ドラグライト鉱石Dragonite Ore

An ore that yields metal superior to that of Machalite. Rare and valuable.

Rare 4Max Carry x99Sell Price 480zOre LV1

溶岩獣を討伐せよ【Village★4】Rocking the Uroktor Reward2 x1100%
大鉱脈、発見さる!【Village★4】Great Ore Discovery Reward1 x1100%
大鉱脈、発見さる!【Village★4】Great Ore Discovery Reward2 x1100%
火山の精算アイテム納品【Village★4】Volcano Accounting Reward2 x1100%
ガミザミの群れを掃討せよ!【Hub★3】Crustacean Infestation Reward2 x1100%
燃石炭採掘指令【Hub★3】More Coal Please Reward2 x1100%
燃石炭採掘指令【Hub★3】More Coal Please Reward1 x1100%
大鉱脈、発見さる!【Village★4】Great Ore Discovery Sub x125%
燃石炭採掘指令【Hub★3】More Coal Please Sub x125%
古の霞龍、オオナズチ【Hub★3】The Elder Dragon of MistRepelx120%
古の霞龍、オオナズチ【Hub★3】The Elder Dragon of MistRepelx120%
大鉱脈、発見さる!【Village★4】Great Ore Discovery Reward1 x116%
燃石炭採掘指令【Hub★3】More Coal Please Reward1 x116%
はじける貝殻マネー【Village★8】Shell Money Reward1 x214%
燃石炭の納品【Hub★5】Close Coal Reward2 x112%
地底火山の精算アイテム納品【Hub★6】Volcanic Hollow Accounting Reward2 x112%
燃石炭の納品【Hub★5】Close Coal Reward1 x212%
落石注意!?【Hub★5】Tumbling Troublemaker Sub x212%
たんと掘れ燃石炭【Hub★6】Coal Hearted Reward1 x212%
心を燃やせ、燃石炭!【Hub★6】The Coal Still Burns Reward1 x212%
珍肥料を手に入れるのニャ!【Village★8】Get the Rare Fertilizers, Nya! Sub x211%
狩場の光はすべて虫【Village★9】Wonderful Lights Reward2 x110%
ルドロスの野次馬根性【Village★10】Pesky Ludroths Reward2 x110%
孤島の釣り合戦!【Hub★5】Fish On! Reward2 x110%
あっちっちなおとどけもの【Hub★1・DL】あっちっちなおとどけもの Reward1 x210%
ゲネポス行進曲【Village★7】March of the Genpreys Reward2 x29%
砂中から忍び寄る影【Village★7】Creeping Shadows Reward2 x29%
熱帯イチゴはカネの味?【Village★7】Taste like Money Reward2 x29%
竜の卵の納品・ディナー【Village★10】Egg Delivery ・ Dinner Reward2 x29%
奥様は白水晶がお好き【Hub★6】Quartz Rivalry Reward1 x29%
溶岩獣を討伐せよ【Village★4】Rocking the Uroktor Reward2 x18%
大鉱脈、発見さる!【Village★4】Great Ore Discovery Reward2 x18%
火山の精算アイテム納品【Village★4】Volcano Accounting Reward2 x18%
ガミザミの群れを掃討せよ!【Hub★3】Crustacean Infestation Reward2 x18%
燃石炭採掘指令【Hub★3】More Coal Please Reward2 x18%
ザザミソは隠し味【Village★4】The Secret Ingredient Reward2 x18%
ウロコトルと隠れんぼ【Village★5】Uroktor Hide 'n Seek Reward2 x18%
暗雲立ち込める火山帯【Village★5】Into the Volcano Reward2 x18%
熱いウロコと鋭いハサミ【Hub★3】Hot Scales & Sharp Pincers Reward2 x18%
ナイショのお仕事【Village★8】Secret Job Reward2 x28%
ニャンター、お使い再び【Village★7】Another Prowler Errand Reward2 x26%
美しき、遺群嶺【Village★8】Searching for Beauty Reward2 x26%
溶岩獣を討伐せよ【Village★4】Rocking the Uroktor Reward1 x25%
スカヴェンジャーズ軍団!【Hub★3】Scavengers United Reward2 x25%
ウロコトルと隠れんぼ【Village★5】Uroktor Hide 'n Seek Reward1 x25%
熱いウロコと鋭いハサミ【Hub★3】Hot Scales & Sharp Pincers Reward1 x23%
Hunters for Hire
燃石炭採掘指令More Coal PleaseReward1x1100%
燃石炭採掘指令More Coal PleaseReward2x1100%
燃石炭採掘指令More Coal PleaseReward1x116%
燃石炭採掘指令More Coal PleaseReward2x116%
燃石炭の納品Close CoalReward1x213%
燃石炭の納品Close CoalReward2x213%
最も危険な運び依頼Heat ExhaustionReward1x213%
最も危険な運び依頼Heat ExhaustionReward2x213%
スカヴェンジャーズ軍団!Scavengers UnitedReward1x23%
スカヴェンジャーズ軍団!Scavengers UnitedReward2x23%
High RankババコンガCongalalaShiny Dropx129%
High RankバサルモスBasariosBody Gatherx115%
Low RankオオナズチChameleosTail Carvex15%
Low RankオオナズチChameleosShiny Dropx15%
High RankゲリョスGypcerosWound Headx26%
Low Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area8 2〜3 x115%
Low Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area3 2〜3 x110%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea2 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea3 20% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea3 80% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea4 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea5 20% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea5 80% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea8 20% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea8 80% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea10 60% 4〜6 x120%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea10 40% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea11 2〜3 x130%
