ポイズンタバールPoison Axe
This weapon's bone blade is soaked in the toxins of poisonous monster organs.

ポイズンタバルジンPoison Battleaxe
One slash from the Poison Axe's final form is enough to send its foes to the abyss.

ポイズンタバルカヌスPoison Tomahawk
== Ultimate Form == The coveted Ultimate Form of the Poison Axe.


Poison Axe LV190
Psn 24
―――Rare 2
Poison Axe LV2100
Psn 26
―――Rare 2
Poison Axe LV3120
Psn 28
―――Rare 2
Poison Axe LV4140
Psn 30
―――Rare 2
Poison Axe LV5160
Psn 32
―――Rare 2
Poison Battleaxe LV6200
Psn 35
―――Rare 2
Poison Battleaxe LV7230
Psn 36
―――Rare 2
Poison Battleaxe LV8260
Psn 38
―――Rare 2
Poison Tomahawk LV9320
Psn 40
―――Rare 2

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.