獰猛化狩猟の証ⅥHyper Hunter VI

A ticket awarded for hunting Hyper Monsters. Collect enough and it might pay off.

Rare 8Max Carry x99Sell Price 0zHyper LV3

遺群嶺での攻防【HubG★4】Attack and Defense Reward3 x175%
無心にて森羅万象を断つ【HubG★4】Cut through Everything Reward3 x175%
砂漠の死闘と挑戦【HubG★4】A Challenger Appears Reward3 x175%
我怒る、ゆえに我在り【HubG★4】Perma-Rage Reward3 x175%
獰猛な海の王者は武器の素【HubG★4】Source of Weapons Reward3 x175%
焦電【HubG★4】Pyroelectric Reward3 x175%
領主の懇願~尾槌竜篇~【HubG★4】You Spin Me Round Reward3 x175%
先生の弱点は獰猛な重甲虫【HubG★4】Killer Queen Reward3 x175%
シャル・ウィ・ダンス?【HubG★4】Shall We Dance? Reward3 x175%
黒蝕竜は禍々しく猛る【HubG★4】Relentless Destruction Reward3 x175%
騎士と氷海の決闘【HubG★4】Knight's Frozen Duel Reward3 x175%
巨獣の進攻【HubG★4】Attack on Mammoth Reward3 x175%
採掘場を取り戻せ!【HubG★4】Road Roller! Reward3 x175%
炎戈竜は地底で吠える【HubG★4】Subterranean Clacker Reward3 x175%
犯人は黒狼鳥【HubG★4】The Culprit is Garuga! Reward3 x175%
所により獰猛なセルレギオス【HubG★4】Death by a Thousand Cuts Reward3 x175%
轟々たる罠【HubG★4】It's A Trap! Reward3 x175%
孤島で遭遇! 獰猛な雷狼竜【HubG★4】Lonely Encounter Reward3 x175%
獰猛な砕竜は、孤島で何を思う【HubG★4】Gotta Go Fast Reward3 x175%
沼地の冒険【HubG★4】Ka... Me... Ha... Me... HA!!! Reward3 x175%
火山のすばらしい岩【HubG★4】Wondrous Rock Reward3 x175%
夜空に浮かぶ銀の太陽【HubG★4】Nightfall Corona Reward3 x175%
狩人のための舞台~古代林~【HubG★4】Gold Experience Reward3 x175%
名探偵コナン・砂漠の逮捕劇!【Hub・DL】名探偵コナン・砂漠の逮捕劇! Reward4 x175%
ドリフターズ・孤島の漂流者【Hub・DL】ドリフターズ・孤島の漂流者 Reward4 x175%
牙狼・闇に堕ちし呀【Hub・DL】牙狼・闇に堕ちし呀 Reward4 x175%
モンハン部・熱血昇段試験【Hub・DL】モンハン部・熱血昇段試験 Reward4 x175%
夜空照らすは偽りの月陽【Hub・DL】夜空照らすは偽りの月陽 Reward3 x175%
森丘で暴虐の限りをつくすもの【Hub・DL】森丘で暴虐の限りをつくすもの Reward3 x175%
釣り場の平和を守ってニャ!【Hub・DL】釣り場の平和を守ってニャ! Reward3 x175%
きょじゅうをやっつけて【Hub・DL】きょじゅうをやっつけて Reward3 x175%
黒く燃える灼熱の刃【Hub・DL】黒く燃える灼熱の刃 Reward3 x175%
天地が焔に染まるとき【HubG★4】Up In Flames Reward3 x275%
死神は鎧をまとう【HubG★4】Armored Reaper Reward3 x275%
戦慄の遺群嶺【HubG★4】Hair-Raising Situation Reward3 x275%
狩魂よ砂中に眠れ【HubG★4】Dormant Hunter's Soul Reward3 x275%
風薫る密林【HubG★4】Jungle Breeze Reward3 x275%
絆の証? 雪山の獰猛大決戦【HubG★4】Ridge Battle Royale Reward3 x275%
狩人達の究道【HubG★4】Hunter's Pilgrimage Reward3 x275%
金と銀がもたらす悲哀【HubG★4】Made in Heaven Reward3 x275%
MHヒストリーⅠ【Hub・DL】MHヒストリーⅠ Reward3 x275%
MHヒストリーⅡ【Hub・DL】MHヒストリーⅡ Reward3 x275%
遺群嶺での攻防【HubG★4】Attack and Defense Reward3 x225%
無心にて森羅万象を断つ【HubG★4】Cut through Everything Reward3 x225%
砂漠の死闘と挑戦【HubG★4】A Challenger Appears Reward3 x225%
我怒る、ゆえに我在り【HubG★4】Perma-Rage Reward3 x225%
獰猛な海の王者は武器の素【HubG★4】Source of Weapons Reward3 x225%
焦電【HubG★4】Pyroelectric Reward3 x225%
領主の懇願~尾槌竜篇~【HubG★4】You Spin Me Round Reward3 x225%
