紅兜の毛Redhelm Pelt

A pelt hard enough to pierce flesh. Its looks embody the Redhelm Arzuros's brutality.

Rare 6Max Carry x99Sell Price 310zArzuros LV2Redhelm LV2Deviant LV2

Low Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosBody Carvex165%
High Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosBody Carvex165%
High Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosBody Carvex110%
Low Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosWound Headx230%
High Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosWound Headx230%
High Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosWound Headx230%
Low Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosWound Clawsx130%
High Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosWound Clawsx125%
High Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosWound Clawsx115%
Low Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosCapturex110%
High Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosCapturex110%

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