ゲネポスの上皮Genprey Hide+

The high-quality, descaled hide of a Genprey. It can neutralize neurotoxins.

Rare 6Max Carry x99Sell Price 126zGenprey LV2Bird Wyvern LV2

ゲネポス行進曲【Village★7】March of the Genpreys Reward1 x2100%
ドクターの毒×麻痺毒研究【Hub★4】Poison Paralysis Pinch Reward2 x2100%
ゲネポス行進曲【Village★7】March of the Genpreys Reward1 x214%
ドスゲネポスを狩れ!【Hub★4】Gendrome Roadblock Sub x214%
ドクターの毒×麻痺毒研究【Hub★4】Poison Paralysis Pinch Reward2 x214%
ゲネポス行進曲【Village★7】March of the Genpreys Sub x28%
ドスゲネポスを狩れ!【Hub★4】Gendrome Roadblock Reward1 x28%
マダラなアイツにご執心【Hub★5】Spotted Beauty Reward1 x28%
マダラなアイツにご執心【Hub★5】Spotted Beauty Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】金雷公狩猟依頼6【Special Permit】Thunderlord VI: Hunt Sub x28%
【特殊許可】荒鉤爪狩猟依頼3【Special Permit】Grimclaw III: Hunt Sub x28%
【特殊許可】燼滅刃捕獲依頼2【Special Permit】Hellblade II: Capture Sub x28%
ゲネポス行進曲【Village★7】March of the Genpreys Reward1 x46%
ドスゲネポスを狩れ!【Hub★4】Gendrome Roadblock Sub x46%
ドクターの毒×麻痺毒研究【Hub★4】Poison Paralysis Pinch Reward2 x46%
砂漠の水面に潜む影【HubG★2】Beneath the Water Sub x46%
砂漠ゲネポス戦線【HubG★1】Desert Vermin Reward1 x45%
炎天下の麻痺牙【Hub★5】Under the Blazing Sun Reward1 x24%
Hunters for Hire
ドスゲネポスを狩れ!Gendrome RoadblockReward1x2100%
ドスゲネポスを狩れ!Gendrome RoadblockReward2x2100%
ドスゲネポスを狩れ!Gendrome RoadblockReward1x210%
ドスゲネポスを狩れ!Gendrome RoadblockReward2x28%
High RankゲネポスGenpreyBody Carvex135%
G RankゲネポスGenpreyBody Carvex135%

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