先生の弱点は獰猛な重甲虫【HubG★4】Killer Queen Reward3 x225%
シャル・ウィ・ダンス?【HubG★4】Shall We Dance? Reward3 x225%
黒蝕竜は禍々しく猛る【HubG★4】Relentless Destruction Reward3 x225%
騎士と氷海の決闘【HubG★4】Knight's Frozen Duel Reward3 x225%
巨獣の進攻【HubG★4】Attack on Mammoth Reward3 x225%
採掘場を取り戻せ!【HubG★4】Road Roller! Reward3 x225%
炎戈竜は地底で吠える【HubG★4】Subterranean Clacker Reward3 x225%
犯人は黒狼鳥【HubG★4】The Culprit is Garuga! Reward3 x225%
所により獰猛なセルレギオス【HubG★4】Death by a Thousand Cuts Reward3 x225%
轟々たる罠【HubG★4】It's A Trap! Reward3 x225%
孤島で遭遇! 獰猛な雷狼竜【HubG★4】Lonely Encounter Reward3 x225%
獰猛な砕竜は、孤島で何を思う【HubG★4】Gotta Go Fast Reward3 x225%
沼地の冒険【HubG★4】Ka... Me... Ha... Me... HA!!! Reward3 x225%
火山のすばらしい岩【HubG★4】Wondrous Rock Reward3 x225%
夜空に浮かぶ銀の太陽【HubG★4】Nightfall Corona Reward3 x225%
狩人のための舞台~古代林~【HubG★4】Gold Experience Reward3 x225%
名探偵コナン・砂漠の逮捕劇!【Hub・DL】名探偵コナン・砂漠の逮捕劇! Reward4 x225%
ドリフターズ・孤島の漂流者【Hub・DL】ドリフターズ・孤島の漂流者 Reward4 x225%
牙狼・闇に堕ちし呀【Hub・DL】牙狼・闇に堕ちし呀 Reward4 x225%
モンハン部・熱血昇段試験【Hub・DL】モンハン部・熱血昇段試験 Reward4 x225%
夜空照らすは偽りの月陽【Hub・DL】夜空照らすは偽りの月陽 Reward3 x225%
森丘で暴虐の限りをつくすもの【Hub・DL】森丘で暴虐の限りをつくすもの Reward3 x225%
釣り場の平和を守ってニャ!【Hub・DL】釣り場の平和を守ってニャ! Reward3 x225%
きょじゅうをやっつけて【Hub・DL】きょじゅうをやっつけて Reward3 x225%
黒く燃える灼熱の刃【Hub・DL】黒く燃える灼熱の刃 Reward3 x225%
天地が焔に染まるとき【HubG★4】Up In Flames Reward3 x325%
死神は鎧をまとう【HubG★4】Armored Reaper Reward3 x325%
戦慄の遺群嶺【HubG★4】Hair-Raising Situation Reward3 x325%
狩魂よ砂中に眠れ【HubG★4】Dormant Hunter's Soul Reward3 x325%
風薫る密林【HubG★4】Jungle Breeze Reward3 x325%
絆の証? 雪山の獰猛大決戦【HubG★4】Ridge Battle Royale Reward3 x325%
狩人達の究道【HubG★4】Hunter's Pilgrimage Reward3 x325%
金と銀がもたらす悲哀【HubG★4】Made in Heaven Reward3 x325%
MHヒストリーⅠ【Hub・DL】MHヒストリーⅠ Reward3 x325%
MHヒストリーⅡ【Hub・DL】MHヒストリーⅡ Reward3 x325%

Dual BladesEntomotheos LV5x1
Dual BladesSupercell LV8x1
Dual BladesSpectral Obliterator LV6x1
Dual BladesSerre Sedition LV5x1
Dual BladesAesonique LV5x3
Charge BladeFulgent Obliterator LV6x1
Charge BladeTristan Isolde LV5x1
Charge BladeGaruda Sedition LV5x1
Insect GlaiveLana Sedition LV5x1
Insect GlaiveQuantum Obilterator LV6x1
Hunting HornMaqam Sedition LV5x1
Hunting HornTimbral Obliterator LV6x1
Hunting HornIndigo Velocihorn LV6x1
Hunting HornTigrex Horn LV6x1
Hunting HornGigan Gigas Gaita LV8x1
Heavy BowgunAsuta Eidos LV6x1
Heavy BowgunFuria Sedition LV5x1
Light BowgunDisaster Espringal LV6x1
Light BowgunVayu Rebellion LV6x1
Light BowgunVictoria Strafer LV6x1
Light BowgunPrincess Parasol LV5x1
Long SwordCrimsonfork Zenith LV8x1
Long SwordZealous Sedition LV5x1
Long SwordPyro Obliterator LV6x1
Long SwordWyvern Blade "Blaze" LV6x1
