ブランゴXキャップBlangonga Cap X
A cap crafted from Blangonga materials. Wearing it will sharpen a sniper's mind.

ブランゴXレジストBlangonga Vest X
A fur-covered vest made of Blangonga parts. Thin, yet resistant to cold temperatures.

ブランゴXガードBlangonga Guards X
Armguards made of Blangonga materials. The simple design protects wearers from the cold.

ブランゴXコートBlangonga Coat X
A coat crafted from Blango materials. It has a distinct, oriental style.

ブランゴXレギンスBlangonga Leggings X
Armor made of Blangonga parts. The design is modeled after Eastern religious costumes.

× Blangonga Cap X 64 ~ 91-4+1-+5-◯―― Constitutn:+3 Ice Atk:+4 Sheathing:+2
× Blangonga Vest X 64 ~ 91-4+1-+5-◯◯― Constitutn:+4 Sheathing:+1
× Blangonga Guards X 64 ~ 91-4+1-+5-◯◯― Constitutn:+1 Ice Atk:+2 Sheathing:+1
× Blangonga Coat X 64 ~ 91-4+1-+5-――― Constitutn:+4 Ice Atk:+3 Sheathing:+4
× Blangonga Leggings X 64 ~ 91-4+1-+5-◯◯― Ice Atk:+6 Sheathing:+2
320 ~ 455-20+5-+25-7体術Constitutn ⚠:+12氷属性攻撃Ice Atk:+15納刀Sheathing:+10

体術Constitutn ⚠+12Skills that affect Stamina depletion when evading, blocking, etc.
氷属性攻撃Ice Atk+15Skills that affect the power of Ice attacks and Freeze shots (Freeze S).
納刀Sheathing+10Skills that increase weapon- sheathing speed.

LvBlangonga Cap XBlangonga Vest XBlangonga Guards XBlangonga Coat XBlangonga Leggings X

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.