THEラグナロクLe Jugement
A Hammer whose head is pure Shagaru Magala material. The claw holding it never opens.

THEバースLa Naissance
The final form of Le Jugement. Casts the wicked into a pit of suffering for all eternity.

THEアースLa Terre
== Ultimate Form == The coveted Ultimate Form of the Le Jugement.


Le Jugement LV1120
Dra 18
◯――Rare 3
Le Jugement LV2130
Dra 19
◯――Rare 3
Le Jugement LV3140
Dra 20
◯――Rare 3
Le Jugement LV4150
Dra 21
◯――Rare 3
La Naissance LV5160
Dra 22
◯――Rare 3
La Naissance LV6220
Dra 25
◯――Rare 3
La Naissance LV7250
Dra 26
◯――Rare 3
La Terre LV8280
Dra 28
◯――Rare 3

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.