カラ骨Bone Husk

Used as a bone ammo casing. Produces sturdier results than a Huskberry.

Rare 2Max Carry x99Sell Price 3z

狡猾な襲撃者たち【Village★3】Farming Frustrations Sub x1222%
ぽかぽかレスキュー隊出動!【Village★3】Sunsnug Isle Rescue! Reward2 x1222%
厄介者のドスゲネポス【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Gendrome Reward2 x1222%
森丘の静寂を守るのニャ!!【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Velocidrome Reward2 x1222%
ドスイーオスのリーダー争い【Village★5】Hunt-a-thon: Iodrome Reward2 x1222%
2対の麻痺牙【Hub★2】The Poison-fanged Duo Sub x1222%
ドスイーオスの毒牙【Hub★2】Poisonous Pest Reward2 x1222%
跳狗竜の頭部破壊に挑戦!【Village★4】Great Maccao Headbreaker Reward2 x1221%
疾走するドスランポス【Village★7】Quick and Nimble Reward2 x1221%
冷血なるドスギアノス!【Village★8】Cold Blooded Raptors! Reward2 x1221%
絢爛豪華な武闘会【Hub★2】A Resplendent Dance Reward2 x1221%
炎天下の麻痺牙【Hub★5】Under the Blazing Sun Reward2 x1221%
夜鳥の頭部破壊に挑戦!【Hub★6】Malfestio Headbreaker Reward2 x1221%
災厄の使者【Village★5】Envoy to Disaster Reward1 x1016%
スカヴェンジャーズ軍団!【Hub★3】Scavengers United Reward1 x1016%
悠久が眠る竜琥珀【Village★1】Due for Dragon Amber Sub x515%
砂漠の恵みの納品依頼【Village★2】Birthday Berries Sub x515%
鬼面狩人を威す【Village★3】Tusked Tantrum Reward2 x1215%
古代林の大怪鳥【Village★3】Stomping Grounds Reward2 x1215%
古代林のトレジャー! 蛙の巻【Village★3】Jurassic Treasure: The Frog Reward2 x1215%
砂上のテーブルマナー【Village★3】The Desert Gourmand Reward2 x1215%
大怪鳥イャンクックを倒せ!【Village★3】Local Threat Reward2 x1215%
雪のちウルクスス【Village★3】Snow with Occasional Lagombi Reward2 x1215%
雪山に潜む影【Village★3】The Shadow in the Mountains Reward2 x1215%
ロアルドロスを狩猟せよ!【Village★3】Royal Spit Take Reward2 x1215%
強襲する孤島の水流!【Village★3】Current Events Reward2 x1215%
毒怪鳥ゲリョスを追え!【Village★3】Robbed Blind Reward2 x1215%
幻惑の魔術師【Village★4】The Nocturnal Enchanter Reward2 x1215%
古代林のトレジャー! 虫の巻【Village★4】Jurassic Treasure: The Bug Reward2 x1215%
怪鳥達の運動会【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Yian Kut-Ku Reward2 x1215%
雪山の主、ドドブランゴ【Village★4】The New Tenant Reward2 x1215%
月光アイスダンス【Village★4】Lagombi Lair Sub x1215%
孤島の鳥【Village★4】Island Menace Reward2 x1215%
鬼達も引っくりかえる晩餐?【Village★4】Deviled Legs Sub x1215%
落石注意!?【Village★4】Tumbling Troublemaker Reward2 x1215%
白昼のブルファンゴ討伐【Village★5】Behind Closed Ores Reward2 x1215%
不眠のあなたに催眠療法【Hub★2】Insomnia? Meet Hypnotism Reward2 x1215%
赤甲獣ラングロトラ現る!【Hub★2】Walk 'n Roll Reward2 x1215%
砂上のテーブルマナー【Hub★2】The Desert Gourmand Reward2 x1215%
マジヤベェ! 舌!【Hub★2】Tongue-Tied Reward2 x1215%
ガララアジャラの狩猟【Hub★2】Najarala Hunt Reward2 x1215%
失われた黒狼を求めて【Hub★2】In Search of the Yian Garuga Reward2 x1215%
雪山に潜む影【Hub★2】The Shadow in the Mountains Reward2 x1215%
雪山の主、ドドブランゴ【Hub★2】The New Tenant Reward2 x1215%
研究サンプル捕獲作戦【Hub★2】Operation: Secure Specimen Reward2 x1215%
女王、降臨す【Hub★2】Royal Assassination Reward2 x1215%
夜鳥の鱗粉を掻い潜れ【Hub★2】Malfestio Festival Reward2 x1215%
疾風の迅竜【Hub★2】Wyvern of the Wind Reward2 x1215%
馬力、怪力、テツカブラ!【Hub★2】Tetsucabra Bounty Reward2 x1215%
孤島の相撲大会!【Hub★2】Deserted Island Dustup Sub x1215%
絞蛇竜は踊り奏でる【Hub★2】Serpentine Samba Reward2 x1215%
青と緑の波状包囲網【Village★6】Surrounded by Blue and Green Reward2 x1215%
怒濤のドスラッシュ!【Village★10】The Slashing Leaders Reward2 x1215%
振り返ってもヤツがいる【Hub★6】Everywhere You Look Reward2 x1215%
嗚呼素晴らしき也、雷狼竜【Village★9】Wondrous Thunder Wolf Sub x1614%
馬力、怪力、テツカブラ!【Hub★5】Tetsucabra Bounty Sub x1614%
モンハン部・ガブラス狩猟戦線【Hub★1・DL】モンハン部・ガブラス狩猟戦線 Reward1 x1614%
疾風の迅竜【Village★4】Wyvern of the Wind Reward2 x1213%
激闘! 雌火竜リオレイア【Village★4】Wrath of the Rathian Reward2 x1213%
ガララアジャラの狩猟【Village★4】Najarala Hunt Reward2 x1213%
紅煌流星【Village★4】Hungry Eyes Reward2 x1213%
絞蛇竜は踊り奏でる【Village★4】Serpentine Samba Reward2 x1213%
災厄の使者【Village★5】Envoy to Disaster Reward2 x1213%
雪に紛れしドスギアノス【HubG★4】Lost in the Snow Reward2 x1513%
逆転裁判・闘技場で法廷バトル【Hub・DL】逆転裁判・闘技場で法廷バトル Reward2 x1513%
暗雲立ち込める火山帯【Village★5】Into the Volcano Reward1 x1012%
雪獅子、二重の咆哮【Village★5】Two Roars in the Snow Sub x1212%
峨々たる巨獣【Village★5】The Unwavering Colossus Reward2 x1212%
孤島の研究対象【Village★5】Scientific Method Reward2 x1212%
剛毛フカフカの牙獣達【Village★6】Bristly Fanged Beasts Reward2 x1212%
憤激する巨獣【Hub★3】Fury Run Afoul Reward2 x1212%
高難度:青の連撃!【Village★6】Advanced: Barrage of Blue Reward2 x1611%
ガムートの強さは世界一【Village★9】The World's Strongest Reward2 x1611%
ガムート、再び!【Village★9】Gammoth, Once More! Reward2 x1611%
金獅子、砂上に咆哮す【Village★10】Howling Desert Reward2 x1611%
原生林からの救援要請【Village★10】Primal Forest Relief Reward2 x1611%
不動の山神【Hub★6】The Unshakable Mountain God Reward2 x1611%
猿王伝説!【Hub★6】Legend of the Monkey King Reward2 x1611%
吹雪に立つ金獅子【Hub★6】The Rajang in the Snow Reward2 x1611%
憤激する巨獣【Hub★6】Fury Run Afoul Reward2 x1611%
ドドドドブランゴ!【Hub★6】Bl-Bl-Blangongas! Reward2 x1611%
たんと掘れ燃石炭【Hub★6】Coal Hearted Sub x1611%
スリルとショックの氷海ツアー【Hub★6】A Three Hour Tour Reward2 x1611%
狂乱の立体闘技場【Hub★6】At the Slayground Reward2 x1611%
容赦なき、金獅子相手に用心棒【Hub★7】The Hapless Bodyguard Reward2 x1611%
依頼委託:火山の岩竜【HubG★2】Request: Basarios Sub x1611%
ドスゲネポスを狩れ!【Village★2】Gendrome Roadblock Reward2 x210%
大地を泳ぐモンスター【Village★2】The Land Sharq Reward2 x210%
ゲネポス討伐作戦!【Village★2】Slay the Genprey! Reward2 x210%
迫るヤオザミ包囲網【Village★2】Hermit Grab Reward2 x210%
