獄炎石Firecell Stone

A magma-like deposit that only trained hands can properly work with.

Rare 6Max Carry x99Sell Price 1,720zOre LV2

燃石炭の納品【Hub★5】Close Coal Reward1 x1100%
たんと掘れ燃石炭【Hub★6】Coal Hearted Reward1 x1100%
心を燃やせ、燃石炭!【Hub★6】The Coal Still Burns Reward1 x1100%
たんと掘れ燃石炭【Hub★6】Coal HeartedDeliver 15x240%
たんと掘れ燃石炭【Hub★6】Coal HeartedDeliver 15x240%
たんと掘れ燃石炭【Hub★6】Coal HeartedDeliver 25x240%
たんと掘れ燃石炭【Hub★6】Coal HeartedDeliver 25x240%
たんと掘れ燃石炭【Hub★6】Coal HeartedDeliver 30x340%
大鉱脈、発見さる!【HubG★2】Great Ore Discovery Reward2 x110%
大鉱脈、発見さる!【HubG★2】Great Ore Discovery Reward1 x110%
火山ウロザミ戦線【HubG★3】Volcanic Vermin Reward2 x110%
ものぐさには爆鎚竜で喝!【Village★8】Uragaan Alarm Clock Reward1 x18%
ものぐさには爆鎚竜で喝!【Village★8】Uragaan Alarm Clock Sub x18%
熱地に現る、ウラガンキン!【Village★8】Uragaan Appears! Sub x18%
熱地に現る、ウラガンキン!【Village★8】Uragaan Appears! Reward1 x18%
獄炎の覇王【Village★10】Hellfire Overlord Reward1 x18%
獄炎の覇王【Village★10】Hellfire Overlord Sub x18%
脅威! 火山の鉄槌!【Hub★5】Fight or Uragaan! Reward1 x18%
鎚と刀の鍔迫り合い【Hub★7】Hammer vs. Blade Reward2 x18%
獄炎に座す、覇たる者【Hub★7】Grim Tidings Sub x18%
獄炎に座す、覇たる者【Hub★7】Grim Tidings Reward1 x18%
かくし味は燃石炭【HubG★3】Allfire Seasoning Reward1 x18%
地底火山のポイント招きネコ【Hub★5】Lucky Volcano Cat Reward2 x18%
【特殊許可】宝纏狩猟依頼4【Special Permit】Crystalbeard IV: Hunt Sub x18%
【特殊許可】隻眼捕獲依頼7【Special Permit】Deadeye VII: Capture Sub x18%
鎚と戈の競演【Hub★1・DL】鎚と戈の競演 Reward1 x18%
あっちっちなおとどけもの【Hub★1・DL】あっちっちなおとどけもの Reward2 x18%
急募・炭鉱採掘求ム【Hub・DL】急募・炭鉱採掘求ム Reward1 x18%
たんと掘れ燃石炭【Hub★6】Coal Hearted Reward2 x16%
爆鎚竜の顎破壊に挑戦!【Hub★7】Uragaan Shellbreaker Reward1 x16%
斬竜流 狩人道場【HubG★3】The Way of the Sword Sub x15%
【特殊許可】宝纏狩猟依頼1【Special Permit】Crystalbeard I: Hunt Reward1 x15%
【特殊許可】宝纏捕獲依頼2【Special Permit】Crystalbeard II: Capture Reward1 x15%
【特殊許可】宝纏狩猟依頼3【Special Permit】Crystalbeard III: Hunt Reward1 x15%
【特殊許可】宝纏狩猟依頼4【Special Permit】Crystalbeard IV: Hunt Reward1 x15%
【特殊許可】宝纏狩猟依頼5【Special Permit】Crystalbeard V: Hunt Reward1 x15%
【特殊許可】宝纏狩猟依頼6【Special Permit】Crystalbeard VI: Hunt Reward1 x15%
【特殊許可】宝纏捕獲依頼7【Special Permit】Crystalbeard VII: Capture Reward1 x15%
【特殊許可】宝纏狩猟依頼8【Special Permit】Crystalbeard VIII: Hunt Reward1 x15%
【特殊許可】宝纏狩猟依頼9【Special Permit】Crystalbeard IX: Hunt Reward1 x15%
【特殊許可】宝纏狩猟依頼10【Special Permit】Crystalbeard X: Hunt Reward1 x15%
カプコン・覇王烈昂【Hub★1・DL】カプコン・覇王烈昂 Reward1 x25%
燃石炭の納品【Hub★5】Close Coal Reward2 x14%
燃石炭の納品【Hub★5】Close Coal Reward1 x14%
落石注意!?【Hub★5】Tumbling Troublemaker Sub x14%
地底火山の精算アイテム納品【Hub★6】Volcanic Hollow Accounting Reward2 x14%
たんと掘れ燃石炭【Hub★6】Coal Hearted Reward1 x14%
心を燃やせ、燃石炭!【Hub★6】The Coal Still Burns Reward1 x14%
グラビモス連続狩猟【HubG★3】Hunt-a-thon: Gravios Reward2 x14%
鎧竜グラビモスの脅威【HubG★3】Armored Threat Reward2 x14%
狩場の光はすべて虫【Village★9】Wonderful Lights Reward2 x14%
火山ウロザミ戦線【HubG★3】Volcanic Vermin Reward1 x14%
あっちっちなおとどけもの【Hub★1・DL】あっちっちなおとどけもの Reward1 x14%
アグナコトルの捕獲【Village★9】Capture an Agnaktor Sub x13%
火の海に棲む竜!【Hub★6】Master of the Molten Deep Sub x13%
Hunters for Hire
燃石炭の納品Close CoalReward1x1100%
燃石炭の納品Close CoalReward2x1100%
最も危険な運び依頼Heat ExhaustionReward1x1100%
最も危険な運び依頼Heat ExhaustionReward2x1100%
最も危険な運び依頼Heat ExhaustionReward1x112%
