どんぐりキャップAcorn Cap
Matching helms for you and your Palico! Every Hunter's dream come true!

どんぐりレジストAcorn Vest
Matching chest armor that increases affinity between Hunters and Palicoes.

× Acorn Cap 8 ~ 33+3+3--2-◯―― TeamPlayer:+5
× Acorn Vest 8 ~ 33+3+3--2-――― Artillery:+3 TeamPlayer:+3
16 ~ 66+6+6--4-1采配TeamPlayer ⚠:+8砲術Artillery:+3

采配TeamPlayer ⚠+8Skills that increase the abilities of Palicoes that accompany you during Quests.
砲術Artillery+3Skills that increase Ballista, Gunlance, Bowgun, and Charge Blade phials, like Wyvern's Fire, Impact-type phials, and Crag shots.

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.