砂漠の恵みの納品依頼【Village★2】Birthday Berries Reward2 x210%
幻のキモを追え!【Village★2】Liver of Legend! Reward2 x210%
旧砂漠の精算アイテム納品【Village★2】Dunes Accounting Reward2 x210%
クンチュウの行動研究【Village★3】Konchu Collector Reward2 x210%
旧砂漠の縄張り争いニャ!!【Village★3】Cancer of the Dunes Reward2 x210%
流行傾向・薬効のキモ【Village★3】Deliver the Liver Reward2 x210%
未知なる鉱石採掘依頼【Village★4】Mining: The Final Frontier Reward2 x210%
ドスゲネポスを狩れ!【Hub★1】Gendrome Roadblock Reward2 x210%
砂の竜を追跡せよ!【Hub★1】In Pursuit of the Sand Wyvern Reward2 x210%
鉄壁の盾蟹【Hub★1】Shells of Steel Reward2 x210%
盾蟹たちの集い【Hub★1】Hermitaur Party Reward2 x210%
新たな食材ハンターの誕生!?【Hub★1】Ingredient Hunter Reward2 x210%
クンチュウの行動研究【Hub★2】Konchu Collector Reward2 x210%
幻のキモを追え!【Hub★2】Liver of Legend! Reward2 x210%
ユニクロ・新たなる挑戦【Hub・DL】ユニクロ・新たなる挑戦 Reward2 x210%
悠久が眠る竜琥珀【Village★1】Due for Dragon Amber Sub x1010%
砂漠の恵みの納品依頼【Village★2】Birthday Berries Sub x1010%
砂に潜む巨大蟹!【Village★3】Crustacean Frustration Reward2 x1210%
盾蟹と貝と狩り【Village★3】The Crabbiest Catch Reward2 x1210%
チコ村のヒーロー伝説【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Daimyo Hermitaur Reward2 x1210%
湿地帯の鎌蟹【Village★4】Marshlands Mission Reward2 x1210%
ショウグンギザミを愛でたくて【Village★4】Crustacean Infatuation Reward2 x1210%
空を切り裂く鎌【Hub★2】Pincer through the Sky Reward2 x1210%
鎌将軍の包囲陣【Hub★3】The Shogun's Encampment Sub x1210%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼1【Special Permit】Redhelm I: Hunt Reward2 x1210%
【特殊許可】紅兜捕獲依頼2【Special Permit】Redhelm II: Capture Reward2 x1210%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼3【Special Permit】Redhelm III: Hunt Reward2 x1210%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼1【Special Permit】Snowbaron I: Hunt Reward2 x1210%
【特殊許可】大雪主捕獲依頼2【Special Permit】Snowbaron II: Capture Reward2 x1210%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼3【Special Permit】Snowbaron III: Hunt Reward2 x1210%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼1【Special Permit】Stonefist I: Hunt Reward2 x1210%
【特殊許可】矛砕捕獲依頼2【Special Permit】Stonefist II: Capture Reward2 x1210%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼3【Special Permit】Stonefist III: Hunt Reward2 x1210%
【特殊許可】紫毒姫狩猟依頼1【Special Permit】Dreadqueen I: Hunt Reward2 x1210%
【特殊許可】紫毒姫捕獲依頼2【Special Permit】Dreadqueen II: Capture Reward2 x1210%
【特殊許可】紫毒姫狩猟依頼3【Special Permit】Dreadqueen III: Hunt Reward2 x1210%
高難度:渾身のドボルベルク【Village★6】Advanced: Twinkle Toes Reward1 x2010%
尾槌竜、登頂してこそ山男【Village★9】The Mountaineer Reward1 x2010%
尾槌竜、登頂してこそ山男【Village★9】The Mountaineer Sub x2010%
……求めるならば力を示して【Village★9】Show Your Power Reward1 x2010%
……求めるならば力を示して【Village★9】Show Your Power Sub x2010%
動くこと、山の如し!【Hub★6】The Moving Mountain Reward1 x2010%
動くこと、山の如し!【Hub★6】The Moving Mountain Sub x2010%
ドボルがために銅鑼は鳴る【Hub★6】For Whom the Gong Tolls Reward1 x2010%
ドボルがために銅鑼は鳴る【Hub★6】For Whom the Gong Tolls Sub x2010%
【特殊許可】白疾風狩猟依頼9【Special Permit】Silverwind IX: Hunt Sub x2010%
黒き禍【Village★5】The Dark Age Reward2 x129%
砂漠を喰らう【Village★5】Trifecta of Terror Reward2 x129%
一匹狼に捧ぐ挽歌【Village★5】Garuga of the Hills Reward2 x129%
翠玉の閃電【Village★5】The Thunderclaw Wyvern Reward2 x129%
ビリビリするらしいです×??【Village★5】Hunt-a-thon: Khezu Reward2 x129%
エレクトリカル・バトル【Village★5】Lagiacrus Fuss Reward2 x129%
淡紅の泡狐がたゆたうか【Village★5】The Entrancing Water Dancer Reward2 x129%
大海の王・ラギアクルス!【Village★5】The Fisherman's Fiend Reward2 x129%
赤いおひさまアッチッチ【Village★5】Island Heat Reward2 x129%
ゲリョスな季節【Village★5】Hunt-a-thon: Gypceros Reward2 x129%
噴煙まとう王者【Village★5】A King, Robed in Smoke Reward2 x129%
脅威! 火山の鉄槌!【Village★5】Fight or Uragaan! Reward2 x129%
ドス来い! 真夜中の古代林【Village★5】A Late Jurassic Excursion Reward2 x129%
砂漠でサバイバルバトル【Village★5】A Sandy Battle Royale Reward2 x129%
灼熱の刃【Village★6】The Scorching Blade Reward2 x129%
黒き衣を纏う竜【Village★6】Dark Wings, Dark Work Reward2 x129%
縄張りに進入するべからず【Village★6】Tuff Turf Reward2 x129%
砂漠の彼方から【Village★6】From Beyond the Sands Reward2 x129%
轟竜ティガレックス【Village★6】Tigrex by the Tail Reward2 x129%
千刃、襲来【Village★6】A Thousand Scales of Dread Reward2 x129%
英雄への道【Village★6】The Hero's Journey Reward2 x129%
雷狼竜はかく吠えり【Village★6】The Bellowing Zinogre Reward2 x129%
剛拳爆砕! ブラキディオス!【Village★6】Brachydios Mio! Reward2 x129%
粉骨砕竜!【Village★6】Break the Brachydios Reward2 x129%
ハンティングナイト!【Village★6】Night Terrors Reward2 x129%
渓流の覇権争いニャ!!【Village★6】Drawing the Waterline Reward2 x129%
毒まみれの沼地【Village★6】The Cankerous Quagmire Reward2 x129%
恐るべき火山の魔球【Village★6】Volcano Triple Play Reward2 x129%
高難度:黒狼鳥は舞い降りた【Village★6】Advanced: Sly Swooper Reward2 x129%
怪鳥の憂鬱【Village★7】The Melancholy of Yian Kutku Reward2 x129%
これが本当のダイミョウ行列?【Village★7】Daimyo Duel Reward2 x129%
友に迫る土砂竜【Village★7】Rescue the Executive Reward2 x129%
毒怪鳥活用計画【Village★7】How to Skin a Bird Reward2 x129%
ボルボロスを捕獲せよ!【Village★7】Close Inspection Reward2 x129%
森丘の怪【Village★7】Verdant Hill Monsters Sub x129%
渓流に棲む水獣【Village★7】Waterfall Woes Reward2 x129%
道化師は斯く嘲る【Village★8】Jester's Ridicule Reward2 x129%
山嶺を舞うリオレイア【Village★8】Dance of the Dragon Reward2 x129%
龍識船強化!【水竜編】【Village★8】Airboat Power Up! 【Plesioth】 Reward2 x129%
切り裂かれた誇り【Village★8】Shredded Pride Reward2 x129%
