シルバースパルタカスSilver Spartacus
A Bowgun with the majesty of a Silver Rathalos. Varied features allow it to handle any situation.

朧銀の連弩Silver Semi-Auto
Final form of the Silver Spartacus. Any that see its silvery sun will never forget it.

銀輝のアストリオスSilver Astrurias
== Ultimate Form == The coveted Ultimate Form of the Silver Spartacus.


Silver Spartacus LV1210
Reload: Average
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: (None)
Nrm 6 6 9 Rcv 33 Fir 3
Prc 3 3 6 Psn 31 Wat 3
Pel 2 2 2 Par 31 Thn 0
Crg 1 1 1 Sle 00 Ice 3
Cls 1 1 1 Exh 00 Dra 0
Pierce S Lv1 [3/70力] 小
Demon S[1/5]
Armor S[1/5]
Force S Lv2[2/8]
Triblast S[1/5]
―――Rare 7
Silver Spartacus LV2220
Reload: Average
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: (None)
Nrm 7 6 9 Rcv 33 Fir 4
Prc 3 4 6 Psn 31 Wat 3
Pel 3 3 3 Par 31 Thn 0
Crg 1 1 1 Sle 00 Ice 3
Cls 1 1 1 Exh 00 Dra 0
Pierce S Lv1 [3/70力] 小
Demon S[1/5]
Armor S[1/5]
Force S Lv2[3/12]
Triblast S[1/5]
―――Rare 7
Silver Semi-Auto LV3230
Reload: Average
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: (None)
Nrm 8 6 9 Rcv 33 Fir 5
Prc 3 5 6 Psn 31 Wat 3
Pel 4 4 4 Par 31 Thn 0
Crg 1 1 1 Sle 00 Ice 3
Cls 1 1 1 Exh 00 Dra 0
Pierce S Lv1 [3/70力] 小
P.Flaming S Lv2 [3/70力] 中
Demon S[1/5]
Armor S[1/5]
Force S Lv2[3/15]
P.Flaming S Lv2[2/30]
Triblast S[1/5]
―――Rare 7
Silver Semi-Auto LV4320
Reload: Average
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: (None)
Nrm 8 7 9 Rcv 33 Fir 6
Prc 4 6 7 Psn 31 Wat 3
Pel 5 4 4 Par 31 Thn 0
Crg 1 1 1 Sle 00 Ice 3
Cls 1 1 1 Exh 00 Dra 0
Pierce S Lv1 [3/70力] 小
P.Flaming S Lv2 [3/70力] 中
Demon S[1/5]
Armor S[1/5]
Force S Lv2[3/18]
P.Flaming S Lv2[3/36]
Triblast S[1/6]
―――Rare 7
Silver Astrurias LV5350
Reload: Average
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: (None)
Nrm 8 7 9 Rcv 33 Fir 7
Prc 5 6 7 Psn 31 Wat 3
Pel 5 4 4 Par 31 Thn 0
Crg 1 1 1 Sle 00 Ice 3
Cls 1 1 1 Exh 00 Dra 0
Pierce S Lv1 [3/70力] 小
P.Flaming S Lv2 [3/70力] 中
Demon S[1/5]
Armor S[1/5]
Force S Lv2[4/21]
P.Flaming S Lv2[4/42]
Triblast S[1/6]
―――Rare 7

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