尾槌竜のコブDuramboros Hump

The hump of a Duramboros's back. The fatty skin produces sturdy, pliable equipment when crafted.

Rare 6Max Carry x99Sell Price 4,200zDuramboros LV2

High RankドボルベルクDuramborosBody Carvex110%
Low RankドボルベルクDuramborosBody Carvex18%
High RankドボルベルクDuramborosShiny Dropx15%
High RankドボルベルクDuramborosWound Backx160%
High RankドボルベルクDuramborosCapturex124%
G RankドボルベルクDuramborosWound Backx210%

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