Low Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea4 35% 2〜4 x135%
Low Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea4 2〜4 x130%
Low Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea6 3〜4 x130%
Low Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea7 20% 2〜3 x135%
Low Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea7 35% 2〜3 x135%
Low Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea7 30% 2〜3 x135%
Low Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea7 3〜4 x130%
Low Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea7 3〜4 x130%
Low Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea7 2〜3 x130%
Low Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea8 20% 2〜3 x135%
Low Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea9 2〜4 x130%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea3 4〜4 x115%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea3 65% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea7 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea8 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea8 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 60% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea1 1〜1 x120%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea2 1〜1 x120%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea3 1〜1 x120%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea3 70% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea3 30% 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea3 4〜6 x15%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea4 4〜6 x120%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea4 4〜6 x15%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea5 1〜1 x120%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea6 70% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea6 30% 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea9 1〜1 x120%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea10 4〜6 x120%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea11 2〜3 x130%
Low Rank密林JungleArea1 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank密林JungleArea4 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank密林JungleArea7 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank密林JungleArea7 70% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank密林JungleArea7 30% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank密林JungleArea7 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank密林JungleArea8 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank密林JungleArea8 70% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank密林JungleArea8 30% 3〜5 x110%
Low Rank密林JungleArea9 70% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank密林JungleArea9 30% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area3 80% 3〜5 x125%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area3 80% 3〜5 x125%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area3 20% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area3 20% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area5 70% 3〜5 x125%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area5 30% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area7 70% 3〜5 x125%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area7 30% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area8 80% 3〜5 x125%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area8 2〜3 x115%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area8 20% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area9 4〜6 x130%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area9 80% 3〜5 x125%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area9 20% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area11 80% 3〜5 x125%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area11 20% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area5 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area5 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area5 3〜5 x110%
High Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area5 30% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area5 30% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area6 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area6 3〜5 x112%
High Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area6 30% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area9 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area9 30% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area11 2〜4 x117%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area2 4〜6 x120%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area2 80% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area2 20% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area3 20% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area3 80% 4〜6 x110%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area4 4〜6 x120%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area4 20% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area4 80% 4〜6 x110%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area5 80% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area5 20% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area6 20% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area6 80% 4〜6 x110%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area8 4〜8 x112%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area2 4〜6 x115%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area2 80% 3〜5 x112%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area2 20% 4〜6 x110%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area3 2〜3 x110%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area4 80% 3〜5 x112%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area4 20% 4〜6 x110%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area6 80% 3〜5 x112%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area6 20% 4〜6 x110%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area8 4〜6 x120%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area8 80% 3〜5 x112%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area8 20% 4〜6 x110%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea1 80% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea1 20% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea4 3〜5 x115%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea4 80% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea4 3〜5 x110%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea4 80% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea4 20% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea4 20% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea6 3〜5 x110%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea7 80% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea7 3〜5 x110%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea7 20% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea8 80% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea8 20% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea10 3〜5 x115%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea3 4〜6 x112%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea3 80% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea3 20% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea7 80% 4〜6 x120%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea7 4〜6 x115%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea7 80% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea7 20% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea7 20% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea9 80% 4〜6 x120%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea9 4〜6 x110%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea9 20% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea2 3〜5 x115%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea3 80% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea3 20% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea4 3〜5 x115%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea5 80% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea5 20% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea6 4〜6 x120%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea8 80% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea8 20% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea10 40% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea10 60% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea11 2〜3 x130%
High Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea4 35% 2〜4 x135%
High Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea4 2〜4 x130%
High Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea6 3〜4 x130%
High Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea7 20% 2〜3 x135%
High Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea7 35% 2〜3 x135%
High Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea7 30% 2〜3 x135%
High Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea7 3〜4 x130%
High Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea7 3〜4 x130%
High Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea7 2〜3 x130%
High Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea8 20% 2〜3 x135%
High Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea9 2〜4 x130%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea3 4〜4 x115%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea3 65% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea7 3〜5 x115%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea8 3〜5 x115%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea8 3〜5 x115%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 60% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea1 1〜1 x120%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea2 1〜1 x120%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea3 1〜1 x120%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea3 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea3 30% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea3 4〜6 x15%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea4 4〜6 x120%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea4 4〜6 x15%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea5 1〜1 x120%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea6 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea6 30% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea9 1〜1 x120%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea10 4〜6 x120%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea11 2〜3 x130%
High Rank密林JungleArea1 3〜5 x115%
High Rank密林JungleArea4 3〜5 x120%
High Rank密林JungleArea7 3〜5 x120%
High Rank密林JungleArea7 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank密林JungleArea7 30% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank密林JungleArea7 3〜5 x115%
High Rank密林JungleArea8 3〜5 x115%
High Rank密林JungleArea8 70% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank密林JungleArea8 30% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank密林JungleArea9 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank密林JungleArea9 30% 3〜5 x120%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area3 3〜5 x215%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area3 80% 3〜5 x215%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area3 80% 3〜5 x215%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area5 70% 3〜5 x215%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area7 70% 3〜5 x215%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area8 80% 3〜5 x215%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area9 80% 3〜5 x215%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area11 80% 3〜5 x215%
G Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area5 3〜5 x210%
G Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area5 70% 3〜5 x210%
G Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area5 70% 3〜5 x210%
G Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area6 3〜5 x210%
G Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area6 70% 3〜5 x210%
G Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area9 70% 3〜5 x210%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area2 4〜6 x215%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area2 80% 4〜6 x215%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area3 80% 4〜6 x210%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area4 4〜6 x215%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area4 80% 4〜6 x210%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area5 80% 4〜6 x215%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area6 80% 4〜6 x210%
G Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea4 2〜4 x215%
G Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea7 3〜4 x215%
G Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea7 3〜4 x215%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea1 1〜1 x210%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea2 1〜1 x210%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea3 70% 3〜5 x220%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea3 1〜1 x210%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea3 4〜6 x25%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea4 4〜6 x210%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea4 4〜6 x25%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea5 1〜1 x210%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea6 70% 3〜5 x220%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea9 1〜1 x210%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea10 4〜6 x210%
Meownster Hunters
Low RankVolcanoStoneNormalx140%
High RankForestStoneRare x230%
Low RankVolcanoStoneRare x230%
High RankForestStoneNormalx110%
High RankTundraStoneNormalx110%
High RankTundraStoneRare x210%
G RankTundraStoneNormalx210%
G RankTundraStoneRare x410%

Dual BladesGlutton's Tools LV1 x4
Dual BladesDaora Blades LV1 x1
Dual BladesDual Hatchets LV1Key x5
Dual BladesMorning Dawn LV1 x5
Dual BladesTwin Bolts LV1 x5
Dual BladesZakun Twins LV1 x4
Dual BladesQornu Waga LV1 x2
Dual BladesWycademy Blades LV1 x5
Charge BladeBlackguard LV1Key x5
Charge BladeGuardian Blade LV1 x5
Charge BladeCuddly Cat LV1 x1
Charge BladePizzaxe LV1 x4
Charge BladeChameleos C. Blade LV1 x1
Charge BladeMizuniya Drill LV1 x5
Charge BladeAxela Blade LV1 x5
Charge BladeMandible Blade LV1 x2
Insect GlaiveAcorn Rod LV1 x4
Insect GlaiveSturdy Glaive LV1 x5
Insect GlaiveFox Halberd LV1 x5
Insect GlaiveAstalos Cudgel LV1 x5
Hunting HornFool's Harp LV1 x4
Hunting HornPoetic Bell LV1 x5
Hunting HornEmerald Flap LV1 x5
Hunting HornBlessed Ocarina LV1 x5
Heavy BowgunLunastra's Zeal LV1 x3
Heavy BowgunSayyad Cannon LV1 x5
Heavy BowgunTigrex Howl LV1 x5
Heavy BowgunDaora's Delphinidae LV1 x4
Heavy BowgunAquamatic "Needler" LV1 x6
Light BowgunScale Tornado LV1 x5
Light BowgunVeiled Bell LV1 x5
Light BowgunEldra Musket LV1 x5
Light BowgunGrenade Launcher LV1 x6
Long SwordCheese Knife LV1 x4
Long SwordGuardian Sword LV1Key x5
Long SwordKakaru Kumo Naki LV1 x5
Long SwordWyvern Blade "Beryl" LV1 x5
Long SwordCanine Katana LV1 x8