Long SwordParacoiled Edge LV5x1
Long SwordRaven Daito LV5x1
Great SwordLagia Boltburst LV6x1
Great SwordCrimsonwall Zenith LV8x1
Great SwordRogue Sedition LV5x1
Great SwordMyxo Obliterator LV6x1
Sword & ShieldStruxion Obliterator LV6x1
Sword & ShieldParaspiked Rondo LV8x1
Sword & ShieldDeathtrain LV7x1
Sword & ShieldPanja Sedition LV5x1
Sword & ShieldSols Core LV5x1
Sword & ShieldGileom LV8x1
Sword & ShieldGrand Takemikazuchi LV6x1
HammerGigas Clout LV7x1
HammerBlaze Pummel LV5x1
HammerGrand Vortastrophe LV6x1
HammerNovagio Obliterater LV6x1
HammerQadar Sedition LV5x1
HammerThree Star Silver Pot LV6x1
HammerBlack Kitty Crusher LV5x1
LanceParagyred Spear LV5x1
LanceGrand Stormy Doris LV6x1
LanceTrue Gae Bulg LV6x1
LanceHadad Sedition LV5x1
LanceAlbrach Obliterater LV6x1
LancePrecious Tolerance LV3x1
BowKama Sedition LV5x1
BowWarflare Demolisher LV5x1
BowAzure Floret LV8x1
Switch AxeGigavolt Axe LV6x1
Switch AxeBrisant Obliterator LV6x1
Switch AxeBaraq Sedition LV5x1
Switch AxeParacrux Axe LV5x1
GunlanceTamarod Sedition LV5x1
GunlanceZvolta Obliterator LV6x1
GunlanceVertebrae Zenith LV8x1
GunlanceDiamond Turnkey LV5x1
Damascus Helm XR LV1Key x1
Damascus Mail XR LV1Key x1
Damascus Braces XR LV1Key x1
Damascus Coil XR LV1Key x1
Damascus Greaves XR LV1Key x1
Damascus Cap XR LV1Key x1
Damascus Vest XR LV1Key x1
Damascus Guards XR LV1Key x1
Damascus Coat XR LV1Key x1
Damascus Leggings XR LV1Key x1
Alloy Helm XR LV7x1
Alloy Mail XR LV7x1
Alloy Vambraces XR LV7x1
Alloy Coil XR LV7x1
Alloy Greaves XR LV7x1
Alloy Cap XR LV7x1
Alloy Vest XR LV7x1
Alloy Guards XR LV7x1
Alloy Coat XR LV7x1
Alloy Leggings XR LV7x1
Ingot Helm XR LV7x1
Ingot Mail XR LV7x1
Ingot Vambraces XR LV7x1
Ingot Coil XR LV7x1
Ingot Greaves XR LV7x1
Ingot Cap XR LV7x1
Ingot Vest XR LV7x1
Ingot Guards XR LV7x1
Ingot Coat XR LV7x1
Ingot Leggings XR LV7x1
High Metal Helm Z LV7x1
High Metal Mail Z LV7x1
High Metal Braces Z LV7x1
High Metal Tassets Z LV7x1
High Metal Greaves Z LV7x1
High Metal Cap Z LV7x1
High Metal Vest Z LV7x1
High Metal Guards Z LV7x1
High Metal Coat Z LV7x1
High Metal Leggings Z LV7x1
Artian Helm XR LV7x1
Artian Mail XR LV7x1
Artian Braces XR LV7x1
Artian Coil XR LV7x1
Artian Greaves XR LV7x1
Artian Cap XR LV7x1
Artian Vest XR LV7x1
Artian Sleeves XR LV7x1
Artian Coat XR LV7x1
Artian Leggings XR LV7x1
GX Genprey Helm LV7x1
GX Genprey Mail LV7x1
GX Genprey Vambraces LV7x1
GX Genprey Tassets LV7x1
GX Genprey Greaves LV7x1
GX Genprey Cap LV7x1
GX Genprey Vest LV7x1
GX Genprey Guards LV7x1