喰われる前にヤレ!【Village★8】Eat or Be Eaten Reward2 x129%
龍識船強化!【迅竜編】【Village★8】Airboat Power Up! 【Nargacuga】 Reward2 x129%
なんと、黒狼鳥でした!【Village★8】Garuga Grief Reward2 x129%
嗚呼素晴らしき也、絞蛇竜【Village★8】Wondrous Rattle Reward2 x129%
狩人のための舞台~氷海~【Village★8】Hunter's Stage ~F. Seaway~ Reward2 x129%
ものぐさには爆鎚竜で喝!【Village★8】Uragaan Alarm Clock Reward2 x129%
砂まみれですな【Village★8】Covered In Sand Sub x129%
宣伝ネコの受難【Village★8】Cat in Distress Reward2 x129%
フルフルのまごころ診療所【Village★8】Electric Massager Reward2 x129%
陸の女王、捕獲作戦!【Village★8】Capturing the Queen Reward2 x129%
ナルガクルガのお手本【Village★8】Inspiration Required Reward2 x129%
でっかい岩だと思ったら…?【Village★8】I think it's a Boulder...? Reward2 x129%
龍識船強化!【溶岩竜編】【Village★8】Airboat Power Up! 【Lavasioth】 Reward2 x129%
熱地に現る、ウラガンキン!【Village★8】Uragaan Appears! Reward2 x129%
火山の厄介者たち【Village★8】Volcanic Nuisances Sub x129%
心火の斬竜炉【Hub★3】Flames of Glavenus Passion Reward2 x129%
轟竜ティガレックス【Hub★3】Tigrex by the Tail Reward2 x129%
黒き衣を纏う竜【Hub★3】Dark Wings, Dark Work Reward2 x129%
千刃、襲来【Hub★3】A Thousand Scales of Dread Reward2 x129%
電の反逆者【Hub★3】A Shocking Scoundrel Reward2 x129%
王の領域【Hub★3】The King's Domain Reward2 x129%
驚浪雷奔ラギアクルス【Hub★3】Lagiacrus Lethargy Reward2 x129%
月夜に映える泡の華【Hub★3】Moonlit Bubble Bath Reward2 x129%
狩られる前に狩れ!【Hub★3】Topple the Monarch Reward2 x129%
孤島に渦巻く恐怖【Hub★3】Lagiacrushed Reward2 x129%
縄張りに進入するべからず【Hub★3】Tuff Turf Reward2 x129%
孤島を揺るがす剛音【Hub★3】Isle About that Bass Reward2 x129%
天と地の領域!【Hub★3】Heaven and Earth Sub x129%
パッション炸裂☆究極アフロ【Hub★3】Fro Shizzle Reward2 x129%
ブレイド・ディノバルド【Hub★3】Bladed Glavenus Reward2 x129%
脅威! 火山の鉄槌!【Hub★3】Fight or Uragaan! Reward2 x129%
ドス来い! 真昼の古代林【Hub★3】An Early Jurassic Excursion Reward2 x129%
砂上の竜脚【Hub★3】Wyvern Sand Runners Reward2 x129%
雷狼の尾を踏む青熊【Hub★3】Zinogre, Bearly Fazed Reward2 x129%
沼地をめぐる攻防【Hub★3】Making it Safe for Swine Reward2 x129%
ボルケーノブロー【Hub★3】Rumble in the Volcano Reward2 x129%
遺跡の怪鳥、お邪魔もの【Hub★4】Ruining the Ruins Reward2 x129%
盗まれて原生林!【Hub★4】Lost in the Primal Forest Reward2 x129%
鉄壁の盾蟹【Hub★4】Shells of Steel Reward2 x129%
迷惑な怪鳥と毒怪鳥【Hub★4】Birds of a Feather Sub x129%
ロアルドロスを狩猟せよ!【Hub★4】Royal Spit Take Reward2 x129%
女王・リオレイアの狩猟【Hub★5】Dragon Lady Reward2 x129%
知性溢れる? 夜鳥狩猟【Hub★5】The Intelligent Malfestio Reward2 x129%
絞蛇竜は踊り奏でる【Hub★5】Serpentine Samba Reward2 x129%
壁に耳あり、天井に目あり?【Hub★5】The Walls Have Eyes Reward2 x129%
脅威! 火山の鉄槌!【Hub★5】Fight or Uragaan! Reward2 x129%
イャンガルルガの洗礼【Hub★5】Worst. Trip. Ever! Reward2 x129%
疾き迅竜の狩猟披露【Hub★5】Nargacuga Throwdown Reward2 x129%
不眠のあなたに催眠療法×2【Hub★5】Insomnia? Meet Hypnotism x 2 Sub x129%
土砂竜・ボルボロス!【Hub★5】Tough Mudder Reward2 x129%
砂上のテーブルマナー【Hub★5】The Desert Gourmand Reward2 x129%
激闘! 雌火竜リオレイア【Hub★5】Wrath of the Rathian Reward2 x129%
渓流の水竜【Hub★5】A Plesioth in the Misty Peaks Reward2 x129%
孤島の迷惑客【Hub★5】Awful Guest Reward2 x129%
火山の冒険【Hub★5】Volcano Adventure Reward2 x129%
溶岩竜ヴォルガノス出現!【Hub★5】You Caught This? I Caught This Reward2 x129%
炎の山の大将軍【Hub★5】Shogun in the Flames Reward2 x129%
毒、麻痺、混乱にご用心!【Hub★5】Status: Effected Reward2 x129%
熱砂の喧嘩は武器の素【Hub★5】Desert Brawlers Reward2 x129%
グレート・ハンター・ゲーム【Hub★5】The Hunter Games Reward2 x129%
高難度:重甲虫と腕試し!【Village★6】Advanced: Seltas Queen Reward2 x48%
原生林に巣食う蜘蛛【Village★8】Into the Spider's Nest Reward2 x48%
ジャングル・フェロモン【Village★9】Jungle・Pheromone Reward2 x48%
闇に沈んだ暗殺者たち【Village★9】Shadowy Assassins Sub x48%
美味との遭遇?【Hub★4】Bug Appétit Reward2 x48%
ドスゲネポスを狩れ!【Hub★4】Gendrome Roadblock Reward2 x48%
ドスランポスを狩猟せよ!【Hub★4】Hunt Down the Velocidrome! Reward2 x48%
竜骨結晶の納品【Hub★4】Crystal Bone Collector Reward2 x48%
良薬作りに必要なもの【Hub★4】Hair of the Dog Reward2 x48%
イーオスたちの親玉【Hub★5】The Ioprey Leader Reward2 x48%
原生林の精算アイテム納品【Hub★5】Primal Forest Accounting Reward2 x48%
最も危険な晩餐【Hub★6】Bug Buffet Reward2 x48%
原生林は毒色に染まる【HubG★2】Poison Stained Forest Reward2 x48%
原生林の恐怖体験【HubG★3】Status Buffet Sub x48%
旧砂漠のポイント招きネコ【Village★9】Lucky Desert Cat Reward2 x48%
魚竜のキモは鮮度が命【Hub★4】Fois Gras Faux Pas Reward2 x48%
メデタイお仕事【Hub★6】Big Bro's Benevolence Reward2 x48%
原生林コンガ戦線【HubG★2】Jungle Vermin Reward2 x48%
青熊獣、出没中につき【Village★7】Cute Arzuros Reward2 x128%
調査隊初陣! 遺群嶺の桃毛獣【Village★7】Investigate the Pink Ape! Reward2 x128%
イタズラ猿に制裁を【Village★7】Prank Monkey Reward2 x128%
ぱっくん! テツカブラ【Village★7】The Gormandizer Reward2 x128%
ババコンガを狩猟せよ【Village★7】Eau de Congalala Reward2 x128%
氷雪に舞う白うさぎ【Village★7】Dance of the Snow Flurry Reward2 x128%
旬な食材を採らせておくれ!【Village★7】Seasonal Ingredients! Sub x128%
転がれ! 転がせ! 赤い牙獣【Village★8】3, 2, 1... Let It Rip! Reward2 x128%
ぷくぅーっ! ザボアザギル!【Village★8】Zamtrios Fanclub Reward2 x128%
ホワイトアウト【Village★8】Whiteout Reward2 x128%
氷槍のザボアザギルたち【Village★9】Shark Icicle Sub x128%
雪山、雪玉、雪合戦!!【Village★9】Snowball Fight!! Sub x128%
悪戯好きの奇猿狐を狩猟せよ【Hub★4】Swing into Action Reward2 x128%
鬼蛙テツカブラの狩猟【Hub★4】Tackling the Tetsucabra Reward2 x128%
猪突猛進! ドスファンゴ【Hub★4】The Bulldrome Charges Reward2 x128%
雪のちウルクスス【Hub★4】Snow with Occasional Lagombi Reward2 x128%
アオアシラの浸食【Hub★4】Arzuros Encroaches Reward2 x128%
超☆メモ帳 ~奇猿狐狩猟編~【Hub★5】So Notable: Kecha Wacha Sub x128%
桃色大将ババコンガ【Hub★5】Primitive in Pink Reward2 x128%