Great SwordEl Dora Blade LV1 x5
Great SwordRavager Blade LV1Key x5
Great SwordHalberd LV1Key x5
Great SwordHanayako Yohino LV1 x5
Great SwordVerdant Wing LV1 x5
Sword & ShieldEldora Closure LV1 x5
Sword & ShieldHana no Nagoriwo LV1 x5
Sword & ShieldVerdant Rapier LV1 x5
Sword & ShieldNaab Sword LV1 x3
Sword & ShieldFloral Seif LV1 x3
HammerBlack Frying Pan LV1 x4
HammerPurity Hammer LV1 x5
HammerEmerald Beater LV1 x5
HammerMatraca Hammer LV1 x4
HammerIron Striker LV1 x10
HammerCrystal Rock LV1 x10
LancePaladin Lance LV1Key x5
LanceAcrus Lance LV1 x5
LanceHana mo Hana Nare LV1 x5
LanceVerdant Tail LV1 x5
LanceSquire Spear LV1 x10
BowProminence Bow LV1 x2
BowArca Raptora LV1 x5
Switch AxeGrim Cat LV1 x1
Switch AxeGouda Axe LV1 x4
Switch AxePower Gasher LV1 x5
Switch AxeFond Farewell LV1 x5
Switch AxeVoltaic Axe LV1 x5
Switch AxeAksa Switch LV1 x3
Switch AxeWycademy Axe LV1 x5
Switch AxeUnsolved Axe LV1 x3
GunlanceStriker's Gunlance LV1Key x4
GunlanceTeostra Gunlance LV1 x1
GunlanceUkiyo no Yamiwo LV1 x5
GunlanceVerdant Rook LV1 x5
GunlanceWycademy Gunlance LV1 x5
Dual BladesPetrified Daggers LV5x2
Dual BladesObsidian Daggers LV1x5
Dual BladesTwin Chainsaws LV2x6
Dual BladesType 51 Macerators LV2x5
Dual BladesTwin Daggers LV4x2
Dual BladesTwin Daggers LV6x4
Dual BladesDual Daggers LV9x6
Dual BladesHurricane LV2x5
Dual BladesHurricane LV5x30
Dual BladesDual Hatchets LV1x4
Dual BladesSworn Rapiers LV1x5
Dual BladesKhezu Daggers LV2x6
Dual BladesCerulean Axes LV3x4
Dual BladesSnow Slicers LV2x6
Charge BladePetrified Strongarm LV5x2
Charge BladeObsidian Strongarm LV1x5
Charge BladeType 31 Wyvernslayer LV2x5
Charge BladeElite Blade LV4x5
Charge BladeBlackguard LV1x3
Charge BladeRogue Axe LV3x2
Charge BladeSnowy Veil LV2x5
Charge BladeVaik Veil LV2x5
Insect GlaivePetrified Rod LV5x2
Insect GlaiveObsidian Rod LV1x5
Insect GlaiveIron Bayonet LV4x2
Insect GlaiveArcane Strike LV2x4
Insect GlaiveSturdy Glaive LV2x5
Hunting HornPetrified Horn LV5x2
Hunting HornObsidian Horn LV1x5
Hunting HornIron Horn LV4x3
Hunting HornValkyrie Chordmaker LV1x5
Hunting HornHeavy Bagpipe LV1x10
Hunting HornType 63 Warmonica LV2x5
Hunting HornBull Grunt LV4x5
Hunting HornZurogong Primo LV4x10
Hunting HornStriped Dragonga LV1x8
Hunting HornBrazengaita LV1x3
Hunting HornBherna Chime LV2x5
Hunting HornAzumand Wind LV2x5
Heavy BowgunPetrified Cannon LV4x2
Heavy BowgunObsidian Cannon LV1x5
Heavy BowgunSand Diver LV4x3
Heavy BowgunArbalest LV5x4
Heavy BowgunTankmage LV2x4
Heavy BowgunInjector Cannon LV2x4
Heavy BowgunMeteor Bazooka LV3x7
Heavy BowgunMeteor Bazooka LV4x15
Heavy BowgunMeteor Buster LV1x10
Heavy BowgunType 46 Gunflage LV2x3
Heavy BowgunUsurper's Tremor LV1x3
Heavy BowgunMoofire Cannon LV2x3
Heavy BowgunYukumo Bowgun LV2x3
Light BowgunPetrified Shooter LV5x2
Light BowgunObsidian Shooter LV1x5
Light BowgunHunter's Rifle LV4x5
Light BowgunDurambarrel LV1x5
Light BowgunCross Bowgun LV5x3
Light BowgunCross Bowgun LV6x3
Light BowgunYakt Shooter LV1x3
Light BowgunYukumo Light Bowgun LV2x3
Long SwordPetrified Saber LV5x2
Long SwordObsidian Saber LV1x5
Long SwordGuardian Sword LV1x3
Long SwordIron Katana LV4x3
Long SwordIron Katana LV5x5
Long SwordIron Katana LV6x5
Long SwordEager Cleaver LV2x4
Long SwordEager Cleaver LV3x7
Long SwordThunderclap LV1x5
Long SwordRimeblossom LV2x5
Long SwordSerrated Jaw LV6x10
Long SwordArzuros Naginata LV2x5
Long SwordWindeater LV2x6
Long SwordMoofah Staff LV2x5
Great SwordPetrified Blade LV5x2
Great SwordObsidian Blade LV1x5
Great SwordHalberd LV1x3
Great SwordType 41 Wyvernator LV2x5
Great SwordDefender LV3x5
Great SwordIron Sword LV4x5
Great SwordIron Sword LV6x5
Great SwordRavager Blade LV1x3
Great SwordRavager Blade LV3x6
Great SwordBuster Sword LV2x3
Great SwordBuster Sword LV5x10
Great SwordChrome Razor LV1x10
Great SwordExecutioner LV1x5
