金獅子の尖爪Rajang Claw+

A sharp Rajang claw. Difficult to carve and more difficult to craft.

Rare 6Max Carry x99Sell Price 3,000zRajang LV2

容赦なき、金獅子相手に用心棒【Hub★7】The Hapless BodyguardHunt 1x230%
高難度:最後の招待状【Village★6】Advanced: The Golden Pair Reward1 x128%
高難度:最後の招待状【Village★6】Advanced: The Golden Pair Reward2 x127%
金獅子、砂上に咆哮す【Village★10】Howling Desert Reward1 x127%
金獅子、砂上に咆哮す【Village★10】Howling Desert Sub x127%
原生林からの救援要請【Village★10】Primal Forest Relief Reward1 x127%
原生林からの救援要請【Village★10】Primal Forest Relief Sub x127%
猿王伝説!【Hub★6】Legend of the Monkey King Reward1 x127%
猿王伝説!【Hub★6】Legend of the Monkey King Sub x127%
吹雪に立つ金獅子【Hub★6】The Rajang in the Snow Reward1 x127%
吹雪に立つ金獅子【Hub★6】The Rajang in the Snow Sub x127%
容赦なき、金獅子相手に用心棒【Hub★7】The Hapless Bodyguard Sub x127%
容赦なき、金獅子相手に用心棒【Hub★7】The Hapless Bodyguard Reward1 x127%
戦々恐々、最恐コンビ【Hub★7】You Bet Your Life Reward2 x127%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼10【Special Permit】Stonefist X: Hunt Sub x127%
破壊と滅亡の申し子【Hub★7】Child of Destruction Reward1 x120%
破壊と滅亡の申し子【Hub★7】Child of Destruction Sub x120%
月夜に出でし阿吽の雷撃【Hub★7】A Shock in the Dark Reward1 x120%
月夜に出でし阿吽の雷撃【Hub★7】A Shock in the Dark Reward2 x120%
双獅激天【Hub★1・DL】双獅激天 Reward1 x212%
双獅激天【Hub★1・DL】双獅激天 Reward2 x212%
狂気と破壊の化身【Hub★1・DL】狂気と破壊の化身 Reward2 x212%
金獅子の黒き覇気【Hub★7】Furious Fighting Spirit Reward1 x28%
怒髪に挑めと獰猛な横暴【Hub★1・DL】怒髪に挑めと獰猛な横暴 Reward1 x28%
Hunters for Hire
吹雪に立つ金獅子The Rajang in the SnowReward1x132%
吹雪に立つ金獅子The Rajang in the SnowReward2x132%
High RankラージャンRajangBody Carvex125%
High Rank激昂したラージャンFurious Rajang ⚠Body Carvex116%
High RankラージャンRajangCapturex116%
High Rank激昂したラージャンFurious Rajang ⚠Capturex112%
Meownster Hunters
High RankラージャンRajangx120%

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