GX Genprey Coat LV7x1
GX Genprey Leggings LV7x1
GX Vespoid Helm LV7x1
GX Vespoid Mail LV7x1
GX Vespoid Vambraces LV7x1
GX Vespoid Tassets LV7x1
GX Vespoid Greaves LV7x1
GX Vespoid Cap LV7x1
GX Vespoid Vest LV7x1
GX Vespoid Guards LV7x1
GX Vespoid Coat LV7x1
GX Vespoid Leggings LV7x1
GX Hornetaur Helm LV7x1
GX Hornetaur Mail LV7x1
GX Hornetaur Vambraces LV7x1
GX Hornetaur Tassets LV7x1
GX Hornetaur Greaves LV7x1
GX Hornetaur Cap LV7x1
GX Hornetaur Vest LV7x1
GX Hornetaur Guards LV7x1
GX Hornetaur Coat LV7x1
GX Hornetaur Leggings LV7x1
GX Cephalos Helm LV7x1
GX Cephalos Mail LV7x1
GX Cephalos Vambraces LV7x1
GX Cephalos Tassets LV7x1
GX Cephalos Greaves LV7x1
GX Cephalos Cap LV7x1
GX Cephalos Vest LV7x1
GX Cephalos Guards LV7x1
GX Cephalos Coat LV7x1
GX Cephalos Leggings LV7x1
GX Ioprey Helm LV7x1
GX Ioprey Mail LV7x1
GX Ioprey Vambraces LV7x1
GX Ioprey Tassets LV7x1
GX Ioprey Greaves LV7x1
GX Ioprey Cap LV7x1
GX Ioprey Vest LV7x1
GX Ioprey Guards LV7x1
GX Ioprey Coat LV7x1
GX Ioprey Leggings LV7x1
GX Hermitaur Helm LV7x1
GX Hermitaur Mail LV7x1
GX Hermitaur Braces LV7x1
GX Hermitaur Tassets LV7x1
GX Hermitaur Greaves LV7x1
GX Hermitaur Cap LV7x1
GX Hermitaur Vest LV7x1
GX Hermitaur Guards LV7x1
GX Hermitaur Coat LV7x1
GX Hermitaur Leggings LV7x1
GX Conga Helm LV7x1
GX Conga Mail LV7x1
GX Conga Braces LV7x1
GX Conga Faulds LV7x1
GX Conga Greaves LV7x1
GX Conga Cap LV7x1
GX Conga Vest LV7x1
GX Conga Guards LV7x1
GX Conga Coat LV7x1
GX Conga Leggings LV7x1
GX Rathian Helm LV7x1
GX Rathian Mail LV7x1
GX Rathian Braces LV7x1
GX Rathian Faulds LV7x1
GX Rathian Greaves LV7x1
GX Rathian Cap LV7x1
GX Rathian Vest LV7x1
GX Rathian Guards LV7x1
GX Rathian Coat LV7x1
GX Rathian Leggings LV7x1
GX Blango Helm LV7x1
GX Blango Mail LV7x1
GX Blango Vambraces LV7x1
GX Blango Tassets LV7x1
GX Blango Greaves LV7x1
GX Blango Cap LV7x1
GX Blango Vest LV7x1
GX Blango Guards LV7x1
GX Blango Coat LV7x1
GX Blango Leggings LV7x1
GX Lavasioth Helm LV7x1
GX Lavasioth Mail LV7x1
GX Lavasioth Braces LV7x1
GX Lavasioth Tassets LV7x1
GX Lavasioth Greaves LV7x1
GX Lavasioth Cap LV7x1
GX Lavasioth Vest LV7x1
GX Lavasioth Guards LV7x1
GX Lavasioth Coat LV7x1
GX Lavasioth Leggings LV7x1
GX Ceanataur Helm LV7x1
GX Ceanataur Mail LV7x1
GX Ceanataur Braces LV7x1
GX Ceanataur Tassets LV7x1
GX Ceanataur Greaves LV7x1
GX Ceanataur Cap LV7x1
GX Ceanataur Vest LV7x1
GX Ceanataur Guards LV7x1
GX Ceanataur Coat LV7x1
GX Ceanataur Leggings LV7x1
GX Rathalos Helm LV6x1
GX Rathalos Mail LV6x1
GX Rathalos Braces LV6x1
GX Rathalos Faulds LV6x1
