マレコガネRare Scarab

A rare and valuable insect that greatly assists in the bonding of metals.

Rare 6Max Carry x99Sell Price 1,000zInsect LV2

巨大昆虫、発生!【Hub★5】Attack of the Giant Bugs! Reward2 x1100%
巨大昆虫、発生!【Hub★5】Attack of the Giant Bugs! Reward2 x112%
獰猛なる矢尻たち【Hub★5】Zamite Fight Reward2 x110%
極寒の地の採掘依頼【Hub★5】Stone-cold Stones Reward2 x110%
キモ・キモ・キモ!!!【Hub★5】Liver and Let Die Reward2 x110%
氷海の精算アイテム納品【Hub★6】Frozen Seaway Accounting Reward2 x110%
冷徹な吸血鮫【Hub★5】Calm, Cool, and Collected Reward2 x110%
曇天毒雨【Hub★7】Poison, Poison, Go Away Reward2 x110%
孤島からの伝書【Village★8】Deserted Island SOS Sub x18%
沼地の恐怖体験【Village★8】Marshland Terrors Sub x18%
沼地の捕食者・ネルスキュラ【Hub★5】Marshland Predator Reward2 x18%
ジャギィノス掃討作戦【Hub★6】Open Season for Jaggia Reward2 x18%
奥様は白水晶がお好き【Hub★6】Quartz Rivalry Reward2 x18%
雷光の先の面影【Village★8】Shadow of the Thunderstorm Reward2 x17%
はじける貝殻マネー【Village★8】Shell Money Reward2 x17%
竜の卵の納品・ランチ【Village★8】Egg Delivery ・ Lunch Reward2 x17%
突撃取材! 巨大甲虫を追え!【Village★9】Follow that Giant Bug! Reward2 x17%
Hunters for Hire
滋養強壮不老の蛾Medicinal MothsReward1x1100%
滋養強壮不老の蛾Medicinal MothsReward2x1100%
野性味溢れるロイヤルカブトRoyal Rhinos Gone WildReward1x1100%
野性味溢れるロイヤルカブトRoyal Rhinos Gone WildReward2x1100%
滋養強壮不老の蛾Medicinal MothsReward1x113%
滋養強壮不老の蛾Medicinal MothsReward2x113%
野性味溢れるロイヤルカブトRoyal Rhinos Gone WildReward1x113%
野性味溢れるロイヤルカブトRoyal Rhinos Gone WildReward2x113%
滋養強壮不老の蛾Medicinal MothsReward1x110%
滋養強壮不老の蛾Medicinal MothsReward2x110%
野性味溢れるロイヤルカブトRoyal Rhinos Gone WildReward1x110%
野性味溢れるロイヤルカブトRoyal Rhinos Gone WildReward2x110%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea1 30% 3〜4 x115%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea5 40% 4〜5 x115%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea6 40% 3〜4 x115%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea6 4〜5 x15%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 2〜3 x130%
Low Rank氷海F. SeawayArea5 40% 3〜4 x120%
Low Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 45% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank密林JungleArea2 4〜6 x120%
Low Rank密林JungleArea4 4〜6 x120%
Low Rank密林JungleArea5 30% 4〜6 x125%
Low Rank密林JungleArea5 70% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank密林JungleArea9 4〜6 x120%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea1 4〜6 x110%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea2 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea2 30% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea3 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea3 30% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea4 4〜6 x110%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea5 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea5 3〜4 x110%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea5 30% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea10 30% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank孤島D. IslandArea10 70% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea1 4〜6 x115%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea8 4〜6 x115%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea1 3〜5 x12%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea2 20% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea2 3〜5 x12%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea7 20% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea9 3〜5 x12%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea10 3〜5 x12%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea1 30% 3〜4 x115%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea5 40% 4〜5 x115%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea6 40% 3〜4 x115%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea6 4〜5 x15%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 2〜3 x130%
High Rank氷海F. SeawayArea5 40% 3〜4 x120%
High Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 45% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 3〜5 x115%
High Rank密林JungleArea2 4〜6 x120%