ザボアザギルの狩猟依頼【Hub★5】Fin Finder Reward2 x128%
馬力、怪力、テツカブラ!【Hub★5】Tetsucabra Bounty Reward2 x128%
雪山の主、ドドブランゴ【Hub★5】The New Tenant Reward2 x128%
落石注意!?【Hub★5】Tumbling Troublemaker Reward2 x128%
汗と涙の連続狩猟【Hub★5】Hunt, Sweat, and Tears Reward2 x128%
牙獣の行水【HubG★1】Bear Shower Sub x128%
人騒がせないたずら者たち【HubG★1】It's Just a Prank Sub x128%
イタズラ猿に制裁を【HubG★1】Prank Monkey Reward2 x128%
罪深きタルの食材探訪【HubG★1】Ingredient Expedition Reward2 x128%
嗚呼素晴らしき也、鬼蛙【HubG★1】Wondrous Demon Frog Reward2 x128%
氷雪に舞う白うさぎ【HubG★1】Dance of the Snow Flurry Reward2 x128%
川辺のアオアシラ退治【HubG★1】Riverside Bear Reward2 x128%
至宝の林檎王?【HubG★2】King of Apples Reward2 x128%
転がれ! 転がせ! 赤い牙獣【HubG★2】3, 2, 1... Let It Rip! Reward2 x128%
二人で特訓、成果は山分け【HubG★2】Special Training Reward2 x128%
閃きへの1ピースを求めて【HubG★2】Seeking Inspiration Reward2 x128%
砂漠の積荷は誰の物?【HubG★2】Desert Cargo Reward2 x128%
……欲するならば資格を示して【HubG★2】Show your Capabilities Reward2 x128%
割り込み受注:2頭の桃毛獣【HubG★2】Interrupted Order: Congalala Sub x128%
怪鳥の頭部破壊に挑戦!【Village★5】Kut-Ku Earbreaker Reward2 x128%
紅葉に散るは、熊か猫か【Village★6】The Right Cattitude Reward2 x128%
盾蟹のヤド破壊に挑戦!【Village★6】D. Hermitaur Shellbreaker Reward2 x128%
牙と毒の沼地【Village★6】Poison and Fangs Reward2 x128%
身の毒は気の毒【Village★9】Pitty and Poison Reward2 x128%
スノーフェスティバル【Village★10】A Snowy Festival Reward2 x128%
闘技場の牙獣と牙獣【Hub★3】Out of the Frying Pan Reward2 x128%
モンスターニャンター【Hub★7】Monster Prowler Reward2 x128%
JUMP・真紅の強者たち【Hub・DL】JUMP・真紅の強者たち Reward2 x128%
SF・サイキョ―流入門試験【Hub★1・DL】SF・サイキョ―流入門試験 Reward2 x128%
つつかれて、またつつかれて【HubG★1】Poke Peck Pick Reward2 x168%
毒怪鳥が盗んだものを追って【HubG★1】Chase the Pickpocket Reward2 x168%
看板娘セレクト:遺群嶺の水獣【HubG★1】Receptionist Select Reward2 x168%
アツアツ砂漠の盾蟹狩猟【HubG★1】Crab Fishing Reward2 x168%
奪われて、追いかけて【HubG★1】Pursue the Kleptomaniac Reward2 x168%
森丘の迷惑な怪鳥さん【HubG★1】Forest Troublemaker Reward2 x168%
遺群嶺のトレジャー! 米の巻【HubG★2】Sleeping Slaves Reward2 x168%
遺群嶺の緑の女王【HubG★2】The Verdant Queen Reward2 x168%
切り裂かれた誇り【HubG★2】Shredded Pride Reward2 x168%
砂漠の水面に潜む影【HubG★2】Beneath the Water Reward2 x168%
空の家族・空路を守るッス【HubG★2】Defend the Skies Reward2 x168%
密林のナルガクルガと対峙せよ【HubG★2】Nargacua Face Off Reward2 x168%
女王、降臨す【HubG★2】Royal Assassination Reward2 x168%
グルグルするらしいです【HubG★2】Going in Circles Reward2 x168%
身体の芯までビッリビリ【HubG★2】Shocked to the Core Reward2 x168%
チコ村を脅かす水竜を狩れ!【HubG★2】Emerald Splash Reward2 x168%
漆黒の影【HubG★2】The Black Shadow Reward2 x168%
夜鳥のじけん【HubG★2】The Owl Incident Reward2 x168%
洞窟に潜む影【HubG★2】Lurking Shadow Reward2 x168%
陰湿毒沼の狂想曲【HubG★2】Rhapsody of the Poison Swamp Reward2 x168%
ぶつけろ生き様☆アフロソウル【HubG★2】Hard Knock Life ☆ Afro Soul Reward2 x168%
鎌蟹の狩猟をさせてやるぜ!【HubG★2】Let Me at Him! ~Shogun~ Reward2 x168%
曇天毒雨【Hub★7】Poison, Poison, Go Away Reward1 x168%
ババコンガのキノコ品評会【HubG★2】Congalala Mushroom Fair Reward2 x126%
高難度:古代林のトレジャー!【Village★6】Advanced: Jurassic Treasure Reward2 x166%
高難度:渾身のドボルベルク【Village★6】Advanced: Twinkle Toes Reward2 x166%
高難度:天地征服せし強者【Village★6】Advanced: The Goliaths Reward2 x166%
高難度:赤の猛攻!【Village★6】Advanced: Seeing Red Reward2 x166%
遺群嶺の火竜【Village★9】King of the Ridge Reward2 x166%
嗚呼素晴らしき也、雷狼竜【Village★9】Wondrous Thunder Wolf Reward2 x166%
鎧竜は、とってもグルメ?【Village★9】The Rock Gourmet Reward2 x166%
漆黒に染まる嶺【Village★9】Obsidian Stained Ridge Reward2 x166%
砂漠の死闘と決意【Village★9】Desert Death Match Reward2 x166%
轟竜の狩猟をさせてやるぜ!【Village★9】Let Me at Him! ~Tigrex~ Reward2 x166%
海竜、沈降開始【Village★9】Leviathan Displacement Reward2 x166%
犯人はキミだ、雷狼竜【Village★9】The Culprit is Zinogre! Reward2 x166%
領主の命令~泡狐竜篇~【Village★9】Lord's Order ~Mizutsune~ Reward2 x166%
尾槌竜、登頂してこそ山男【Village★9】The Mountaineer Reward2 x166%
狩人のための舞台~密林~【Village★9】Hunter's Stage ~Jungle~ Sub x166%
空路を阻む電竜退治!【Village★9】Skyway Extermination Reward2 x166%
原生林からの救援要請【Village★9】Primal Forest Relief Reward2 x166%
龍識船強化!【氷牙竜編】【Village★9】Airboat Power Up! 【Barioth】 Reward2 x166%
氷海に君臨する者【Village★9】Shadow over the Seaway Reward2 x166%
火竜の山でつかまえて【Village★9】Volcanic Hollow Arrest Reward2 x166%
アグナコトルの捕獲【Village★9】Capture an Agnaktor Reward2 x166%
ディノバルド、再び!【Village★9】Glavenus, Once More! Reward2 x166%
轟竜と赤甲獣のデュエット【Village★9】Duet of the Beasts Sub x166%
ライゼクス、再び!【Village★9】Astalos, Once More! Reward2 x166%
ベリオロスを捕獲せよ!【Village★9】Capture Barroth! Reward2 x166%
タマミツネ、再び!【Village★9】Mizutsune, Once More! Reward2 x166%
空の家族・メシを作るッス【Village★9】Airboat Materials Reward2 x166%
彗星の前にあらわる鎧竜【Village★9】Comet Chasers Reward2 x166%
……求めるならば力を示して【Village★9】Show Your Power Reward2 x166%
火山にいる先輩後輩【Village★9】Volcano Assistance Sub x166%
旧砂漠でゆらめく蜃気楼【Village★9】Shimmering Mirage Reward2 x166%
火山の迷惑集団襲来!【Village★9】The Volcano Invasion! Reward2 x166%
遺群嶺を塞ぐ恐暴竜【Village★10】Terror at Ruined Ridge Reward2 x166%
千刃狂騒【Village★10】Blade Frenzy Reward2 x166%
死闘! 角竜ディアブロス【Village★10】Mortal Combat Reward2 x166%
赤竜と緑竜【Village★10】Medical Assistance Sub x166%
怠け心には千刃竜で喝!【Village★10】The Procrastinator Reward2 x166%
俺のソウルはブロウアップ【Village★10】Blow up my Soul Reward2 x166%
甲冑、弐領【Village★10】Double Armor Sub x166%
角竜を捕獲せよ!【Village★10】Capture Diablos! Reward2 x166%
すべてを喰らうもの【Village★10】Devour Everything Reward2 x166%
