ランポスの鱗Velociprey Scale

A scale obtained by carving up a Velociprey. Blue and black in color.

Rare 4Max Carry x99Sell Price 40zVelociprey LV1Bird Wyvern LV1

ドスランポスを狩猟せよ!【Village★2】Hunt Down the Velocidrome! Sub x220%
ランポスたちを討伐せよ!【Village★2】Slay the Velociprey! Reward1 x220%
狡猾な襲撃者たち【Village★3】Farming Frustrations Reward1 x220%
狡猾な襲撃者たち【Hub★1】Farming Frustrations Reward1 x220%
ドスランポスを狩猟せよ!【Village★2】Hunt Down the Velocidrome! Reward1 x210%
森のファンゴたち【Village★2】Bullfango Tango Sub x210%
森丘の精算アイテム納品【Village★2】Verdant Hills Accounting Sub x210%
森丘の静寂を守るのニャ!!【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Velocidrome Reward1 x210%
ドスランポスを狩猟せよ!【Hub★1】Hunt Down the Velocidrome! Reward1 x210%
ドスランポスを狩猟せよ!【Hub★1】Hunt Down the Velocidrome! Sub x210%
狡猾な襲撃者たち【Hub★1】Farming Frustrations Sub x210%
無謀な弟子の、後始末【Hub★2】Finishing the Job Reward1 x210%
無謀な弟子の、後始末【Hub★2】Finishing the Job Reward2 x210%
【特殊許可】紫毒姫捕獲依頼2【Special Permit】Dreadqueen II: Capture Sub x210%
ドスランポスを狩猟せよ!【Village★2】Hunt Down the Velocidrome! Sub x47%
ランポスたちを討伐せよ!【Village★2】Slay the Velociprey! Reward1 x47%
狡猾な襲撃者たち【Village★3】Farming Frustrations Reward1 x47%
狡猾な襲撃者たち【Hub★1】Farming Frustrations Reward1 x47%
青と緑の波状包囲網【Village★6】Surrounded by Blue and Green Reward1 x24%
Hunters for Hire
ドスランポスを狩猟せよ!Hunt Down the Velocidrome!Reward1x210%
ドスランポスを狩猟せよ!Hunt Down the Velocidrome!Reward2x210%
Low RankランポスVelocipreyBody Carvex129%
Low RankドスランポスVelocidromeBody Carvex115%
Meownster Hunters
Low RankドスランポスVelocidromex220%

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.