GX Rathalos Greaves LV6x1
GX Rathalos Cap LV6x1
GX Rathalos Vest LV6x1
GX Rathalos Guards LV6x1
GX Rathalos Coat LV6x1
GX Rathalos Leggings LV6x1
GX Zinogre Helm LV6x1
GX Zinogre Mail LV6x1
GX Zinogre Braces LV6x1
GX Zinogre Faulds LV6x1
GX Zinogre Greaves LV6x1
GX Zinogre Cap LV6x1
GX Zinogre Vest LV6x1
GX Zinogre Guards LV6x1
GX Zinogre Coat LV6x1
GX Zinogre Leggings LV6x1
GX Gore Helm LV6x1
GX Gore Mail LV6x1
GX Gore Braces LV6x1
GX Gore Faulds LV6x1
GX Gore Greaves LV6x1
GX Gore Cap LV6x1
GX Gore Vest LV6x1
GX Gore Guards LV6x1
GX Gore Coat LV6x1
GX Gore Leggings LV6x1
GX Tigrex Helm LV6x1
GX Tigrex Mail LV6x1
GX Tigrex Braces LV6x1
GX Tigrex Tassets LV6x1
GX Tigrex Greaves LV6x1
GX Tigrex Cap LV6x1
GX Tigrex Vest LV6x1
GX Tigrex Guards LV6x1
GX Tigrex Coat LV6x1
GX Tigrex Leggings LV6x1
GX Brachydios Helm LV6x1
GX Brachydios Mail LV6x1
GX Brachydios Braces LV6x1
GX Brachydios Faulds LV6x1
GX Brachydios Greaves LV6x1
GX Brachydios Cap LV6x1
GX Brachydios Vest LV6x1
GX Brachydios Guards LV6x1
GX Brachydios Coat LV6x1
GX Brachydios Leggings LV6x1
Arc Helm XR LV6x1
Arc Mail XR LV6x1
Arc Vambraces XR LV6x1
Arc Faulds XR LV6x1
Arc Greaves XR LV6x1
Arc Cap XR LV6x1
Arc Vest XR LV6x1
Arc Guards XR LV6x1
Arc Coat XR LV6x1
Arc Leggings XR LV6x1
Storge Helm XR LV6x1
Storge Mail XR LV6x1
Storge Vambraces XR LV6x1
Storge Faulds XR LV6x1
Storge Greaves XR LV6x1
Storge Cap XR LV6x1
Storge Vest XR LV6x1
Storge Guards XR LV6x1
Storge Coat XR LV6x1
Storge Leggings XR LV6x1
Guardian Helm Z LV6x1
Guardian Suit Z LV6x1
Guardian Vambraces Z LV6x1
Guardian Coil Z LV6x1
Guardian Boots Z LV6x1
Guardian Mask Z LV6x1
Guardian Vest Z LV6x1
Guardian Guards Z LV6x1
Guardian Coat Z LV6x1
Guardian Pants Z LV6x1
Kushala Glare XR LV6x1
Kushala Cista XR LV6x1
Kushala Grip XR LV6x1
Kushala Cocoon XR LV6x1
Kushala Crus XR LV6x1
Kushala Snarl XR LV6x1
Kushala Vise XR LV6x1
Kushala Embrace XR LV6x1
Kushala Wind Wrap XR LV6x1
Kushala Shank XR LV6x1
Battle Auroros Headpiece LV6x1
Battle Auroros Torso LV6x1
Battle Auroros Gauntlets LV6x1
Battle Auroros Tassets LV6x1
Battle Auroros Pants LV6x1
Battle Genesis Headpiece LV6x1
Battle Genesis Torso LV6x1
Battle Genesis Gauntlets LV6x1
Battle Genesis Tassets LV6x1
Battle Genesis Pants LV6x1
Battle Borealis Crown LV6x1
Battle Borealis Chest LV6x1
Battle Borealis Gauntlets LV6x1
Battle Borealis Tassets LV6x1
Battle Borealis Hakama LV6x1
Battle Glyph Crown LV6x1
Battle Glyph Chest LV6x1
Battle Glyph Gauntlets LV6x1
Battle Glyph Tassets LV6x1