雪山に舞う白き風!【Village★10】White Devils Sub x166%
粉骨砕竜、捕獲用意!【Village★10】Pounder Preparation Reward2 x166%
素敵な素敵な電竜頭【Hub★6】The Lightning Crown Reward2 x166%
轟竜狩猟は妹のため【Hub★6】What a Girl Wants Reward2 x166%
空の王者・リオレウス【Hub★6】Rathalos Run Reward2 x166%
遺跡平原の黒蝕竜調査【Hub★6】Watch Your Steppe Reward2 x166%
妖艶なる舞【Hub★6】A Bewitching Dance Reward2 x166%
跳梁し意思を用いず悪成さば【Hub★6】Dread Locked Reward2 x166%
ベリオロスの狩猟【Hub★6】Hunt a Barioth Reward2 x166%
狩られる前に狩れ!【Hub★6】Topple the Monarch Reward2 x166%
恐暴竜の根城【Hub★6】Bedevil a Deviljho Reward2 x166%
意気地なしには鎧竜で喝!【Hub★6】Sorry Not Sorry Reward2 x166%
火の海に棲む竜!【Hub★6】Master of the Molten Deep Reward2 x166%
出陣! 地底火山の果し合い!【Hub★6】Duel in the Volcanic Hollow Reward2 x166%
砂漠の彼方から【Hub★6】From Beyond the Sands Reward2 x166%
ライゼクスの支配圏【Hub★6】Astalos Territory Reward2 x166%
リオレウス狩猟指令【Hub★6】Lord of the Skies Reward2 x166%
泡につつまれ狐につままれ【Hub★6】Surrounded by Bubbles Reward2 x166%
動くこと、山の如し!【Hub★6】The Moving Mountain Reward2 x166%
大海の王・ラギアクルス!【Hub★6】The Fisherman's Fiend Reward2 x166%
ドボルがために銅鑼は鳴る【Hub★6】For Whom the Gong Tolls Reward2 x166%
熱願の穴掘り【Hub★6】We Can Dig It Reward2 x166%
燃えさかる大河【Hub★6】River of Fire Sub x166%
飛竜たちの乱舞【Hub★6】Dances with Wyverns Reward2 x166%
原生林の曲者たち【Hub★6】Bugging Out Reward2 x166%
地底火山に響く侵略の足音【Hub★6】A Hollow Defense Reward2 x166%
ワイルドバレット【Hub★6】Wild Gunman Reward2 x166%
沼地の狂騒楽団【Hub★6】Marshlands Rag Reward2 x166%
燃えたぎれ! 火山の熱闘!!【Hub★6】Firefight to the Finish! Reward2 x166%
熱愛発覚!? 竜達の密会!【Hub★7】A Gathering of Wyverns Sub x166%
白と瑠璃の輪舞曲【Hub★7】A Song of White and Lapis Sub x166%
炸裂! 爆砕拳!【Hub★7】Rocked and Rolled Reward2 x166%
超☆メモ帳 ~千刃竜捕獲編~【Hub★7】So Notable: Seregios Reward2 x166%
鎚と刀の鍔迫り合い【Hub★7】Hammer vs. Blade Sub x166%
天に吼えろ、大地を揺らせ【Hub★7】A Roar to the Heavens Sub x166%
千刃竜セルレギオス【Hub★7】Seer of Swords Reward2 x166%
その腕前、噂通りかしら…?【Hub★7】Rumored Talent Reward2 x166%
無理した弟子の、後始末【Hub★7】Repaying the Favor Reward2 x166%
桃毛獣のトサカ破壊に挑戦!【Village★8】Congalala Headbreaker! Reward2 x125%
岩竜の胸部破壊に挑戦!【Village★9】Gravios Chestbreaker Reward2 x125%
尾槌竜のコブ破壊に挑戦!【Village★10】Duramboros Backbreaker! Reward2 x125%
奇猿狐の耳破壊に挑戦!【Hub★5】Kecha Wacha Earbreaker Reward2 x125%
スノードロップをあなたに【Hub★6】The Snow Must Go On Reward2 x125%
痺れる魔球【Hub★7】The Ball's in Your Court Reward2 x125%
爆鎚竜の顎破壊に挑戦!【Hub★7】Uragaan Shellbreaker Reward2 x125%
名探偵コナン・連続狩猟事件!【Hub★1・DL】名探偵コナン・連続狩猟事件! Reward2 x125%
ゼルダの伝説・勇者、ふたたび【Hub★1・DL】ゼルダの伝説・勇者、ふたたび Reward2 x125%
モンハン部・闘技場連続特訓!【Hub★1・DL】モンハン部・闘技場連続特訓! Reward2 x125%
お願い! 雌火竜の尻尾切断【Hub★1・DL】お願い! 雌火竜の尻尾切断 Reward2 x125%
火竜の尻尾切断に挑戦!【Hub★1・DL】火竜の尻尾切断に挑戦! Reward2 x125%
コロコロ・キケンな屁をこく獣【Hub・DL】コロコロ・キケンな屁をこく獣 Reward2 x125%
WORST・セニドクロ【Hub・DL】WORST・セニドクロ Reward2 x125%
水獣のタテガミ破壊に挑戦!【HubG★2】Royal Ludroth Headbreaker Reward2 x165%
海竜の頭部破壊に挑戦!【HubG★4】Lagiacrus Headbreaker! Reward2 x165%
鎧竜の背中破壊に挑戦!【HubG★4】Gravios Backbreaker Reward2 x165%
刃牙道・尻尾こそが剣!!!【Hub・DL】刃牙道・尻尾こそが剣!!! Reward2 x165%
USJ・乱れ荒れ暴れ狂う角【Hub・DL】USJ・乱れ荒れ暴れ狂う角 Reward2 x165%
カプコン・見よ!ニャンター魂【Hub・DL】カプコン・見よ!ニャンター魂 Reward2 x165%
ネルスキュラの生態研究【HubG★2】Nerscylla Ecological Study Reward2 x44%
領主の依頼~大連続篇~【Village★10】Lord's Request ~Hunt-a-thon~ Reward2 x164%
狩人のための舞台~森丘~【Village★10】Hunter's Stage ~V. Hills~ Reward2 x164%
渓流からの伝書【Village★10】M. Peaks SOS Reward2 x164%
孤島の恐怖体験【Village★10】Deserted Island Terrors Reward2 x164%
グランド・ハンター・ゲーム【Hub★7】The Hunter Games Reward2 x164%
熱気で熱狂! 炎の軍勢!【Hub★7】The Flames of War Reward2 x164%
ビリビリバリバリパニック!!【Hub★7】A Shocking Revelation! Reward2 x164%
彼の地に集いし破滅の禍難【Hub★7】The Gathering Storm Reward2 x164%
白銀の火輪【Hub★7】Ring of the Silver Sol Reward2 x164%
黄金の月輪【Hub★7】Ring of the Golden Lune Reward2 x164%
竜王の系譜【Hub★7】Usurpers of the Throne Sub x164%
憤怒の雄叫び【Hub★7】Triumphant Rage Reward2 x164%
泥まみれの商魂!【HubG★2】Muddy Commercial Spirit Reward2 x164%
土砂竜・ボルボロス!【HubG★2】Tough Mudder Reward2 x164%
おのずと岩は動き出す【HubG★2】Moving Rock Reward2 x164%
依頼委託:火山の岩竜【HubG★2】Request: Basarios Reward2 x164%
尾槌竜のコブ破壊に挑戦!【Village★10】Duramboros Backbreaker! Reward1 x204%
Hunters for Hire
災厄の使者Envoy to DisasterReward1x1614%
災厄の使者Envoy to DisasterReward2x1614%
ドボルがために銅鑼は鳴るFor Whom the Gong TollsReward1x2011%
災厄の使者Envoy to DisasterReward1x1611%
災厄の使者Envoy to DisasterReward2x1611%
ドボルがために銅鑼は鳴るFor Whom the Gong TollsReward2x2010%
スカヴェンジャーズ軍団!Scavengers UnitedReward1x108%
スカヴェンジャーズ軍団!Scavengers UnitedReward2x108%
Low Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area3 3〜5 x130%
Low Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area4 70% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area4 30% 3〜5 x230%
Low Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area6 6〜8 x15%
Low Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area7 3〜5 x130%
Low Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area8 70% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area8 30% 3〜5 x230%
Low Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area3 80% 4〜6 x145%
Low Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area3 20% 4〜6 x120%
Low Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area3 20% 4〜6 x215%
