グランシャムシールGrand Shamshir
An eerie Chameleos blade used for hunting prey. Its swings leave a deadly miasma in their wake.

アミナスシャムシールForeboding Shamshir
The Grand Shamshir's final form. The last thing prey sees past a mist of poison.

イズトリヴァムシールDread Shamshir
== Ultimate Form == The coveted Ultimate Form of the Grand Shamshir.


Grand Shamshir LV1120
Psn 45
◯◯―Rare 3
Grand Shamshir LV2140
Psn 50
◯◯―Rare 3
Grand Shamshir LV3160
Psn 60
◯◯◯Rare 3
Foreboding Shamshir LV4170
Psn 66
◯◯◯Rare 3
Foreboding Shamshir LV5260
Psn 68
◯◯◯Rare 3
Dread Shamshir LV6290
Psn 70
◯◯◯Rare 3

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.