ガムートXキャップGammoth Cap X
An ornamental helmet worn by priests who commanded a legion of holy warriors.

ガムートXレジストGammoth Vest X
Armor worn by a priest who prayed for his warriors as they fought a terrible god.

ガムートXガードGammoth Guards X
Armor doused in the tears of a priest who lamented the deaths of his holy warriors.

ガムートXコートGammoth Coat X
Armor woven from the threads of despair, born from the anguish of god and priest.

ガムートXレギンスGammoth Leggings X
Left by a priest to tell the tale of the warriors who suffered nigh endless misery.

×× Gammoth Cap X 74 ~ 98-3+1-1+4+2◯◯― CldBlooded:+2 Neg AFF:+2 Destroyer:+2
×× Gammoth Vest X 74 ~ 98-3+1-1+4+2――― CldBlooded:+3 Neg AFF:+2 Destroyer:+2
×× Gammoth Guards X 74 ~ 98-3+1-1+4+2◯◯― CldBlooded:+1 Destroyer:+3
×× Gammoth Coat X 74 ~ 98-3+1-1+4+2◯―― CldBlooded:+2 Neg AFF:+2 Destroyer:+1
×× Gammoth Leggings X 74 ~ 98-3+1-1+4+2◯―― CldBlooded:+2 Neg AFF:+4 Destroyer:+2
370 ~ 490-15+5-5+20+106寒冷適応CldBlooded ⚠:+10裏会心Neg AFF ⚠:+10重撃Destroyer:+10

寒冷適応CldBlooded ⚠+10Skills that increase your adaptability to cold places.
裏会心Neg AFF ⚠+10Skills which give negative Affinity attacks a chance to be strong Affinity attacks.
重撃Destroyer+10Skills that increase your ability to wound monster body parts.

LvGammoth Cap XGammoth Vest XGammoth Guards XGammoth Coat XGammoth Leggings X

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.