最も危険な運び依頼Heat ExhaustionReward2x112%
脅威! 火山の鉄槌!Fight or Uragaan!Reward1x110%
脅威! 火山の鉄槌!Fight or Uragaan!Reward2x18%
燃石炭の納品Close CoalReward1x16%
燃石炭の納品Close CoalReward2x16%
最も危険な運び依頼Heat ExhaustionReward1x16%
最も危険な運び依頼Heat ExhaustionReward2x16%
火の海に棲む竜!Master of the Molten DeepReward1x16%
火の海に棲む竜!Master of the Molten DeepReward2x15%
G RankウラガンキンUragaanBody Gatherx135%
Low RankアカムトルムAkantorBody Carvex130%
High Rank宝纏ウラガンキンCrystalbeard UragaanBody Gatherx115%
High Rank宝纏ウラガンキンCrystalbeard UragaanBody Gatherx115%
G RankグラビモスGraviosShiny Dropx110%
High RankアカムトルムAkantorBody Carvex110%
High RankアグナコトルAgnaktorShiny Dropx18%
High RankグラビモスGraviosShiny Dropx16%
High RankウラガンキンUragaanBody Gatherx15%
High RankアグナコトルAgnaktorBody Carvex15%
High RankグラビモスGraviosTail Carvex12%
High RankアグナコトルAgnaktorWound Chestx115%
High RankアカムトルムAkantorWound Chestx210%
High RankグラビモスGraviosWound Headx110%
High RankグラビモスGraviosCapturex16%
G RankグラビモスGraviosCapturex16%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea11 2〜3 x120%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea11 2〜3 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea11 2〜3 x110%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea3 40% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea3 35% 3〜5 x110%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea4 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea8 40% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 2〜3 x130%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 2〜3 x120%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 40% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea2 3〜5 x110%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea2 3〜5 x15%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea3 20% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea4 20% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea4 80% 3〜5 x15%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea4 3〜5 x15%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea5 20% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea6 20% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea6 80% 3〜5 x15%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea8 20% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea8 20% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea8 80% 3〜5 x15%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea9 60% 4〜6 x120%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea9 40% 3〜5 x15%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea10 60% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea10 4〜6 x110%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea11 2〜3 x120%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea11 2〜3 x115%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea11 2〜3 x110%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea3 40% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea3 35% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea4 3〜5 x115%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea8 40% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 2〜3 x130%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 2〜3 x120%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 3〜5 x115%
High Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 40% 3〜5 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea1 1〜1 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea1 3〜5 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea2 3〜5 x115%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea2 1〜1 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea2 3〜5 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea3 80% 3〜5 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea3 20% 3〜5 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea4 3〜5 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea4 80% 3〜5 x15%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea5 20% 3〜5 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea5 3〜5 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea5 80% 3〜5 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea6 80% 3〜5 x15%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea7 1〜1 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea8 20% 3〜5 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea8 80% 3〜5 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea8 1〜1 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea8 3〜5 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea8 80% 3〜5 x15%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea9 1〜1 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea9 40% 3〜5 x15%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea10 4〜6 x115%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea10 1〜1 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea10 60% 4〜6 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea10 40% 3〜5 x110%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea11 2〜3 x115%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea11 2〜3 x110%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea3 65% 3〜5 x125%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea3 60% 3〜5 x120%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea4 3〜5 x120%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea8 60% 3〜5 x120%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 2〜3 x130%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 60% 3〜5 x125%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 3〜5 x120%
G Rank地底火山V. HollowArea9 2〜3 x120%
Meownster Hunters
High RankVolcanoStoneRare x140%
High RankVolcanoStoneNormalx120%
G RankVolcanoStoneNormalx220%
G RankVolcanoStoneRare x210%

Dual BladesPirate Edges J LV1 x5
Dual BladesSilverwing Blades LV1 x5
Charge BladeLava's Veil LV1 x4
Charge BladeHero Strongarm LV1 x3
Charge BladeSilverwing C.Blade LV1 x5
Insect GlaiveConviction Glaive J LV1 x5
Insect GlaiveSilverwing Glaive LV1 x5
Hunting HornMegaphone LV1 x4
Hunting HornSilverwing Horn LV1 x5
Heavy BowgunShooting Star LV1Key x4
Heavy BowgunGravios Howl LV1 x2
Heavy BowgunHero Blaster LV1 x3
Heavy BowgunPirate Cannon J LV1 x5
Heavy BowgunSilverwing Cannon LV1 x5
