重厚な骨Massive Bone

An impossibly hard bone from a large beast. Exceeds all known standards for crafting material.

Rare 8Max Carry x99Sell Price 1,200zBone LV3

イタズラ猿に制裁を【HubG★1】Prank Monkey Reward2 x1100%
罪深きタルの食材探訪【HubG★1】Ingredient Expedition Reward2 x1100%
嗚呼素晴らしき也、鬼蛙【HubG★1】Wondrous Demon Frog Reward2 x1100%
氷雪に舞う白うさぎ【HubG★1】Dance of the Snow Flurry Reward2 x1100%
川辺のアオアシラ退治【HubG★1】Riverside Bear Reward2 x1100%
至宝の林檎王?【HubG★2】King of Apples Reward2 x1100%
転がれ! 転がせ! 赤い牙獣【HubG★2】3, 2, 1... Let It Rip! Reward2 x1100%
二人で特訓、成果は山分け【HubG★2】Special Training Reward2 x1100%
ババコンガのキノコ品評会【HubG★2】Congalala Mushroom Fair Reward2 x1100%
閃きへの1ピースを求めて【HubG★2】Seeking Inspiration Reward2 x1100%
砂漠の積荷は誰の物?【HubG★2】Desert Cargo Reward2 x1100%
……欲するならば資格を示して【HubG★2】Show your Capabilities Reward2 x1100%
氷海のすばらしい氷【HubG★3】Amazing F.Seaway Ice Reward2 x1100%
巨獣流 狩人道場【HubG★3】Nature of the Beast Reward2 x1100%
闘技場での最終テストっチャ!【HubG★3】Final Test at the Arena! Reward2 x1100%
金色に染まる【HubG★4】Stained in Gold Reward2 x1100%
雪山からの救援要請【HubG★4】Artic Ridge Relief Reward2 x1100%
金色超巨星【HubG★4】Golden Superstar Reward2 x1100%
ドスの威信を賭けた戦い【HubG★1】Battledrome Reward2 x120%
……欲するならば資格を示して【HubG★2】Show your Capabilities Reward1 x119%
……欲するならば資格を示して【HubG★2】Show your Capabilities Sub x119%
ドドブランゴは2頭いる【HubG★2】There are 2 Blangongas Reward1 x119%
ドドブランゴは2頭いる【HubG★2】There are 2 Blangongas Reward2 x119%
ババコンガのキノコ品評会【HubG★2】Congalala Mushroom Fair Reward1 x118%
割り込み受注:2頭の桃毛獣【HubG★2】Interrupted Order: Congalala Reward1 x118%
割り込み受注:2頭の桃毛獣【HubG★2】Interrupted Order: Congalala Reward2 x118%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Snowbaron G3: Hunt Reward1 x218%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Snowbaron G4: Hunt Reward1 x218%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Snowbaron G5: Hunt Reward1 x218%
【超特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼【Special Permit】Snowbaron: Super Hunt Reward1 x218%
牙獣の行水【HubG★1】Bear Shower Reward1 x114%
牙獣の行水【HubG★1】Bear Shower Reward2 x114%
川辺のアオアシラ退治【HubG★1】Riverside Bear Reward1 x114%
【特殊許可】紅兜捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Redhelm G1: Capture Reward1 x114%
【特殊許可】紅兜捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Redhelm G1: Capture Sub x114%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼G2【Special Permit】Redhelm G2: Hunt Reward1 x114%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼G2【Special Permit】Redhelm G2: Hunt Sub x114%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Redhelm G3: Hunt Reward1 x114%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Redhelm G4: Hunt Reward1 x114%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Redhelm G5: Hunt Reward1 x114%
【特殊許可】金雷公狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Thunderlord G4: Hunt Sub x114%
至宝の林檎王?【HubG★2】King of Apples Reward1 x214%
転がれ! 転がせ! 赤い牙獣【HubG★2】3, 2, 1... Let It Rip! Reward1 x214%
転がれ! 転がせ! 赤い牙獣【HubG★2】3, 2, 1... Let It Rip! Sub x214%
転んで跳ねて七転八倒【HubG★2】Bumble Tumble Rumble Reward1 x214%
牙獣の行水【HubG★1】Bear Shower Sub x112%
人騒がせないたずら者たち【HubG★1】It's Just a Prank Sub x112%
イタズラ猿に制裁を【HubG★1】Prank Monkey Reward2 x112%
罪深きタルの食材探訪【HubG★1】Ingredient Expedition Reward2 x112%
嗚呼素晴らしき也、鬼蛙【HubG★1】Wondrous Demon Frog Reward2 x112%
