怪鳥の翼膜Kut-Ku Webbing

Webbing from a Kut-Ku wing. Better than animal skin as a fusing material.

Rare 4Max Carry x99Sell Price 650zYian Kut-Ku LV1

古代林の大怪鳥【Village★3】Stomping Grounds Reward1 x114%
大怪鳥イャンクックを倒せ!【Village★3】Local Threat Reward1 x114%
大怪鳥イャンクックを倒せ!【Village★3】Local Threat Sub x114%
沼地の精算アイテム納品【Village★3】Marshlands Accounting Sub x114%
怪鳥達の運動会【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Yian Kut-Ku Reward1 x114%
大怪鳥イャンクックを倒せ!【Hub★1】Local Threat Reward1 x114%
大怪鳥イャンクックを倒せ!【Hub★1】Local Threat Sub x114%
草食竜と戯れて【Hub★2】Rocking Rhenoplos Sub x114%
ドス来い! 真夜中の古代林【Village★5】A Late Jurassic Excursion Reward1 x112%
怪鳥の頭部破壊に挑戦!【Village★5】Kut-Ku Earbreaker Reward1 x112%
怪鳥の憂鬱【Village★7】The Melancholy of Yian Kutku Reward1 x210%
怪鳥の憂鬱【Village★7】The Melancholy of Yian Kutku Sub x210%
森丘の怪【Village★7】Verdant Hill Monsters Reward1 x210%
遺跡の怪鳥、お邪魔もの【Hub★4】Ruining the Ruins Reward1 x210%
遺跡の怪鳥、お邪魔もの【Hub★4】Ruining the Ruins Sub x210%
迷惑な怪鳥と毒怪鳥【Hub★4】Birds of a Feather Reward1 x210%
Hunters for Hire
大怪鳥イャンクックを倒せ!Local ThreatReward1x115%
大怪鳥イャンクックを倒せ!Local ThreatReward2x114%
遺跡の怪鳥、お邪魔ものRuining the RuinsReward1x211%
遺跡の怪鳥、お邪魔ものRuining the RuinsReward2x210%
Low RankイャンクックYian Kut-KuBody Carvex115%
High RankイャンクックYian Kut-KuBody Carvex110%

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.