Low Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area5 4〜6 x140%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea2 4〜6 x220%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea3 70% 3〜4 x125%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea3 30% 3〜4 x220%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea3 70% 3〜4 x210%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea5 70% 3〜5 x125%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea5x115%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea5 30% 4〜6 x220%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea5 70% 3〜5 x210%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea9 60% 3〜4 x125%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea9 40% 3〜4 x220%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea9 60% 3〜4 x210%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea5 80% 2〜4 x145%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea5 20% 2〜4 x120%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea6 3〜5 x150%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea6 80% 2〜4 x145%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea6 20% 2〜4 x120%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea8 3〜5 x150%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea8 80% 2〜4 x145%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea8 20% 2〜4 x120%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea8x115%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea10 80% 2〜4 x145%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea10 20% 2〜4 x120%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea10x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea6 3〜5 x155%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea9 3〜5 x155%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea10 80% 3〜5 x165%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea10 20% 3〜5 x125%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea7 3〜4 x220%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 2〜4 x220%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 50% 2〜4 x135%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 50% 2〜4 x210%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 50% 2〜4 x315%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 50% 2〜4 x425%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 2〜4 x135%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 70% 2〜4 x135%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 50% 3〜4 x135%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 30% 2〜4 x210%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 50% 3〜4 x210%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 70% 2〜4 x315%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 50% 3〜4 x315%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 30% 2〜4 x425%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 50% 3〜4 x425%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area9 60% 3〜5 x135%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area9 40% 3〜5 x210%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area9 60% 3〜5 x315%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area9 40% 3〜5 x425%
Low Rank氷海F. SeawayArea1 2〜3 x535%
Low Rank氷海F. SeawayArea1 2〜3 x1020%
Low Rank氷海F. SeawayArea6 70% 2〜4 x130%
Low Rank氷海F. SeawayArea6 70% 2〜4 x210%
Low Rank氷海F. SeawayArea6 30% 3〜5 x420%
Low Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 3〜4 x225%
Low Rank氷海F. SeawayArea9 65% 3〜4 x130%
Low Rank氷海F. SeawayArea9 65% 3〜4 x210%
Low Rank氷海F. SeawayArea9 35% 3〜6 x420%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea10 6〜10 x140%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea10x110%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea11 2〜3 x55%
Low Rank密林JungleArea3 3〜5 x125%
Low Rank密林JungleArea3 70% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank密林JungleArea3 70% 3〜5 x215%
Low Rank密林JungleArea3 30% 3〜5 x210%
Low Rank密林JungleArea3 30% 3〜5 x315%
Low Rank密林JungleArea4 3〜5 x125%
Low Rank密林JungleArea4 70% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank密林JungleArea4 70% 3〜5 x215%
Low Rank密林JungleArea4 30% 3〜5 x210%
Low Rank密林JungleArea4 30% 3〜5 x315%
Low Rank密林JungleArea6 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank密林JungleArea6 3〜5 x230%
Low Rank密林JungleArea7 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank密林JungleArea7 3〜5 x230%
Low Rank密林JungleArea8 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank密林JungleArea8 3〜5 x230%
Low Rank密林JungleArea10 3〜5 x125%
Low Rank密林JungleArea10 70% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank密林JungleArea10 70% 3〜5 x215%
Low Rank密林JungleArea10 30% 3〜5 x210%
Low Rank密林JungleArea10 30% 3〜5 x315%
Low Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area3 3〜5 x125%
Low Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area5 3〜5 x125%