High Rank密林JungleArea4 4〜6 x120%
High Rank密林JungleArea5 30% 4〜6 x125%
High Rank密林JungleArea5 70% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank密林JungleArea9 4〜6 x120%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area1 20% 2〜4 x130%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area1 80% 2〜4 x115%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area2 5〜8 x125%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area4 20% 3〜5 x130%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area4 80% 2〜4 x115%
G Rank古代林J. Frontier  ⚠Area8 3〜4 x130%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area1 4〜6 x120%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area2 20% 6〜8 x125%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area2 80% 4〜6 x120%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area9 3〜4 x125%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea6 40% 4〜6 x125%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea6 60% 3〜5 x115%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea7 30% 4〜6 x125%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea7 60% 3〜5 x115%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea9 4〜6 x120%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea11 4〜5 x130%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea11 4〜6 x120%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea1 4〜6 x110%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea2 70% 3〜5 x120%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea2 30% 4〜6 x120%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea3 70% 3〜5 x120%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea3 30% 4〜6 x120%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea4 4〜6 x110%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea5 70% 3〜5 x120%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea5 30% 4〜6 x120%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea5 3〜4 x110%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea10 30% 3〜5 x120%
G Rank孤島D. IslandArea10 70% 4〜6 x120%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea1 30% 3〜5 x135%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea1 70% 3〜5 x130%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea1 70% 3〜5 x130%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea1 4〜6 x125%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea1 30% 3〜5 x125%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea2 70% 3〜5 x130%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea2 30% 4〜6 x125%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea6 30% 3〜5 x135%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea6 70% 3〜5 x130%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea8 30% 3〜5 x135%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea8 70% 3〜5 x130%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea8 70% 3〜5 x130%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea8 4〜6 x125%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea8 30% 3〜5 x125%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea1 3〜5 x115%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea2 20% 3〜5 x120%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea2 3〜5 x115%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea7 20% 3〜5 x115%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea9 3〜5 x115%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea10 3〜5 x115%
G Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea2 40% 2〜3 x130%
G Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea2 30% 3〜4 x130%
G Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea2 3〜5 x120%
G Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea2 60% 2〜3 x120%
G Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea2 70% 3〜4 x120%
G Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea3 30% 3〜5 x130%
G Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea3 70% 3〜4 x120%
G Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea6 40% 2〜4 x130%
G Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea6 60% 2〜3 x120%
G Rank遺跡平原A. SteppeArea10 2〜3 x135%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea1 30% 3〜4 x125%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea1 70% 3〜4 x120%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea5 40% 4〜5 x125%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea5 60% 2〜3 x120%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea6 4〜5 x125%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea6 40% 3〜4 x125%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea6 60% 2〜3 x120%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 2〜3 x135%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area5 2〜4 x130%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area5 30% 3〜4 x125%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area5 3〜4 x120%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area5 70% 3〜4 x115%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 40% 3〜4 x125%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 3〜4 x120%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 60% 2〜3 x115%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area7 30% 3〜4 x125%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area7 40% 2〜3 x125%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area7 70% 3〜4 x115%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area7 60% 2〜3 x115%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area9 2〜3 x120%
G Rank氷海F. SeawayArea5 40% 3〜4 x125%
G Rank氷海F. SeawayArea5 60% 3〜4 x110%
G Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 45% 3〜5 x125%
G Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 3〜5 x120%
G Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 55% 3〜5 x110%
G Rank氷海F. SeawayArea8 3〜5 x110%
G Rank密林JungleArea2 4〜6 x120%
G Rank密林JungleArea4 4〜6 x120%
G Rank密林JungleArea5 70% 3〜5 x130%
G Rank密林JungleArea5 30% 4〜6 x125%
G Rank密林JungleArea9 4〜6 x120%
Meownster Hunters
High RankCoastInsectNormalx150%
High RankVolcanoInsectRare x150%
High RankCoastInsectRare x250%
G RankForestInsectNormalx320%
G RankForestInsectRare x420%
High RankVolcanoInsectNormalx110%
G RankWetlandsInsectNormalx210%
G RankWetlandsInsectRare x310%

Dual BladesGuild Knight Sabers LV1 x10
Dual BladesFan Club Fans LV1 x7
Hunting HornUnsolved Horn LV1 x3
Heavy BowgunLadybug Cannon LV1 x3
Light BowgunAzraqvya LV1 x5
Sword & ShieldUnsolved Knife LV1 x3
Dual BladesPetrified Daggers LV7x2
Dual BladesInsecticutters LV5x5
Dual BladesDual Cleavers+ LV5x4
Dual BladesSworn Rapiers LV4x6
Dual BladesWhirlitwists LV2x3
Dual BladesRo Waga LV4x4
Charge BladePetrified Strongarm LV7x2
Charge BladeSchildsect LV2x3
Charge BladeMaxilla Edge LV4x4
Insect GlaivePetrified Rod LV7x2
Insect GlaiveIron Bayonet LV7x3
Insect GlaiveSect Happa LV2x3
Insect GlaiveMagia Pitareen LV3x5
Hunting HornPetrified Horn LV7x2
Hunting HornHunter's Horn LV3x3
Hunting HornVelociprey Balloon LV5x5
Hunting HornVelocidrome Balloon LV2x4
Hunting HornVicello Nulo (G) LV4x4
Hunting HornMagia Charm LV3x5
Heavy BowgunObsidian Cannon LV2x2
Heavy BowgunInjector Cannon LV4x4
Light BowgunKhezu Syringe LV4x2
Light BowgunYakt Shooter LV3x4
Light BowgunShell Shooter LV2x2
Long SwordPetrified Saber LV7x2
Long SwordDemon Halberd LV3x10
Long SwordDark Scythe LV5x4
Long SwordFresh Hairblade LV4x5
Great SwordPetrified Blade LV7x2
Great SwordPunisher LV3x10
Great SwordDevastator Blade LV3x6
Great SwordRed Wing LV3x5
Great SwordJawblade LV5x5
Great SwordGolem Blade LV4x4
Sword & ShieldPetrified Sword LV7x2
Sword & ShieldHunter's Knife LV7x3
Sword & ShieldMaster Bang LV4x10
Sword & ShieldBone Pick LV5x8
Sword & ShieldSecta Nulo (G) LV4x4
Sword & ShieldCelestial Sword LV2x3
HammerPetrified Hammer LV7x2
HammerAccelerated Hammer LV2x3
HammerSpiked Hammer LV6x5
HammerIcesteel Hammer LV1x4
LancePetrified Lance LV7x2
LanceIron Lance LV7x3
LanceLonghorn Spear LV5x2
