王者の冠羽Champion's Crest

Maccao males have decorative feathers, whose beauty is directly related to strength.

Rare 4Max Carry x99Sell Price 600zGreat Maccao LV1Maccao LV1Bird Wyvern LV1

超ビッグな狩猟依頼【Hub★1・DL】超ビッグな狩猟依頼 Reward1 x112%
挑発上手の跳狗竜【Village★7】Maccao Provocation Reward1 x110%
挑発上手の跳狗竜【Village★7】Maccao Provocation Sub x110%
飛んで跳ねて無我夢中【Village★8】The Bird and the Monkey Reward2 x110%
古代林の大運動会【Village★9】Frontier Athletic Meet Reward1 x110%
ドス来い! 遺跡平原の跳狗竜【Hub★4】Bag the Bounding Bandit Reward1 x110%
超☆メモ帳 ~跳狗竜狩猟編~【Hub★4】So Notable: Great Maccao Reward1 x110%
超☆メモ帳 ~跳狗竜狩猟編~【Hub★4】So Notable: Great Maccao Reward2 x110%
超☆メモ帳 ~跳狗竜狩猟編~【Hub★4】So Notable: Great Maccao Sub x110%
ドス来い! 真昼の古代林【Hub★3】An Early Jurassic Excursion Reward1 x18%
集いし強豪【Hub★4】A Powerful Team Reward1 x16%
モンハン部・ドスオールスター【Hub★1・DL】モンハン部・ドスオールスター Reward1 x16%
ドス来い! 真夜中の古代林【Village★5】A Late Jurassic Excursion Reward1 x15%
USJ・巨大斬竜との激闘【Hub・DL】USJ・巨大斬竜との激闘 Sub x15%
モンスターニャンター【Hub★7】Monster Prowler Reward1 x13%
SF・サイキョ―流入門試験【Hub★1・DL】SF・サイキョ―流入門試験 Reward1 x13%
Hunters for Hire
ドス来い! 遺跡平原の跳狗竜Bag the Bounding BanditReward2x18%
Low RankドスマッカォGreat MaccaoWound Headx170%
High RankドスマッカォGreat MaccaoWound Headx145%
High RankドスマッカォGreat MaccaoWound Headx225%
Low RankドスマッカォGreat MaccaoCapturex115%
High RankドスマッカォGreat MaccaoCapturex115%
Low RankドスマッカォGreat MaccaoWound Headx210%
G RankドスマッカォGreat MaccaoWound Headx210%

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