ドロスボーンメイスLudroth Bone Mace
A Hammer covered in Ludroth skin. The bone construction makes it light and sturdy.

ドロスボーンスレッジLudroth Bone Maul
The Ludroth Bone Mace's final form. Armed to the teeth with ferocious intent.

沫砕ドロスレッジLudroth Sudcrusher
== Ultimate Form == The coveted Ultimate Form of the Ludroth Bone Mace.


Ludroth Bone Mace LV1100
◯――Rare 1
Ludroth Bone Mace LV2120
◯――Rare 1
Ludroth Bone Mace LV3130
◯――Rare 1
Ludroth Bone Mace LV4150
◯――Rare 1
Ludroth Bone Maul LV5190
◯――Rare 1
Ludroth Bone Maul LV6220
◯◯―Rare 1
Ludroth Bone Maul LV7250
◯◯―Rare 1
Ludroth Sudcrusher LV8310
◯◯―Rare 1

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.