イサナ船ハンマー!Arluq Whammer
A large Hammer that adorned the Arluq as it set out on the Caravan. It can overcome any difficulty.

発進、撃龍鎚イサナ!Swinging Scarluq
The Arluq Whammer's final form, it is ready to ship out and bravely take on dragons.

イサナ船よ永遠に!Tempered Arluq
== Ultimate Form == The coveted Ultimate Form of the Arluq Whammer.


Arluq Whammer LV1140
Dra 10
◯◯◯Rare 6
Arluq Whammer LV2160
Dra 13
◯◯◯Rare 6
Swinging Scarluq LV3180
Dra 15
◯◯◯Rare 6
Swinging Scarluq LV4240
Dra 18
◯◯◯Rare 6
Tempered Arluq LV5300
Dra 20
◯◯◯Rare 6

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.