Light BowgunSilverwing Crossbow LV1 x5
Light BowgunBarbus Commemorative LV1 x3
Long SwordGiant Makaera LV1 x6
Long SwordSilverwing Katana LV1 x5
Long SwordZephyr LV5 x8
Great SwordCaptain Blade J LV1 x5
Great SwordAmol Saiqa LV1 x5
Great SwordSilverwing Greatsword LV1 x5
Great SwordVulcamagnon LV5 x8
Sword & ShieldSilverwing Sword LV1 x5
HammerArluq Whammer LV1 x5
HammerSilverwing Hammer LV1 x5
LanceSilverwing Spear LV1 x5
BowHyperion LV1 x4
BowSilverwing Greatbow LV1 x5
Switch AxePirate Axe J LV1 x5
Switch AxeSilverwing Axe LV1 x5
Switch AxeSoulbreaker LV5 x8
GunlanceDemon Gunlance LV1 x4
GunlanceHero Gunlance LV1 x3
GunlanceSilverwing Gunlance LV1 x5
Dual BladesLustrous Permia LV6x5
Dual BladesBlazeblades LV4x5
Dual BladesAkantor Blades LV2x12
Dual BladesHeroic Twins LV2x3
Dual BladesSpicy Dango LV2x2
Dual BladesStewbry Stirfoils LV2x4
Charge BladeRelic Blade LV6x5
Charge BladeBlackguard LV5x5
Charge BladeTigrex Divide LV3x2
Charge BladeAkantor C. Blade LV2x12
Charge BladeRudra Divide LV6x5
Insect GlaiveRelic Trias LV6x5
Insect GlaiveKut-Ku Pike LV5x2
Insect GlaiveAerial Glaive LV8x2
Insect GlaiveHighest of Glaives LV3x4
Insect GlaiveFlaming Halberd LV1x5
Insect GlaiveGrobo Blow LV6x4
Insect GlaiveLost Glaive LV3x1
Hunting HornRelic Horn LV6x5
Hunting HornKechachacha Whappa LV4x2
Hunting HornAkantor Horn LV2x12
Heavy BowgunRelic Cannon LV4x5
Heavy BowgunCarom Shot LV3x4
Heavy BowgunAgnaboom LV1x4
Heavy BowgunGreat Arbalest LV8x4
Heavy BowgunYian Kut-Ku Cannon LV4x3
Heavy BowgunMeteor Cannon LV5x8
Heavy BowgunMeteor Buster LV1x3
Heavy BowgunElite Bowgun LV4x3
Heavy BowgunMonteverde LV1x2
Heavy BowgunTodlicher Abzug LV2x5
Heavy BowgunSkeletal Cannon LV2x4
Heavy BowgunAkantor Cannon LV2x10
Heavy BowgunLunastra's Zeal LV3x1
Light BowgunRelic Debonia LV4x5
Light BowgunKut-Ku Anger LV5x3
Light BowgunSniper Shot LV8x4
Light BowgunSeditious Shot LV1x3
Light BowgunScale Tornado LV3x5
Light BowgunLava Storm LV1x3
Light BowgunDemon's Isle LV4x2
Light BowgunFaulnisschleuder LV3x5
Light BowgunBlessed Lamp LV2x5
Light BowgunAirship Gun LV3x5
Light BowgunBlack Parasol LV3x3
Light BowgunBeast Sniper LV3x3
Long SwordLustrous Kalimia LV6x5
Long SwordImperial Saber LV2x5
Long SwordUnbranded Aikuchi LV6x8
Long SwordDancing Flames LV1x5
Long SwordAkantor Katana LV2x12
Long SwordWindeater LV4x4
Long SwordDemon Swirl LV6x4
Great SwordLuminous Jurasta LV6x5
Great SwordCrimson Goat LV6x2
Great SwordCarbalite Sword LV8x4
Great SwordBrazenwall LV4x3
Great SwordFunayuki Reaver LV6x8
Great SwordRed Wing LV4x5
Great SwordAkantor Broadsword LV2x12
Great SwordVulcanis LV4x4
Great SwordCat's Curse LV3x10
Great SwordDemon Knife LV6x4
Great SwordGrobowall LV6x4
Sword & ShieldLustrous Cretecia LV6x5
Sword & ShieldLava Pick LV4x4
Sword & ShieldChief Kris LV8x1
Sword & ShieldAkantor Duo LV2x12
Sword & ShieldTusk Gear LV4x4
Sword & ShieldHero's Blade LV3x3
Sword & ShieldChak Chak LV3x3
Sword & ShieldFloral Seif LV3x3
Sword & ShieldBlack Doom Flame LV2x5
HammerRelic Hammer LV6x5
HammerFist of Fury LV2x5
HammerGun Hammer LV4x5
HammerRed Bludgeon LV3x3
HammerLeonid Starcrusher LV2x12