氷雪に舞う白うさぎ【HubG★1】Dance of the Snow Flurry Reward2 x112%
川辺のアオアシラ退治【HubG★1】Riverside Bear Reward2 x112%
至宝の林檎王?【HubG★2】King of Apples Reward2 x112%
転がれ! 転がせ! 赤い牙獣【HubG★2】3, 2, 1... Let It Rip! Reward2 x112%
二人で特訓、成果は山分け【HubG★2】Special Training Reward2 x112%
閃きへの1ピースを求めて【HubG★2】Seeking Inspiration Reward2 x112%
砂漠の積荷は誰の物?【HubG★2】Desert Cargo Reward2 x112%
……欲するならば資格を示して【HubG★2】Show your Capabilities Reward2 x112%
割り込み受注:2頭の桃毛獣【HubG★2】Interrupted Order: Congalala Sub x112%
【特殊許可】紅兜捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Redhelm G1: Capture Reward2 x112%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼G2【Special Permit】Redhelm G2: Hunt Reward2 x112%
【特殊許可】大雪主捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Snowbaron G1: Capture Reward2 x112%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼G2【Special Permit】Snowbaron G2: Hunt Reward2 x112%
【特殊許可】矛砕捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Stonefist G1: Capture Reward2 x112%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼G2【Special Permit】Stonefist G2: Hunt Reward2 x112%
【特殊許可】岩穿捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Drilltusk G1: Capture Reward2 x112%
【特殊許可】岩穿狩猟依頼G2【Special Permit】Drilltusk G2: Hunt Reward2 x112%
【特殊許可】鎧裂捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Shredclaw G1: Capture Reward2 x112%
【特殊許可】鎧裂狩猟依頼G2【Special Permit】Shredclaw G2: Hunt Reward2 x112%
【特殊許可】銀嶺捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Frostpeak G1: Capture Reward2 x112%
【特殊許可】銀嶺狩猟依頼G2【Special Permit】Frostpeak G2: Hunt Reward2 x112%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Redhelm G3: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Redhelm G4: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Redhelm G5: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Snowbaron G3: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Snowbaron G4: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Snowbaron G5: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Stonefist G3: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Stonefist G4: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Stonefist G5: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】岩穿狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Drilltusk G3: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】岩穿狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Drilltusk G4: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】岩穿狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Drilltusk G5: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】鎧裂狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Shredclaw G3: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】鎧裂狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Shredclaw G4: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】鎧裂狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Shredclaw G5: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】銀嶺狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Frostpeak G3: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】銀嶺狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Frostpeak G4: Hunt Reward2 x111%
【特殊許可】銀嶺狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Frostpeak G5: Hunt Reward2 x111%
