ロアルクロウRoyal Claw
A Sword made from Ludroth materials. Its sprays of water mesmerize monsters.

ロアルドスクロウRoyal Ludroth Claw
The Royal Claw's final form has a blade clad in a distinct watery film.

水刻ロアルドロスLudroth Hydrocutter
== Ultimate Form == The coveted Ultimate Form of the Royal Claw.


Royal Claw LV190
Wat 12
◯――Rare 2
Royal Claw LV2110
Wat 16
◯――Rare 2
Royal Claw LV3130
Wat 22
◯◯―Rare 2
Royal Claw LV4170
Wat 28
◯◯―Rare 2
Royal Ludroth Claw LV5200
Wat 36
◯◯―Rare 2
Royal Ludroth Claw LV6230
Wat 37
◯◯―Rare 2
Royal Ludroth Claw LV7250
Wat 38
◯◯―Rare 2
Ludroth Hydrocutter LV8290
Wat 40
◯◯◯Rare 2

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.