ミツネXヘルムMizutsune Helm X
A majestic, fragrant headdress, replete with a fleeting noble beauty.

ミツネXメイルMizutsune Mail X
Clothing tailored to extol the glory of the wedded couple for all eternity.

ミツネXアームMizutsune Braces X
Ceremonial wear for the hands, representing generations of prosperity.

ミツネXフォールドMizutsune Faulds X
Attire worn by a benevolent emperor who never gave up believing in his people.

ミツネXグリーヴMizutsune Greaves X
Brilliant footwear worn by lords who stepped forth into an illustrious golden age.

× Mizutsune Helm X 118 ~ 156-+2-3+1-1◯―― Bubble:+2 Hunger:+3 Crisis:+2
× Mizutsune Mail X 118 ~ 156-+2-3+1-1◯―― Bubble:+3 Hunger:+2 Crisis:+2
× Mizutsune Braces X 118 ~ 156-+2-3+1-1◯◯― Bubble:+1 Hunger:+3 Crisis:+3
× Mizutsune Faulds X 118 ~ 156-+2-3+1-1◯◯― Bubble:+2 Hunger:+3 Crisis:+2
× Mizutsune Greaves X 118 ~ 156-+2-3+1-1◯―― Bubble:+2 Hunger:+4 Crisis:+1
590 ~ 780-+10-15+5-57泡沫Bubble:+10腹減りHunger:+15窮地Crisis:+10

泡沫Bubble+10Skills that cover your body in bubbles upon evading. Your evasive ability increases when covered in these bubbles.
腹減りHunger+15Skills that affect the speed at which your maximum Stamina depletes.
窮地Crisis+10Skills that increase Attack when you are suffering from an abnormal status effect.

LvMizutsune Helm XMizutsune Mail XMizutsune Braces XMizutsune Faulds XMizutsune Greaves X

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.