人騒がせないたずら者たち【HubG★1】It's Just a Prank Reward1 x110%
人騒がせないたずら者たち【HubG★1】It's Just a Prank Reward2 x110%
イタズラ猿に制裁を【HubG★1】Prank Monkey Reward1 x110%
氷海のすばらしい氷【HubG★3】Amazing F.Seaway Ice Reward2 x110%
巨獣流 狩人道場【HubG★3】Nature of the Beast Reward2 x110%
闘技場での最終テストっチャ!【HubG★3】Final Test at the Arena! Reward2 x110%
金色に染まる【HubG★4】Stained in Gold Reward2 x110%
雪山からの救援要請【HubG★4】Artic Ridge Relief Reward2 x110%
金色超巨星【HubG★4】Golden Superstar Reward2 x110%
コロコロ・キケンな屁をこく獣【Hub・DL】コロコロ・キケンな屁をこく獣 Reward2 x110%
WORST・セニドクロ【Hub・DL】WORST・セニドクロ Reward2 x110%
氷雪に舞う白うさぎ【HubG★1】Dance of the Snow Flurry Reward1 x210%
氷雪に舞う白うさぎ【HubG★1】Dance of the Snow Flurry Sub x210%
たまには釣りでもいかが?【HubG★2】Gone Fishing Sub x210%
金色超巨星【HubG★4】Golden Superstar Reward2 x210%
【特殊許可】大雪主捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Snowbaron G1: Capture Reward1 x210%
【特殊許可】大雪主捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Snowbaron G1: Capture Sub x210%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼G2【Special Permit】Snowbaron G2: Hunt Reward1 x210%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼G2【Special Permit】Snowbaron G2: Hunt Sub x210%
コロコロ・キケンな屁をこく獣【Hub・DL】コロコロ・キケンな屁をこく獣 Reward1 x19%
閃きへの1ピースを求めて【HubG★2】Seeking Inspiration Reward1 x18%
氷海の大決闘:化け鮫VS鬼蛙【Hub・DL】氷海の大決闘:化け鮫VS鬼蛙 Reward1 x18%
氷海のすばらしい氷【HubG★3】Amazing F.Seaway Ice Reward2 x28%
巨獣流 狩人道場【HubG★3】Nature of the Beast Reward2 x28%
闘技場での最終テストっチャ!【HubG★3】Final Test at the Arena! Reward2 x28%
桃毛獣による新人への洗礼【HubG★3】Baptism by Flatulence Reward1 x28%
雪崩を呼ぶ遠吠え【HubG★3】Ape Avalanche Reward1 x28%
金色に染まる【HubG★4】Stained in Gold Reward2 x28%
雪山からの救援要請【HubG★4】Artic Ridge Relief Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Redhelm G3: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Redhelm G3: Hunt Sub x28%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Redhelm G4: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Redhelm G5: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【超特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼【Special Permit】Redhelm: Super Hunt Reward1 x28%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Snowbaron G3: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Snowbaron G4: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Snowbaron G5: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Stonefist G3: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Stonefist G4: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Stonefist G5: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】岩穿狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Drilltusk G3: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】岩穿狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Drilltusk G4: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】岩穿狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Drilltusk G5: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】鎧裂狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Shredclaw G3: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】鎧裂狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Shredclaw G4: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】鎧裂狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Shredclaw G5: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】銀嶺狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Frostpeak G3: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】銀嶺狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Frostpeak G4: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【特殊許可】銀嶺狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Frostpeak G4: Hunt Sub x28%
