× Artian Vest X 67 ~ 94+3-2-2+2+3◯―― Resilience:+2
× Artian Guards X 67 ~ 94+3-2-2+2+3◯―― Thdr Atk:+5 SpdSetup:+3
× Artian Coat X 67 ~ 94+3-2-2+2+3◯―― SpdSetup:+5 Resilience:+5
× Artian Leggings X 67 ~ 94+3-2-2+2+3◯―― Thdr Atk:+6 SpdSetup:+2 Resilience:+3
335 ~ 470+15-10-10+10+157雷属性攻撃Thdr Atk ⚠:+12頑強Resilience:+10高速設置SpdSetup ⚠:+10

雷属性攻撃Thdr Atk ⚠+12Skills that affect the power of Thunder attacks and Thunder shots (Thunder S).
頑強Resilience+10Compound skills that simultaneously trigger two or more skills.
高速設置SpdSetup ⚠+10Skills that increase bomb- and trap-setting speed as well as trap Combination success rate.

LvArtian Cap XArtian Vest XArtian Guards XArtian Coat XArtian Leggings X

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.