Great SwordRed Stripe LV2x4
Great SwordVulcanis LV2x6
Sword & ShieldPetrified Sword LV5x2
Sword & ShieldObsidian Sword LV1x5
Sword & ShieldFrost Edge LV2x3
Sword & ShieldHunter's Knife LV4x3
Sword & ShieldHunter's Knife LV6x4
Sword & ShieldHunter's Dagger LV2x5
Sword & ShieldBone Kris LV4x1
Sword & ShieldTusk Gear LV2x6
Sword & ShieldKitchen Knife LV2x5
Sword & ShieldFloral Seif LV2x5
HammerPetrified Hammer LV5x2
HammerObsidian Hammer LV1x5
HammerFist of Fury LV1x10
HammerGreat Nova LV1x5
HammerType 42 Shellbuster LV2x5
HammerIron Hammer LV4x4
HammerIron Hammer LV5x6
HammerIron Hammer LV7x8
HammerAnvil Hammer LV1x6
HammerAnvil Hammer LV3x20
HammerWar Hammer LV2x2
HammerWar Basher LV4x15
HammerGun Hammer LV1x6
HammerSpiked Hammer LV5x12
HammerSpiked Hammer LV6x22
HammerFrozen Core LV2x5
HammerCyclo-Hammer LV2x5
HammerGaiarch LV2x6
HammerAnchor Hammer LV2x20
LancePetrified Lance LV5x2
LanceObsidian Lance LV1x5
LanceIron Lance LV4x3
LanceIron Lance LV6x5
LanceEstoc LV1x5
LancePaladin Lance LV1x3
LanceGrowling Wyvern LV2x15
LanceThane Lance LV3x5
LanceSteel Knight's Pike LV1x5
LanceSteel Knight's Pike LV2x10
LanceDrill Lance LV2x4
LanceDrill Lance LV3x7
LanceType 43 Dragonlance LV2x5
LanceBone Lance LV4x5
LanceBlue Crater LV2x6
LanceFrontrider Lance LV2x5
LanceFragrance LV2x4
LancePlegis Needle LV2x5
BowPetrified Bow LV4x2
BowObsidian Bow LV1x5
BowArko Nulo (Y) LV3x3
BowHunter's Stoutbow LV4x3
BowYekla Arc LV1x10
BowKhezu Bow LV2x3
BowHunter's Bow LV4x3
BowYukumo Bow LV2x3
Switch AxePetrified Axe LV5x2
Switch AxeObsidian Axe LV1x5
Switch AxeArzuros Axe LV2x5
Switch AxeIron Axe LV4x3
Switch AxeAraxxis LV9x12
Switch AxeElite Switch Axe LV1x5
Switch AxeGeneral's Strongaxe LV1x15
Switch AxeThe Shredder LV2x5
Switch AxeBone Axe LV4x5
Switch AxeVavoom Axe LV1x5
Switch AxeRough Edge LV2x6
Switch AxeArctic Ledge LV2x4
GunlancePetrified Gunlance LV5x2
GunlanceObsidian Gunlance LV1x5
GunlanceLagomberator LV2x5
GunlanceLagomberator LV4x10
GunlanceIron Gunlance LV4x3
GunlanceStriker's Gunlance LV1x3
GunlanceStriker's Gunlance LV2x12
GunlanceGeneral's Arbalance LV1x12
GunlanceType 62 Stormlance LV2x5
GunlanceGenenam Lance LV3x5
Derring Headgear LV1 x2
Derring Jacket LV1 x2
Derring Gloves LV1 x2
Derring Belt LV1 x2
Derring Trousers LV1 x2
Ingot Helm LV1Key x2
Ingot Mail LV1Key x4
Ingot Vambraces LV1Key x2
Ingot Coil LV1Key x4
Ingot Greaves LV1Key x3
Ingot Cap LV1Key x2
Ingot Vest LV1Key x4
Ingot Guards LV1Key x2
Ingot Coat LV1Key x4
Ingot Leggings LV1Key x3
High Metal Helm LV1Key x2
High Metal Mail LV1Key x2
High Metal Braces LV1Key x3
High Metal Tassets LV1Key x2
High Metal Greaves LV1Key x3
High Metal Cap LV1Key x2
High Metal Vest LV1Key x2
High Metal Guards LV1Key x3
High Metal Coat LV1Key x2
High Metal Leggings LV1Key x3
Metal Boots LV1Key x3
Metal Feet LV1Key x3
Uroktor Torso LV1 x2
Uroktor Vest LV1 x2
Velociprey Head LV1 x2
Velociprey Body LV1 x2
Velociprey Claws LV1 x2
Velociprey Feet LV1 x2
Velociprey Mask LV1 x2
Velociprey Suit LV1 x2
Velociprey Gloves LV1 x2
Velociprey Tights LV1 x2
Remobra Suit LV1 x2
Remobra Gloves LV1 x2
Remobra Feet LV1 x2
Remobra Wear LV1 x2
Remobra Hands LV1 x2
Remobra Tights LV1 x2
Volvidon Helm LV1 x4
Volvidon Cap LV1 x4
Rathian Helm LV1 x3
Rathian Braces LV1 x3
Rathian Cap LV1 x3
Rathian Guards LV1 x3
Artian Mail LV1 x4
Artian Vest LV1 x4
Uragaan Helm LV1 x3
Uragaan Cap LV1 x3
Rathalos Helm LV1 x3
Rathalos Braces LV1 x3
Rathalos Cap LV1 x3
Rathalos Guards LV1 x3
Lagiacrus Helm LV1 x4
Lagiacrus Braces LV1 x4
Lagiacrus Faulds LV1 x4
Lagiacrus Cap LV1 x4
Lagiacrus Guards LV1 x4
Lagiacrus Coat LV1 x4
Astalos Greaves LV1 x5
Astalos Leggings LV1 x5
Glavenus Mail LV1 x4
Glavenus Vest LV1 x4
Gore Braces LV1 x5
Gore Guards LV1 x5
Tigrex Greaves LV1 x2
Tigrex Leggings LV1 x2
Brachydios Greaves LV1 x5
Brachydios Leggings LV1 x5