Battle Glyph Hakama LV6x1
Auroros Kermes Headpiece LV6x1
Auroros Kermes Torso LV6x1
Auroros Kermes Gauntlets LV6x1
Auroros Kermes Tassets LV6x1
Auroros Kermes Hakama LV6x1
Genesis Kermes Headpiece LV6x1
Genesis Kermes Torso LV6x1
Genesis Kermes Gauntlets LV6x1
Genesis Kermes Tassets LV6x1
Genesis Kermes Hakama LV6x1
Borealis Kermes Crown LV6x1
Borealis Kermes Chest LV6x1
Borealis Kermes Gauntlets LV6x1
Borealis Kermes Tassets LV6x1
Borealis Kermes Hakama LV6x1
Glyph Kermes Crown LV6x1
Glyph Kermes Chest LV6x1
Glyph Kermes Gauntlets LV6x1
Glyph Kermes Tassets LV6x1
Glyph Kermes Hakama LV6x1
Akantor Mask XR LV5x1
Akantor Aegis XR LV5x1
Akantor Claws XR LV5x1
Akantor Cincture XR LV5x1
Akantor Hessian XR LV5x1
Akantor Fangs XR LV5x1
Akantor Plate XR LV5x1
Akantor Gauntlets XR LV5x1
Akantor Sash XR LV5x1
Akantor Boots XR LV5x1
Tempest Kermes Crown LV5x1
Tempest Kermes Robe LV5x1
Tempest Kermes Sleeves LV5x1
Tempest Kermes Obi LV5x1
Tempest Kermes Hakama LV5x1
Welkin Kermes Crown LV5x1
Welkin Kermes Robe LV5x1
Welkin Kermes Sleeves LV5x1
Welkin Kermes Obi LV5x1
Welkin Kermes Hakama LV5x1
True Skeletal Skull LV5x1
True Skeletal Sternum LV5x1
True Skeletal Humerus LV5x1
True Skeletal Hipbone LV5x1
True Skeletal Femur LV5x1
True Decayed Skull LV5x1
True Decayed Sternum LV5x1
True Decayed Humerus LV5x1
True Decayed Hipbone LV5x1
True Decayed Femur LV5x1
Astral Helm X LV5x1
Astral Suit X LV5x1
Astral Vambraces X LV5x1
Astral Coil X LV5x1
Astral Boots X LV5x1
Astral Mask X LV5x1
Astral Vest X LV5x1
Astral Guards X LV5x1
Astral Coat X LV5x1
Astral Feet X LV5x1
Neset Khat LV5x1
Neset Pleuron LV5x1
Neset Manus LV5x1
Neset Alae LV5x1
Neset Dara LV5x1
Neset Lappet LV5x1
Neset Korpus LV5x1
Neset Brachia LV5x1
Neset Elytra LV5x1
Neset Saku LV5x1
Dragonhead LV5x1
Dragonhide LV5x1
Dragonclaws LV5x1
Dragonbarbs LV5x1
Dragonfeet LV5x1
Dragonface LV5x1
Dragonskin LV5x1
Dragonfists LV5x1
Dragonsheath LV5x1
Dragonlegs LV5x1
Escadora Wisdom XR LV5x1
Escadora Soul XR LV5x1
Escadora Armguards XR LV5x1
Escadora Might XR LV5x1
Escadora Sheath XR LV5x1
Escadora Sagesse XR LV5x1
Escadora Seele XR LV5x1
Escadora Arma XR LV5x1
Escadora Force XR LV5x1
Escadora Scala XR LV5x1
GX Fatalis Crimsonhead LV5x1
GX Fatalis Crimsonhide LV5x1
GX Fatalis Crimsonclaws LV5x1
GX Fatalis Crimsonspine LV5x1
GX Fatalis Crimsonfeet LV5x1
GX Fatalis Crimsonface LV5x1
GX Fatalis Crimsonskin LV5x1
GX Fatalis Crimsonfists LV5x1
GX Fatalis Crimsonscale LV5x1
GX Fatalis Crimsonlegs LV5x1

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.