光る粘菌Glowing Slime

A highly volatile fluid used by especially savage Brachydios. Handle very carefully!

Rare 8Max Carry x99Sell Price 3,690zBrachydios LV3

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光る粘菌のナゾを追え【HubG★4】Shiny Slime Study Sub x122%
火山の脅威・ブラキディオス【HubG★4】BrachyDIOs the Invader Reward1 x122%
火山の脅威・ブラキディオス【HubG★4】BrachyDIOs the Invader Sub x122%
溶岩島で爆ぜる砕光【HubG★4】Sheer Heart Attack Reward1 x215%
溶岩島で爆ぜる砕光【HubG★4】Sheer Heart Attack Sub x215%
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絶望の淵の溶岩島【Hub・DL】絶望の淵の溶岩島 Reward1 x212%
高難度:覇者の証明【Village★10】Advanced: Champion's Proof Reward1 x211%
光る粘菌のナゾを追え【HubG★4】Shiny Slime Study Reward1 x28%
光る粘菌のナゾを追え【HubG★4】Shiny Slime Study Sub x28%
火山の脅威・ブラキディオス【HubG★4】BrachyDIOs the Invader Reward1 x28%
火山の脅威・ブラキディオス【HubG★4】BrachyDIOs the Invader Sub x28%
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獰猛な砕竜は、孤島で何を思う【HubG★4】Gotta Go Fast Reward1 x25%
Hunters for Hire
炸裂! 爆砕拳!Rocked and RolledReward1x122%
炸裂! 爆砕拳!Rocked and RolledReward2x122%
炸裂! 爆砕拳!Rocked and RolledReward1x28%
炸裂! 爆砕拳!Rocked and RolledReward2x28%

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