身も凍るクチバシHeart-stopping Beak

The Najarala's unique beak. Fangs inside it neutralize prey in ghastly fashion.

Rare 9Max Carry x99Sell Price 9,600zNajarala LV3

Dual BladesKirin Bolts LV6x1
Dual BladesDual KutkuKutku LV9x2
Insect GlaiveParalyzing Vine LV8x1
Hunting HornDangerous Haar LV6x1
Hunting HornPara Calamity LV6x2
Heavy BowgunRavager Blast LV6x1
Light BowgunYukumo Spiritshot LV4x1
Light BowgunBlizzard Volley LV4x1
Long SwordCoiled Rack Nail LV7x1
Long SwordParacoiled Saber LV4x1
Long SwordSquawkscythe LV6x2
Great SwordMedjed Skraga LV8x1
Sword & ShieldParaspiked Rondo LV8x1
LanceWhirligig Crawler LV7x1
LanceParatwist Crawler LV4x2
Switch AxeFlick Angriff LV7x1
Switch AxeParaflick Axe LV4x1
Switch AxeHellish Edge LV6x2

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