HammerGaiarch LV4x4
HammerTomb Hammer LV4x5
LanceObsidian Partisan LV6x5
LanceMillennial Lance LV8x4
LanceLava Cone LV2x3
LanceMagma Pike LV4x5
LanceSteel Knight's Pike LV4x5
LanceGrayburg Javelin LV5x15
LanceBlue Crater LV4x4
LanceFondue Lance LV3x1
BowEdiacca Bow LV5x5
BowProminence Bow LV3x2
BowKut-Ku Stave LV4x3
BowArca Raptora LV2x4
BowEntbehrung LV2x5
BowBow of Hope & Valor LV2x5
BowSkeletal Bow LV2x4
BowAkantor Bow LV2x10
Switch AxeRelic Axe LV6x5
Switch AxeMotor Burst LV3x4
Switch AxeElite Switch Axe LV5x5
Switch AxeGeneral's Strongaxe LV2x4
Switch AxePower Gasher LV3x5
Switch AxeFire Tempest LV1x3
Switch AxeAkantor Switch Axe LV2x12
Switch AxeRough Edge LV4x4
Switch AxeBeak Axe LV2x3
GunlanceLustrous Oldoba LV6x5
GunlanceVolcano Gunlance LV1x3
GunlanceRed Devil Gunlance LV5x4
GunlanceEizenlitter LV8x3
GunlanceImperial Guardlance LV6x4
GunlanceGeneral's Arbalance LV2x5
GunlanceSpine Blaster LV4x5
GunlanceAkantor Gunlance LV2x12
GunlanceYukumo Burst LV6x3
GunlanceBamboo Lionsbane LV4x3
GunlanceCornpopper LV3x3
GunlancePierce Cannon LV6x4
GunlanceGeode Burst LV3x4
GunlanceRaiden Cannon LV6x5
Remobra Headgear S LV1 x2
Remobra Suit S LV1 x2
Remobra Gloves S LV1 x2
Remobra Belt S LV1 x2
Remobra Feet S LV1 x2
Remobra Mask S LV1 x2
Remobra Wear S LV1 x2
Remobra Hands S LV1 x2
Remobra Band S LV1 x2
Remobra Tights S LV1 x2
Uroktor Torso S LV1 x1
Uroktor Vest S LV1 x1
EX Vespoid Tassets LV1 x2
EX Vespoid Coat LV1 x2
EX Hornetaur Tassets LV1 x2
EX Hornetaur Coat LV1 x2
Volvidon Mail S LV1 x1
Volvidon Vest S LV1 x1
Ingot Helm S LV1Key x2
Ingot Mail S LV1Key x1
Ingot Vambraces S LV1Key x1
Ingot Coil S LV1Key x1
Ingot Greaves S LV1Key x2
Ingot Cap S LV1Key x2
Ingot Vest S LV1Key x1
Ingot Guards S LV1Key x1
Ingot Coat S LV1Key x1
Ingot Leggings S LV1Key x2
Ingot Helm R LV1 x4
Ingot Mail R LV1 x4
Ingot Vambraces R LV1 x4
Ingot Coil R LV1 x4
Ingot Greaves R LV1 x4
Ingot Cap R LV1 x4
Ingot Vest R LV1 x4
Ingot Guards R LV1 x4
Ingot Coat R LV1 x4
Ingot Leggings R LV1 x4
Rathian Braces S LV1 x2
Rathian Guards S LV1 x2
EX Rathian Braces LV1 x3
EX Rathian Faulds LV1 x3
EX Rathian Guards LV1 x3
EX Rathian Coat LV1 x3
Ceanataur Greaves S LV1 x1
Ceanataur Leggings S LV1 x1
Garuga Mask S LV1 x1
Uragaan Mail S LV1 x3
Uragaan Vest S LV1 x3
Cunning Specs LV1 x3
Skull Visage S LV1 x5
Skull Mask S LV1 x5
Artian Helm S LV1 x3
Artian Coil S LV1 x3
Artian Cap S LV1 x3
Artian Coat S LV1 x3
Artian Helm R LV1 x8
Artian Coil R LV1 x8
Artian Cap R LV1 x8
Artian Coat R LV1 x8
Rathalos Braces S LV1 x2
Rathalos Guards S LV1 x2
EX Rathalos Braces LV1 x3
EX Rathalos Faulds LV1 x3
EX Rathalos Guards LV1 x3
EX Rathalos Coat LV1 x3
Lagiacrus Mail S LV1 x2
Lagiacrus Vest S LV1 x2
Gravios Greaves LV1 x2
Gravios Leggings LV1 x2
Glavenus Braces S LV1 x3
Glavenus Greaves S LV1 x2
Glavenus Guards S LV1 x3
Glavenus Leggings S LV1 x2
Agnaktor Mail LV1 x2
Agnaktor Vest LV1 x2
Brachydios Helm S LV1 x4
Brachydios Cap S LV1 x4
EX Brachydios Faulds LV1 x7
EX Brachydios Coat LV1 x7
EX Rathian Braces S LV1 x3
EX Rathian Faulds S LV1 x3
EX Rathian Guards S LV1 x3
EX Rathian Coat S LV1 x3
