銀嶺キャップFrostpeak Cap
Elderfrost headwear given to those who have cleared Special Permit Quests.

銀嶺レジストFrostpeak Vest
Elderfrost chest armor that proves a hunter's worth in downing Deviant Monsters.

銀嶺ガードFrostpeak Guards
Elderfrost armguards whose distinct craft garners them the envy of hunters everywhere.

銀嶺コートFrostpeak Coat
Elderfrost waist armor whose special materials are suited for accomplished hunters.

銀嶺レギンスFrostpeak Leggings
Elderfrost leg armor that can ably cross the line between life and death.

× Frostpeak Cap 73 ~ 108-3+2-2+4+2――― Frostpeak:+3 FastCharge:+2 Stam Recov:+2 True F.peak:+3
× Frostpeak Vest 73 ~ 108-3+2-2+4+2――― Frostpeak:+1 FastCharge:+2 Stam Recov:+1 True F.peak:+1
× Frostpeak Guards 73 ~ 108-3+2-2+4+2――― Frostpeak:+2 FastCharge:+2 Stam Recov:+2 True F.peak:+2
× Frostpeak Coat 73 ~ 108-3+2-2+4+2――― Frostpeak:+2 FastCharge:+2 Stam Recov:+2 True F.peak:+2
× Frostpeak Leggings 73 ~ 108-3+2-2+4+2――― Frostpeak:+2 FastCharge:+2 Stam Recov:+3 True F.peak:+2
365 ~ 540-15+10-10+20+100銀嶺Frostpeak ⚠:+10溜め短縮FastCharge:+10気力回復Stam Recov:+10真・銀嶺True F.peak ⚠:+10

銀嶺Frostpeak ⚠+10Compound skills that simultaneously trigger two or more skills.
溜め短縮FastCharge+10Skills that affect the speed at which Long Sword, Dual Blades, and Switch Axe gauges, Charge Blade phials, and Bow, Great Sword, and Hammer charge attacks are charged.
気力回復Stam Recov+10Skills that affect Stamina recovery speed.
真・銀嶺True F.peak ⚠+10Compound skills that simultaneously trigger two or more skills.

LvFrostpeak CapFrostpeak VestFrostpeak GuardsFrostpeak CoatFrostpeak Leggings

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