LanceBarbarian Tusk LV3x5
BowObsidian Bow LV2x2
BowUsurper's Rumble LV3x2
BowFeminine Haze LV1x5
BowAbominable Bow LV2x4
BowBamboo Taketori LV4x5
Switch AxePetrified Axe LV7x2
Switch AxeGolba Bandar LV2x3
GunlancePetrified Gunlance LV7x2
GunlanceGolem Gunlance LV4x4
GunlanceFiore Nulo (G) LV4x4
GunlanceMonsieur Gore LV2x3
Uroktor Tassets S LV1 x2
Uroktor Coat S LV1 x2
EX Genprey Mail LV1 x3
EX Genprey Tassets LV1 x3
EX Genprey Greaves LV1 x3
EX Genprey Vest LV1 x3
EX Genprey Coat LV1 x3
EX Genprey Leggings LV1 x3
EX Vespoid Greaves LV1 x4
EX Vespoid Leggings LV1 x4
EX Hornetaur Greaves LV1 x4
EX Hornetaur Leggings LV1 x4
Battle Mail S LV1Key x4
Battle Vambraces S LV1Key x3
Battle Greaves S LV1Key x3
Battle Vest S LV1Key x4
Battle Guards S LV1Key x3
Battle Leggings S LV1Key x3
Obituary Vertex S LV1Key x3
Obituary Thorax S LV1Key x2
Obituary Brachia S LV1Key x3
Obituary Elytra S LV1Key x2
Obituary Crura S LV1Key x3
Obituary Clypeus S LV1Key x3
Obituary Pleuron S LV1Key x2
Obituary Manus S LV1Key x3
Obituary Alae S LV1Key x2
Obituary Tarsi S LV1Key x3
Butterfly Vertex S LV1Key x3
Butterfly Thorax S LV1Key x2
Butterfly Brachia S LV1Key x3
Butterfly Elytra S LV1Key x2
Butterfly Crura S LV1Key x3
Butterfly Clypeus S LV1Key x3
Butterfly Pleuron S LV1Key x2
Butterfly Manus S LV1Key x3
Butterfly Alae S LV1Key x2
Butterfly Tarsi S LV1Key x3
Aelucanth Vertex S LV1Key x3
Aelucanth Thorax S LV1Key x2
Aelucanth Brachia S LV1Key x3
Aelucanth Elytra S LV1Key x2
Aelucanth Crura S LV1Key x3
Aelucanth Clypeus S LV1Key x3
Aelucanth Pleuron S LV1Key x2
Aelucanth Manus S LV1Key x3
Aelucanth Alae S LV1Key x2
Aelucanth Tarsi S LV1Key x3
Rhopessa Vertex S LV1Key x3
Rhopessa Thorax S LV1Key x2
Rhopessa Brachia S LV1Key x3
Rhopessa Elytra S LV1Key x2
Rhopessa Crura S LV1Key x3
Rhopessa Clypeus S LV1Key x3
Rhopessa Pleuron S LV1Key x2
Rhopessa Manus S LV1Key x3
Rhopessa Alae S LV1Key x2
Rhopessa Tarsi S LV1Key x3
Patissier's Toque LV1Key x2
Patissier's Suit LV1Key x2
Patissier's Gloves LV1Key x2
Patissier's Sarong LV1Key x2
Patissier's Boots LV1Key x2
Patissier's Cap LV1Key x2
Patissier's Vest LV1Key x2
Patissier's Mitts LV1Key x2
Patissier's Apron LV1Key x2
Patissier's Footwear LV1Key x2
Rathian Faulds S LV1 x1
Rathian Coat S LV1 x1
Ceanataur Mail S LV1 x4
Ceanataur Tassets S LV1 x2
Ceanataur Greaves S LV1 x2
Ceanataur Vest S LV1 x4
Ceanataur Coat S LV1 x2
Ceanataur Leggings S LV1 x2
Nargacuga Greaves S LV1 x3
Nargacuga Leggings S LV1 x3
Black Belt Helm S LV1 x1
Black Belt Mail S LV1 x1
Black Belt Braces S LV1 x1
Black Belt Tassets S LV1 x1
Black Belt Greaves S LV1 x1
Black Belt Cap S LV1 x1
Black Belt Vest S LV1 x1
Black Belt Guards S LV1 x1
Black Belt Coat S LV1 x1
Black Belt Leggings S LV1 x1
Dark Metal Boots LV1 x2
Dark Metal Feet LV1 x2
Gravios Greaves LV1 x3
Gravios Leggings LV1 x3
Gore Helm S LV1 x3
Gore Cap S LV1 x3
Tigrex Helm S LV1 x5
Tigrex Cap S LV1 x5
Kushala Glare S LV1 x2
Kushala Snarl S LV1 x2
Mizuha Cap S LV1 x2
Cham Hat S LV1 x2
Caravaneer's Armlets LV1 x5
Obituary Brachia X LV1 x3
Obituary Manus X LV1 x3
Butterfly Brachia X LV1 x3
Butterfly Manus X LV1 x3
GX Hornetaur Mail LV1 x4
GX Hornetaur Vest LV1 x4
Mosswine Gloves X LV1 x5
Kecha Mail X LV1 x3
Kecha Greaves X LV1 x3
Kecha Vest X LV1 x3
Kecha Leggings X LV1 x3
Conga Vambraces X LV1 x3
Conga Guards X LV1 x3
False Felyne LV10x1
Mosgharl Vizor S LV7x1
Mosgharl Ribplate S LV7x1
Mosgharl Creeper S LV7x1
Mosgharl Folia S LV7x1
Mosgharl Roots S LV7x1
Mosgharl Brim S LV7x1
Mosgharl Ribguard S LV7x1
Mosgharl Tendril S LV7x1
Mosgharl Fronds S LV7x1
Mosgharl Radicles S LV7x1
Mosgharl Vizor S LV7x1
Mosgharl Ribplate S LV7x1
Mosgharl Creeper S LV7x1
Mosgharl Folia S LV7x1
Mosgharl Roots S LV7x1
Mosgharl Brim S LV7x1
Mosgharl Ribguard S LV7x1
Mosgharl Tendril S LV7x1
Mosgharl Fronds S LV7x1
Mosgharl Radicles S LV7x1

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Kiranico © 2023

Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.