Arc Vambraces LV1 x3
Storge Braces LV1 x3
Arc Guards LV1 x3
Storge Guards LV1 x3
Kushala Glare LV1 x4
Kushala Cista LV1 x2
Kushala Crus LV1 x3
Kushala Snarl LV1 x4
Kushala Vise LV1 x2
Kushala Shank LV1 x3
Guild Bard Lobos LV1 x3
Guild Bard Bolero LV1 x3
Guild Bard Braces LV1 x3
Guild Bard Coil LV1 x3
Guild Bard Boots LV1 x3
Guild Bard Hat LV1 x3
Guild Bard Vest LV1 x3
Guild Bard Sleeves LV1 x3
Guild Bard Coat LV1 x3
Guild Bard Gaiters LV1 x3
Chainmail Armor S LV1 x1
Chainmail Faulds S LV1 x1
Chainmail Vest S LV1 x1
Chainmail Coat S LV1 x1
Hunter's Faulds S LV1 x5
Hunter's Greaves S LV1 x3
Hunter's Coat S LV1 x5
Hunter's Leggings S LV1 x3
Hunter's Helm R LV1 x10
Hunter's Braces R LV1 x10
Hunter's Greaves R LV1 x10
Hunter's Cap R LV1 x10
Hunter's Guards R LV1 x10
Hunter's Leggings R LV1 x10
Silver Metal Boots LV1 x8
Silver Feet LV1 x8
Trapper's Gauntlets S LV1 x5
Trapper's Shinguards S LV1 x5
Trapper's Gloves S LV1 x5
Trapper's Boots S LV1 x5
Jaggi Faulds S LV1 x4
Jaggi Greaves S LV1 x4
Jaggi Coat S LV1 x4
Jaggi Leggings S LV1 x4
Maccao Faulds S LV1 x5
Maccao Coat S LV1 x5
Velociprey Mail S LV1 x4
Velociprey Braces S LV1 x2
Velociprey Vest S LV1 x4
Velociprey Guards S LV1 x2
Giaprey Faulds S LV1 x4
Giaprey Coat S LV1 x4
Genprey Greaves S LV1 x5
Genprey Leggings S LV1 x5
Ioprey Tassets S LV1 x6
Ioprey Coat S LV1 x6
Konchu Braces S LV1 x1
Konchu Guards S LV1 x1
Cephalos Tassets S LV1 x8
Cephalos Coat S LV1 x8
Hermitaur Greaves S LV1 x4
Hermitaur Leggings S LV1 x4
Volvidon Vambraces S LV1 x5
Volvidon Guards S LV1 x5
Conga Greaves LV1 x4
Conga Leggings LV1 x4
Alloy Helm S LV1 x5
Alloy Coil S LV1 x5
Alloy Cap S LV1 x5
Alloy Coat S LV1 x5
Battle Mail S LV1 x4
Battle Vambraces S LV1 x4
Battle Greaves S LV1 x3
Battle Vest S LV1 x4
Battle Guards S LV1 x4
Battle Leggings S LV1 x3
Ingot Helm S LV1 x3
Ingot Mail S LV1 x5
Ingot Vambraces S LV1 x15
Ingot Greaves S LV1 x3
Ingot Cap S LV1 x3
Ingot Vest S LV1 x5
Ingot Guards S LV1 x15
Ingot Leggings S LV1 x3
High Metal Braces S LV1 x10
High Metal Greaves S LV1 x10
High Metal Guards S LV1 x10
High Metal Leggings S LV1 x10
High Metal Greaves U LV1 x5
High Metal Leggings U LV1 x5
Basarios Helm LV1 x5
Basarios Mail LV1 x5
Basarios Tassets LV1 x3
Basarios Greaves LV1 x5
Basarios Cap LV1 x5
Basarios Vest LV1 x5
Basarios Coat LV1 x3
Basarios Leggings LV1 x5
Malfestio Mail S LV1 x5
Malfestio Faulds S LV1 x5
Malfestio Vest S LV1 x5
Malfestio Coat S LV1 x5
Khezu Helm S LV1 x8
Khezu Cap S LV1 x8
Plesioth Greaves LV1 x5
Plesioth Leggings LV1 x5
Artian Helm S LV1 x4
Artian Braces S LV1 x9
Artian Greaves S LV1 x9
Artian Cap S LV1 x4
Artian Guards S LV1 x9
Artian Leggings S LV1 x9
Mizutsune Greaves S LV1 x6
Mizutsune Leggings S LV1 x6
Glavenus Helm S LV1 x8
Glavenus Cap S LV1 x8
Brachydios Greaves S LV1 x10
Brachy Leggings S LV1 x10
Chainmail Armor X LV1 x5
Chainmail Faulds X LV1 x5
Chainmail Greaves X LV1 x5
Chainmail Vest X LV1 x5
Chainmail Coat X LV1 x5
Chainmail Leggings X LV1 x5
Hunter's Mail XR LV1 x15
Hunter's Faulds XR LV1 x15
Hunter's Vest XR LV1 x15
Hunter's Coat XR LV1 x15
Alloy Mail X LV1 x7
Alloy Vambraces X LV1 x7
Alloy Vest X LV1 x7
Alloy Guards X LV1 x7
High Metal Mail X LV1 x10
High Metal Tassets X LV1 x10
High Metal Vest X LV1 x10
High Metal Coat X LV1 x10
Velociprey Greaves X LV1 x4
Velociprey Leggings X LV1 x4
Vespoid Mail X LV1 x2
Vespoid Vest X LV1 x2
Lavasioth Vambraces X LV1 x4
Lavasioth Guards X LV1 x4
GX Lavasioth Greaves LV1 x10
GX Lavasioth Leggings LV1 x10
Hiryu Sky Belt LV1 x8
Hiryu Land Belt LV1 x8
Guild Bard Lobos LV4x2
Guild Bard Bolero LV4x2
Guild Bard Braces LV4x2
Guild Bard Coil LV4x2
Guild Bard Boots LV4x2
Guild Bard Hat LV4x2
Guild Bard Vest LV4x2
Guild Bard Sleeves LV4x2
Guild Bard Coat LV4x2
Guild Bard Gaiters LV4x2

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.