鎌蟹の堅殻Ceanataur Carap.

Harder than a Ceanataur Shell, this carapace is harder to work with.

Rare 6Max Carry x99Sell Price 2,160zCeanataur LV2

切り裂かれた誇り【Village★8】Shredded Pride Reward1 x1100%
沼地の恐怖体験【Village★8】Marshland Terrors Reward1 x1100%
炎の山の大将軍【Hub★5】Shogun in the Flames Reward1 x1100%
切り裂かれた誇り【Village★8】Shredded Pride Reward1 x112%
切り裂かれた誇り【Village★8】Shredded Pride Sub x112%
沼地の恐怖体験【Village★8】Marshland Terrors Reward1 x112%
炎の山の大将軍【Hub★5】Shogun in the Flames Reward1 x112%
炎の山の大将軍【Hub★5】Shogun in the Flames Sub x112%
【特殊許可】紫毒姫捕獲依頼7【Special Permit】Dreadqueen VII: Capture Sub x112%
攻究せよ、鎌持つショウグン【Hub★6】Bring On the Shogun Reward1 x110%
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切り裂かれた誇り【HubG★2】Shredded Pride Reward1 x28%
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鎌蟹の狩猟をさせてやるぜ!【HubG★2】Let Me at Him! ~Shogun~ Sub x28%
鎌蟹の狩猟をさせてやるぜ!【HubG★2】Let Me at Him! ~Shogun~ Reward1 x28%
【特殊許可】鎧裂捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Shredclaw G1: Capture Reward1 x28%
【特殊許可】鎧裂捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Shredclaw G1: Capture Sub x28%
【特殊許可】鎧裂狩猟依頼G2【Special Permit】Shredclaw G2: Hunt Reward1 x28%
【特殊許可】鎧裂狩猟依頼G2【Special Permit】Shredclaw G2: Hunt Sub x28%
火山の将軍・舞いし鎌【Hub★1・DL】火山の将軍・舞いし鎌 Reward1 x28%
グレート・ハンター・ゲーム【Hub★5】The Hunter Games Reward1 x26%
燃えたぎれ! 火山の熱闘!!【Hub★6】Firefight to the Finish! Reward1 x26%
【特殊許可】鎧裂狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Shredclaw G3: Hunt Reward1 x26%
【特殊許可】鎧裂狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Shredclaw G4: Hunt Reward1 x26%
【特殊許可】鎧裂狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Shredclaw G5: Hunt Reward1 x26%
【超特殊許可】鎧裂狩猟依頼【Special Permit】Shredclaw: Super Hunt Reward1 x26%
Hunters for Hire
炎の山の大将軍Shogun in the FlamesReward1x1100%
炎の山の大将軍Shogun in the FlamesReward2x1100%
炎の山の大将軍Shogun in the FlamesReward1x16%
炎の山の大将軍Shogun in the FlamesReward2x16%
炎の山の大将軍Shogun in the FlamesReward1x24%
炎の山の大将軍Shogun in the FlamesReward2x24%

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