EX Rathalos Braces S LV1 x3
EX Rathalos Faulds S LV1 x3
EX Rathalos Guards S LV1 x3
EX Rathalos Coat S LV1 x3
Kushala Cocoon S LV1 x1
Kushala Wind Wrap S LV1 x1
Mizuha Guards S LV1 x2
Cham Camise S LV1 x2
Kaiser Mail S LV1 x3
Kaiser Vambraces S LV1 x2
Kaiser Greaves S LV1 x2
Kaiser Vest S LV1 x3
Kaiser Guards S LV1 x2
Kaiser Leggings S LV1 x2
Silver Solbraces LV1 x3
Silver Solguards LV1 x3
Golden Lunecoil LV1 x2
Golden Lunecoat LV1 x2
Akantor Claws LV1 x5
Akantor Gauntlets LV1 x5
Acorn Helm X LV1 x2
Acorn Mail X LV1 x2
Acorn Cap X LV1 x2
Acorn Vest X LV1 x2
Alloy Greaves X LV1 x3
Alloy Leggings X LV1 x3
Ingot Vambraces X LV1 x6
Ingot Coil X LV1 x3
Ingot Guards X LV1 x6
Ingot Coat X LV1 x3
High Metal Helm X LV1 x4
High Metal Cap X LV1 x4
High Metal Braces Z LV1 x2
High Metal Guards Z LV1 x2
Volvidon Helm X LV1 x2
Volvidon Mail X LV1 x2
Volvidon Faulds X LV1 x2
Volvidon Cap X LV1 x2
Volvidon Vest X LV1 x2
Volvidon Coat X LV1 x2
Basarios Mail X LV1 x3
Basarios Vest X LV1 x3
Rathian Mail X LV1 x2
Rathian Faulds X LV1 x2
Rathian Vest X LV1 x2
Rathian Coat X LV1 x2
Lavasioth Tassets X LV1 x3
Lavasioth Coat X LV1 x3
GX Lavasioth Mail LV1 x4
GX Lavasioth Tassets LV1 x4
GX Lavasioth Vest LV1 x4
GX Lavasioth Coat LV1 x4
Ceanataur Tassets X LV1 x2
Ceanataur Coat X LV1 x2
Uragaan Helm X LV1 x3
Uragaan Greaves X LV1 x4
Uragaan Cap X LV1 x3
Uragaan Leggings X LV1 x4
Smart Glasses X LV1 x6
Rathalos Greaves X LV1 x4
Rathalos Leggings X LV1 x4
Glavenus Faulds X LV1 x5
Glavenus Coat X LV1 x5
Agnaktor Vambraces X LV1 x6
Agnaktor Guards X LV1 x6
Varia Suit Guards LV1 x3
Varia Suit Leg Guards LV1 x3
Varia Suit Shield LV1 x3
Varia Suit Legs LV1 x3
Varia Suit Guards LV1 x3
Varia Suit Leg Guards LV1 x3
Varia Suit Shield LV1 x3
Varia Suit Legs LV1 x3
Zero Suit Gloves LV1 x3
Zero Suit Boots LV1 x3
Zero Suit Hands LV1 x3
Zero Suit Tights LV1 x3
Zero Suit Gloves LV1 x3
Zero Suit Boots LV1 x3
Zero Suit Hands LV1 x3
Zero Suit Tights LV1 x3
Mail of Anat LV1 x4
Vest of Anat LV1 x4
Mail of Rage LV1 x4
Vest of Rage LV1 x4
Acorn Helm LV10x1
Acorn Mail LV10x1
Acorn Cap LV10x1
Acorn Vest LV10x1
Artian Mail LV10x2
Artian Braces LV10x2
Artian Greaves LV10x2
Artian Vest LV10x2
Artian Guards LV10x2
Artian Leggings LV10x2
Guild Bard Lobos LV8x2
Guild Bard Bolero LV8x2
Guild Bard Braces LV8x2
Guild Bard Coil LV8x2
Guild Bard Boots LV8x2
Guild Bard Hat LV8x2
Guild Bard Vest LV8x2
Guild Bard Sleeves LV8x2
Guild Bard Coat LV8x2
Guild Bard Gaiters LV8x2
Acorn Helm S LV7x1
Acorn Mail S LV7x1
Acorn Cap S LV7x1
Acorn Vest S LV7x1
Red Guild Tricorne LV5x1
Red Guild Suit LV5x1
Red Guild Gloves LV5x1
Red Guild Coil LV5x1
Red Guild Boots LV5x1
Red Guild Mask LV5x1
Red Guild Vest LV5x1
Red Guild Sleeves LV5x1
Red Guild Coat LV5x1
Red Guild Tights LV5x1
Red Guild Tricorne LV5x1
Red Guild Suit LV5x1
Red Guild Gloves LV5x1
Red Guild Coil LV5x1
Red Guild Boots LV5x1
Red Guild Piercing LV5x1
Red Guild Vest LV5x1
Red Guild Sleeves LV5x1
Red Guild Coat LV5x1
Red Guild Tights LV5x1

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Kiranico © 2023

Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.