崩竜の削顎Ukanlos Shoveljaw

Ukanlos's shovel-like jaw. Developed to shovel snow, one scoop can cause an avalanche.

Rare 6Max Carry x99Sell Price 9,500zUkanlos LV2

Dual BladesUkanlos Ruinblades LV1 x2
Hunting HornUkanlos Horned Flute LV1Key x3
Long SwordUkanlos Slicer LV1 x2
Great SwordUkanlos Destructor LV1Key x1
BowUkanlos Bow LV1Key x3
Switch AxeMurkham Axe LV1 x1
GunlanceUkanlos Gunlance LV1Key x2
Dual BladesFrozen Cleavers LV3x2
Light BowgunJawbreaker LV3x2
LanceOmnivoracious LV3x2
GunlanceLagombergeddon LV3x2

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