Low Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area9 3〜5 x125%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area3 3〜5 x130%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area4 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area4 30% 3〜5 x230%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area6 6〜8 x15%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area7 3〜5 x130%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area8 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area8 30% 3〜5 x230%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area3 80% 4〜6 x145%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area3 20% 4〜6 x120%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area3 20% 4〜6 x215%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area5 4〜6 x140%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea2 4〜6 x220%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea3 70% 3〜4 x125%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea3 30% 3〜4 x220%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea3 70% 3〜4 x210%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea5 70% 3〜5 x125%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea5x115%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea5 30% 4〜6 x220%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea5 70% 3〜5 x210%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea9 60% 3〜4 x125%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea9 40% 3〜4 x220%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea9 60% 3〜4 x210%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea5 80% 2〜4 x145%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea5 20% 2〜4 x120%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea6 3〜5 x150%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea6 80% 2〜4 x145%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea6 20% 2〜4 x120%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea8 3〜5 x150%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea8 80% 2〜4 x145%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea8 20% 2〜4 x120%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea8x115%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea10 80% 2〜4 x145%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea10 20% 2〜4 x120%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea10x115%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea6 3〜5 x155%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea9 3〜5 x155%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea10 80% 3〜5 x165%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea10 20% 3〜5 x125%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea7 3〜4 x220%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 2〜4 x220%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 50% 2〜4 x135%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 50% 2〜4 x210%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 50% 2〜4 x315%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 50% 2〜4 x425%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 2〜4 x135%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 70% 2〜4 x135%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 50% 3〜4 x135%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 30% 2〜4 x210%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 50% 3〜4 x210%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 70% 2〜4 x315%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 50% 3〜4 x315%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 30% 2〜4 x425%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 50% 3〜4 x425%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area9 60% 3〜5 x135%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area9 40% 3〜5 x210%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area9 60% 3〜5 x315%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area9 40% 3〜5 x425%
High Rank氷海F. SeawayArea1 2〜3 x535%
High Rank氷海F. SeawayArea1 2〜3 x1020%
High Rank氷海F. SeawayArea6 70% 2〜4 x130%
High Rank氷海F. SeawayArea6 70% 2〜4 x210%
High Rank氷海F. SeawayArea6 30% 3〜5 x420%
High Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 3〜4 x225%
High Rank氷海F. SeawayArea9 65% 3〜4 x130%
High Rank氷海F. SeawayArea9 65% 3〜4 x210%
High Rank氷海F. SeawayArea9 35% 3〜6 x420%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea10 6〜10 x140%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea10x110%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea11 2〜3 x55%
High Rank密林JungleArea3 3〜5 x125%
High Rank密林JungleArea3 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank密林JungleArea3 70% 3〜5 x215%
High Rank密林JungleArea3 30% 3〜5 x210%
High Rank密林JungleArea3 30% 3〜5 x315%
High Rank密林JungleArea4 3〜5 x125%
High Rank密林JungleArea4 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank密林JungleArea4 70% 3〜5 x215%
High Rank密林JungleArea4 30% 3〜5 x210%
High Rank密林JungleArea4 30% 3〜5 x315%
High Rank密林JungleArea6 3〜5 x120%
High Rank密林JungleArea6 3〜5 x230%
High Rank密林JungleArea7 3〜5 x120%
High Rank密林JungleArea7 3〜5 x230%
High Rank密林JungleArea8 3〜5 x120%