【特殊許可】銀嶺狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Frostpeak G5: Hunt Reward2 x28%
【超特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼【Special Permit】Redhelm: Super Hunt Reward2 x38%
【超特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼【Special Permit】Snowbaron: Super Hunt Reward2 x38%
【超特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼【Special Permit】Stonefist: Super Hunt Reward2 x38%
【超特殊許可】岩穿狩猟依頼【Special Permit】Drilltusk: Super Hunt Reward2 x38%
【超特殊許可】鎧裂狩猟依頼【Special Permit】Shredclaw: Super Hunt Reward2 x38%
【超特殊許可】銀嶺狩猟依頼【Special Permit】Frostpeak: Super Hunt Reward2 x38%
ババコンガのキノコ品評会【HubG★2】Congalala Mushroom Fair Reward2 x17%
金色に染まる【HubG★4】Stained in Gold Reward1 x57%
金色に染まる【HubG★4】Stained in Gold Sub x57%
雪山からの救援要請【HubG★4】Artic Ridge Relief Reward1 x57%
雪山からの救援要請【HubG★4】Artic Ridge Relief Sub x57%
感動の生まれる瞬間【HubG★4】Moment of Inspiration Reward1 x57%
【特殊許可】隻眼狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Deadeye G4: Hunt Sub x57%
氷海のすばらしい氷【HubG★3】Amazing F.Seaway Ice Reward1 x16%
氷海のすばらしい氷【HubG★3】Amazing F.Seaway Ice Sub x16%
巨獣流 狩人道場【HubG★3】Nature of the Beast Reward1 x16%
巨獣流 狩人道場【HubG★3】Nature of the Beast Sub x16%
モンスターニャンターXX【HubG★4】Monster Prowler XX Reward2 x16%
【特殊許可】銀嶺捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Frostpeak G1: Capture Reward1 x16%
【特殊許可】銀嶺捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Frostpeak G1: Capture Sub x16%
【特殊許可】銀嶺狩猟依頼G2【Special Permit】Frostpeak G2: Hunt Reward1 x16%
【特殊許可】銀嶺狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Frostpeak G3: Hunt Reward1 x16%
【特殊許可】銀嶺狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Frostpeak G3: Hunt Sub x16%
【特殊許可】銀嶺狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Frostpeak G4: Hunt Reward1 x16%
【特殊許可】銀嶺狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Frostpeak G5: Hunt Reward1 x16%
【超特殊許可】銀嶺狩猟依頼【Special Permit】Frostpeak: Super Hunt Reward1 x16%
調査委託:獰猛な奇猿狐【HubG★2】Could a Monkey Fight a Man? Reward1 x26%
本気の狩りは闘技場の中で【HubG★3】Surprise Show at the Arena Reward1 x26%
巨獣の進攻【HubG★4】Attack on Mammoth Reward1 x26%
ファミ通・奇猿狐に突撃取材!【Hub・DL】ファミ通・奇猿狐に突撃取材! Reward1 x26%
きょじゅうをやっつけて【Hub・DL】きょじゅうをやっつけて Reward1 x26%
罪深きタルの食材探訪【HubG★1】Ingredient Expedition Reward1 x25%
嗚呼素晴らしき也、鬼蛙【HubG★1】Wondrous Demon Frog Reward1 x25%
シャークブリザード【HubG★3】Sharqnado Reward1 x25%
【特殊許可】岩穿捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Drilltusk G1: Capture Reward1 x25%
【特殊許可】岩穿捕獲依頼G1【Special Permit】Drilltusk G1: Capture Sub x25%
【特殊許可】岩穿狩猟依頼G2【Special Permit】Drilltusk G2: Hunt Reward1 x25%
【特殊許可】岩穿狩猟依頼G2【Special Permit】Drilltusk G2: Hunt Sub x25%
【特殊許可】岩穿狩猟依頼G3【Special Permit】Drilltusk G3: Hunt Reward1 x25%
【特殊許可】岩穿狩猟依頼G4【Special Permit】Drilltusk G4: Hunt Reward1 x25%
【特殊許可】岩穿狩猟依頼G5【Special Permit】Drilltusk G5: Hunt Reward1 x25%
【超特殊許可】岩穿狩猟依頼【Special Permit】Drilltusk: Super Hunt Reward1 x25%
氷海の大決闘:化け鮫VS鬼蛙【Hub・DL】氷海の大決闘:化け鮫VS鬼蛙 Reward2 x25%
WORST・セニドクロ【Hub・DL】WORST・セニドクロ Reward1 x25%
