
The top layer of a Mizutsune's fluid. It removes impurities and is used in religious rituals.

Rare 6Max Carry x99Sell Price 1,500zMizutsune LV2

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High RankタマミツネMizutsuneShiny Dropx120%
High RankタマミツネMizutsuneBody Carvex115%
High Rank天眼タマミツネDivinesight Mizutsune ⚠Body Carvex115%
High RankタマミツネMizutsuneWound Headx128%
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High RankタマミツネMizutsuneCapturex210%
G RankタマミツネMizutsuneWound Headx28%
G Rank天眼タマミツネDivinesight Mizutsune ⚠Wound Headx28%
G Rank天眼タマミツネDivinesight Mizutsune ⚠Wound Headx27%
G Rank天眼タマミツネDivinesight Mizutsune ⚠Wound Headx26%

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