High Rank密林JungleArea8 3〜5 x230%
High Rank密林JungleArea10 3〜5 x125%
High Rank密林JungleArea10 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank密林JungleArea10 70% 3〜5 x215%
High Rank密林JungleArea10 30% 3〜5 x210%
High Rank密林JungleArea10 30% 3〜5 x315%
High Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area3 3〜5 x125%
High Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area5 3〜5 x125%
High Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area9 3〜5 x125%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area3 3〜5 x130%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area4 70% 3〜5 x120%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area4 30% 3〜5 x230%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area6 6〜8 x15%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area7 3〜5 x130%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area8 70% 3〜5 x120%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area8 30% 3〜5 x230%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area3 80% 4〜6 x145%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area3 20% 4〜6 x120%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area3 20% 4〜6 x215%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area5 4〜6 x140%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea2 4〜6 x215%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea3 70% 3〜4 x310%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea5x115%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea5 70% 3〜5 x310%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea9 60% 3〜4 x310%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea5 80% 2〜4 x125%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea5 20% 2〜4 x120%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea6 80% 2〜4 x125%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea6 20% 2〜4 x120%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea6 3〜5 x115%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea8 80% 2〜4 x125%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea8 20% 2〜4 x120%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea8x115%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea8 3〜5 x115%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea10 80% 2〜4 x125%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea10 20% 2〜4 x120%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea10x115%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea6 3〜5 x140%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea9 3〜5 x140%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea10 20% 3〜5 x125%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea10 80% 3〜5 x245%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 50% 2〜4 x330%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 50% 2〜4 x425%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 2〜4 x135%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 70% 2〜4 x330%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 50% 3〜4 x330%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 30% 2〜4 x425%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area8 50% 3〜4 x425%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area9 60% 3〜5 x330%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area9 40% 3〜5 x425%
G Rank氷海F. SeawayArea1 2〜3 x1020%
G Rank氷海F. SeawayArea6 70% 2〜4 x230%
G Rank氷海F. SeawayArea6 30% 3〜5 x420%
G Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 3〜4 x220%
G Rank氷海F. SeawayArea9 65% 3〜4 x230%
G Rank氷海F. SeawayArea9 35% 3〜6 x420%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea10 6〜10 x140%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea10x110%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea11 2〜3 x55%
G Rank密林JungleArea3 3〜5 x215%
G Rank密林JungleArea3 70% 3〜5 x215%
G Rank密林JungleArea3 30% 3〜5 x310%
G Rank密林JungleArea4 3〜5 x215%
G Rank密林JungleArea4 70% 3〜5 x215%
G Rank密林JungleArea4 30% 3〜5 x310%
G Rank密林JungleArea6 3〜5 x115%
G Rank密林JungleArea6 3〜5 x220%
G Rank密林JungleArea7 3〜5 x115%
G Rank密林JungleArea7 3〜5 x220%
G Rank密林JungleArea8 3〜5 x115%
G Rank密林JungleArea8 3〜5 x220%
G Rank密林JungleArea10 3〜5 x215%
G Rank密林JungleArea10 70% 3〜5 x215%
G Rank密林JungleArea10 30% 3〜5 x310%
G Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area3 3〜5 x215%
G Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area5 3〜5 x215%
G Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area9 3〜5 x215%
Meownster Hunters
Low RankDesertBoneNormalx260%
Low RankDesertBoneRare x460%
High RankDesertBoneNormalx240%
High RankDesertBoneRare x640%
G RankDesertBoneNormalx640%
G RankDesertBoneRare x940%
High RankDesertBoneNormalx430%
Low RankCoastBoneNormalx220%
High RankDesertBoneRare x420%
Low RankCoastBoneRare x420%
High RankCoastBoneNormalx410%
G RankDesertBoneRare x610%
G RankCoastBoneNormalx610%

Sword & ShieldBone Pick LV1 x8
Sword & ShieldBone Pick LV1x5
Sword & ShieldBone Pick LV2x10

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.