金色超巨星【HubG★4】Golden Superstar Reward1 x55%
金色超巨星【HubG★4】Golden Superstar Sub x55%
怒髪天を貫き何処へ往く【Hub・DL】怒髪天を貫き何処へ往く Reward1 x55%
Hunters for Hire
赤甲獣ラングロトラ現る!Walk 'n RollReward2x214%
赤甲獣ラングロトラ現る!Walk 'n RollReward1x214%
猪突猛進! ドスファンゴThe Bulldrome ChargesReward2x111%
猪突猛進! ドスファンゴThe Bulldrome ChargesReward1x111%
雪山の主、ドドブランゴThe New TenantReward2x110%
雪山の主、ドドブランゴThe New TenantReward1x110%
ぱっくん! テツカブラぱっくん! テツカブラReward2x25%
ぱっくん! テツカブラぱっくん! テツカブラReward1x25%
ザボアザギルの狩猟依頼Fin FinderReward1x14%
ザボアザギルの狩猟依頼Fin FinderReward2x14%
G RankドスファンゴBulldromeBody Carvex125%
G RankアオアシラArzurosBody Carvex110%
G Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosBody Carvex110%
G Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosBody Carvex110%
G Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosBody Carvex110%
G RankテツカブラTetsucabraBody Carvex110%
G Rank岩穿テツカブラDrilltusk TetsucabraBody Carvex110%
G Rank岩穿テツカブラDrilltusk TetsucabraBody Carvex110%
G Rank岩穿テツカブラDrilltusk TetsucabraBody Carvex110%
G RankケチャワチャKecha WachaBody Carvex18%
G RankババコンガCongalalaBody Carvex18%
G RankドドブランゴBlangongaBody Carvex18%
G RankウルクススLagombiBody Carvex15%
G Rank大雪主ウルクススSnowbaron LagombiBody Carvex15%
G Rank大雪主ウルクススSnowbaron LagombiBody Carvex15%
G Rank大雪主ウルクススSnowbaron LagombiBody Carvex15%
G RankドスファンゴBulldromeCapturex225%
G Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosCapturex225%
G Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosCapturex225%
G RankアオアシラArzurosCapturex220%
G Rank紅兜アオアシラRedhelm ArzurosCapturex220%
G Rank大雪主ウルクススSnowbaron LagombiCapturex220%
G Rank大雪主ウルクススSnowbaron LagombiCapturex220%
G RankテツカブラTetsucabraCapturex120%
G Rank岩穿テツカブラDrilltusk TetsucabraCapturex120%
G Rank岩穿テツカブラDrilltusk TetsucabraCapturex120%
G Rank岩穿テツカブラDrilltusk TetsucabraCapturex120%
G RankババコンガCongalalaCapturex120%
G RankウルクススLagombiCapturex217%
G Rank大雪主ウルクススSnowbaron LagombiCapturex215%
G RankドドブランゴBlangongaCapturex215%

Hunting HornNative's Horn LV5 x5
Light BowgunBarro Launcher LV3 x4
Light BowgunCombat Conga LV3 x4
Great SwordLagombi Charlotte LV6 x4
Great SwordThrash Cutlass LV4 x5
BowForest Calhard LV3 x4
Dual BladesLimb Cutter LV6x4
Dual BladesAshigara Axes LV7x2
Dual BladesSuzuka Otakemaru LV5x5
Dual BladesRedhelm Daggers LV12x3
Dual BladesFunky Maracas LV4x4
Charge BladeKaiser Commandant LV11x4
Charge BladeBonesilt Veil LV9x2
Charge BladeDemonlord Supersurge LV5x2
Insect GlaiveWarparty Cudgel LV7x2
Insect GlaiveMetalmangler LV5x3
Insect GlaiveBlack Stonefist Hurler LV12x2
Hunting HornHardened Bone Horn LV9x3
Hunting HornWild Grunt LV6x3
Hunting HornKechachacha Whappa LV5x2
Hunting HornKecha Clanga LV5x3
Hunting HornWar Conga LV4x4
Hunting HornHigh War Drum LV4x3
Heavy BowgunAnteka Fullburst LV7x2
Heavy BowgunCyclecaster LV4x3
Heavy BowgunGreat Arbalest LV9x2
Heavy BowgunShirabeo LV4x3
Heavy BowgunWild Stinger LV4x3
Light BowgunKut-Ku Counterattack LV7x2
Light BowgunSniper Shot LV9x2
Light BowgunDemonlord Cannon LV4x3
Long SwordSilver Ichimonji LV4x3
Long SwordArzuros Assaultbrush LV8x8
Long SwordTormentor LV7x4
Great SwordJudgment LV6x2
Great SwordGiant Jawblade LV7x2
Great SwordThrash Cutlass LV5x4
Great SwordSalvationblade LV5x5
Great SwordGreat Pincer LV6x2
Great SwordStonefist Unguis LV12x2
Sword & ShieldCocky Comrades LV7x4
Sword & ShieldSilverwind Edge LV12x4
HammerHard Bone Hammer LV9x2
HammerSkullblaster LV7x4
HammerHeavy Bone Bludgeon LV7x3
HammerBull Tusk Hammer LV7x4
LanceLongtusk Spear LV7x2
LanceBrutal Tusk LV4x5
LanceBarbarian Fang LV6x3
LanceBulldrome Spear LV7x4
LanceRexpelgouger LV4x3
LancePrimal Spear LV5x3
BowArchfiend's Roar LV4x3
BowMaster Hunter's Bow LV9x3
BowKelbi Strongshot LV4x1
BowScarfskin Bow LV6x2
BowCrimson Greatbow LV12x4
BowForest Calhard LV4x3
BowForest Faldate LV4x2
Switch AxeVine Splitter LV7x4
Switch AxeArzuros Revelax LV7x3
Switch AxeMaximal Gasher LV6x3
Switch AxeGround Dasher LV7x4
Switch AxeVermilingua LV6x2
Switch AxeUndying Light LV5x3
Switch AxeDrilltusk Axe LV12x4
Switch AxeGunda Bandandar LV4x4
Bone Mail X LV1Key x1
Bone Faulds X LV1Key x1
Bone Vest X LV1Key x1
Bone Coat X LV1Key x1
Dober Greaves X LV1 x6
Dober Leggings X LV1 x6
Bulldrome Mail X LV1 x3
Bulldrome Faulds X LV1 x4
Bulldrome Vest X LV1 x3
Bulldrome Coat X LV1 x4
Bullfango Mask X LV1 x3
Arzuros Helm X LV1 x2
Arzuros Faulds X LV1 x2
Arzuros Cap X LV1 x2
Arzuros Coil X LV1 x2
Remobra Gloves X LV1 x2
Remobra Hands X LV1 x2
Ioprey Mail X LV1 x3
Ioprey Vest X LV1 x3
GX Ioprey Helm LV1 x3
GX Ioprey Cap LV1 x3
Kut-Ku Tassets X LV1 x3
Kut-Ku Coat X LV1 x3
Kecha Helm X LV1 x3
Kecha Mail X LV1 x1
Kecha Faulds X LV1 x2
Kecha Cap X LV1 x3
Kecha Vest X LV1 x1
Kecha Coat X LV1 x2
Lagombi Helm X LV1 x2
Lagombi Faulds X LV1 x3
Lagombi Cap X LV1 x2
Lagombi Coat X LV1 x3
Tetsucabra Faulds X LV1 x4
Tetsucabra Greaves X LV1 x2
Tetsucabra Coat X LV1 x4
Tetsucabra Leggings X LV1 x2
Hermitaur Tassets X LV1 x3
Hermitaur Coat X LV1 x3
GX Hermitaur Tassets LV1 x3
GX Hermitaur Coat LV1 x3
Volvidon Mail X LV1 x2
Volvidon Vambraces X LV1 x3
Volvidon Vest X LV1 x2
Volvidon Guards X LV1 x3
GX Conga Faulds LV1 x3
GX Conga Coat LV1 x3
Barroth Greaves X LV1 x2
Barroth Leggings X LV1 x2
Nerscylla Braces X LV1 x1
Nerscylla Faulds X LV1 x1
Nerscylla Guards X LV1 x1
Nerscylla Coat X LV1 x1
Blangonga Vambraces X LV1 x2
Blangonga Coil X LV1 x3
Blangonga Guards X LV1 x2
Blangonga Coat X LV1 x3
GX Blango Vambraces LV1 x3
GX Blango Guards LV1 x3
Gammoth Mail X LV1 x3
Gammoth Braces X LV1 x4
Gammoth Vest X LV1 x3
Gammoth Guards X LV1 x4
Gammoth Mail X LV1 x3
Gammoth Braces X LV1 x4
Gammoth Vest X LV1 x3
Gammoth Guards X LV1 x4
Strange Mail X LV1 x2
Strange Faulds X LV1 x3
Strange Vest X LV1 x2
Strange Coat X LV1 x3
Hazewing Helm LV1 x1
Hazewing Faulds LV1 x1
Hazewing Cap LV1 x1
Hazewing Coat LV1 x1
Frostpeak Helm LV1 x4
Frostpeak Cap LV1 x4
Kecha Helm LV9x1
Kecha Mail LV9x1
Kecha Vambraces LV9x1
Kecha Faulds LV9x1
Kecha Greaves LV9x1
Kecha Cap LV9x1
Kecha Vest LV9x1
Kecha Guards LV9x1
Kecha Coat LV9x1
Kecha Leggings LV9x1
Zamtrios Helm LV9x1
Zamtrios Mail LV9x1
Zamtrios Braces LV9x1
Zamtrios Faulds LV9x1
Zamtrios Greaves LV9x1
Zamtrios Cap LV9x1
Zamtrios Vest LV9x1
Zamtrios Guards LV9x1
Zamtrios Coat LV9x1
Zamtrios Leggings LV9x1
Skull Visage S LV8x2
Skull Mask S LV8x2
Bone Helm X LV6x1
Bone Mail X LV6x1
Bone Vambraces X LV6x1
Bone Faulds X LV6x1
Bone Greaves X LV6x1
Bone Cap X LV6x1
Bone Vest X LV6x1
Bone Guards X LV6x1
Bone Coat X LV6x1
Bone Leggings X LV6x1

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.