鎧玉Armor Sphere

Reacts uniquely to heat. Fuse this to equipment to increase its strength.

Rare 4Max Carry x99Sell Price 80z

とびきりのゼンマイティー作り【Village★4】A Unique CuppaDeliver 30x250%
潜入! 飛竜の巣!【Village★3】Into the Wyvern's Den Reward1 x120%
潜入! 飛竜の巣!【Village★3】Into the Wyvern's Den Reward1 x120%
疾風の迅竜【Village★4】Wyvern of the Wind Reward2 x120%
激闘! 雌火竜リオレイア【Village★4】Wrath of the Rathian Reward2 x120%
ガララアジャラの狩猟【Village★4】Najarala Hunt Reward2 x120%
紅煌流星【Village★4】Hungry Eyes Reward2 x120%
絞蛇竜は踊り奏でる【Village★4】Serpentine Samba Reward2 x120%
災厄の使者【Village★5】Envoy to Disaster Reward2 x120%
女王、降臨す【Hub★2】Royal Assassination Sub x120%
鬼面狩人を威す【Village★3】Tusked Tantrum Reward2 x118%
古代林のトレジャー! 蛙の巻【Village★3】Jurassic Treasure: The Frog Reward2 x118%
砂に潜む巨大蟹!【Village★3】Crustacean Frustration Reward2 x118%
雪のちウルクスス【Village★3】Snow with Occasional Lagombi Reward2 x118%
盾蟹と貝と狩り【Village★3】The Crabbiest Catch Reward2 x118%
古代林のトレジャー! 虫の巻【Village★4】Jurassic Treasure: The Bug Reward2 x118%
雪山の主、ドドブランゴ【Village★4】The New Tenant Reward2 x118%
月光アイスダンス【Village★4】Lagombi Lair Sub x118%
鬼達も引っくりかえる晩餐?【Village★4】Deviled Legs Sub x118%
チコ村のヒーロー伝説【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Daimyo Hermitaur Reward2 x118%
湿地帯の鎌蟹【Village★4】Marshlands Mission Reward2 x118%
落石注意!?【Village★4】Tumbling Troublemaker Reward2 x118%
ショウグンギザミを愛でたくて【Village★4】Crustacean Infatuation Reward2 x118%
白昼のブルファンゴ討伐【Village★5】Behind Closed Ores Reward2 x118%
赤甲獣ラングロトラ現る!【Hub★2】Walk 'n Roll Reward2 x118%
マジヤベェ! 舌!【Hub★2】Tongue-Tied Reward2 x118%
雪山の主、ドドブランゴ【Hub★2】The New Tenant Reward2 x118%
馬力、怪力、テツカブラ!【Hub★2】Tetsucabra Bounty Reward2 x118%
孤島の相撲大会!【Hub★2】Deserted Island Dustup Sub x118%
空を切り裂く鎌【Hub★2】Pincer through the Sky Reward2 x118%
鎌将軍の包囲陣【Hub★3】The Shogun's Encampment Sub x118%
古代林の大怪鳥【Village★3】Stomping Grounds Reward2 x115%
砂上のテーブルマナー【Village★3】The Desert Gourmand Reward2 x115%
大怪鳥イャンクックを倒せ!【Village★3】Local Threat Reward2 x115%
雪山に潜む影【Village★3】The Shadow in the Mountains Reward2 x115%
ロアルドロスを狩猟せよ!【Village★3】Royal Spit Take Reward2 x115%
強襲する孤島の水流!【Village★3】Current Events Reward2 x115%
毒怪鳥ゲリョスを追え!【Village★3】Robbed Blind Reward2 x115%
幻惑の魔術師【Village★4】The Nocturnal Enchanter Reward2 x115%
怪鳥達の運動会【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Yian Kut-Ku Reward2 x115%
孤島の鳥【Village★4】Island Menace Reward2 x115%
不眠のあなたに催眠療法【Hub★2】Insomnia? Meet Hypnotism Reward2 x115%
砂上のテーブルマナー【Hub★2】The Desert Gourmand Reward2 x115%
ガララアジャラの狩猟【Hub★2】Najarala Hunt Reward2 x115%
失われた黒狼を求めて【Hub★2】In Search of the Yian Garuga Reward2 x115%
雪山に潜む影【Hub★2】The Shadow in the Mountains Reward2 x115%
研究サンプル捕獲作戦【Hub★2】Operation: Secure Specimen Reward2 x115%
女王、降臨す【Hub★2】Royal Assassination Reward2 x115%
夜鳥の鱗粉を掻い潜れ【Hub★2】Malfestio Festival Reward2 x115%
疾風の迅竜【Hub★2】Wyvern of the Wind Reward2 x115%
絞蛇竜は踊り奏でる【Hub★2】Serpentine Samba Reward2 x115%
氷点下の支配者【Hub★3】The Frozen Dictator Reward2 x115%
古の霞龍、オオナズチ【Hub★3】The Elder Dragon of Mist Reward2 x115%
煉獄の主、怒れる炎帝【Hub★3】Emperor of Flame Reward2 x115%
廻り集いて回帰せん【Hub★3】Stop the Wheel Reward2 x115%
双頭の骸【Hub★3】Two-headed Carcass Reward2 x115%
ガウシカ料理に挑戦ですニャ!【Village★3】Anteka Anticipation Sub x114%
化石のロマンは永遠に【Village★4】Unlock the Secret to... Reward1 x114%
未知なる鉱石採掘依頼【Village★4】Mining: The Final Frontier Reward1 x114%
雪山草を探せ!【Hub★1】Special Home Brew Sub x114%
イーオス討伐作戦!【Hub★2】Ioprey Hunting Sub x114%
化石に眠る太古の記憶【Hub★3】Fossilized Memories Reward1 x114%
盾蟹のヤド破壊に挑戦!【Village★6】D. Hermitaur Shellbreaker Reward2 x114%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼1【Special Permit】Redhelm I: Hunt Reward2 x113%
【特殊許可】紅兜捕獲依頼2【Special Permit】Redhelm II: Capture Reward2 x113%
【特殊許可】紅兜狩猟依頼3【Special Permit】Redhelm III: Hunt Reward2 x113%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼1【Special Permit】Snowbaron I: Hunt Reward2 x113%
【特殊許可】大雪主捕獲依頼2【Special Permit】Snowbaron II: Capture Reward2 x113%
【特殊許可】大雪主狩猟依頼3【Special Permit】Snowbaron III: Hunt Reward2 x113%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼1【Special Permit】Stonefist I: Hunt Reward2 x113%
【特殊許可】矛砕捕獲依頼2【Special Permit】Stonefist II: Capture Reward2 x113%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼3【Special Permit】Stonefist III: Hunt Reward2 x113%
【特殊許可】紫毒姫狩猟依頼1【Special Permit】Dreadqueen I: Hunt Reward2 x113%
【特殊許可】紫毒姫捕獲依頼2【Special Permit】Dreadqueen II: Capture Reward2 x113%
【特殊許可】紫毒姫狩猟依頼3【Special Permit】Dreadqueen III: Hunt Reward2 x113%
野性味溢れるロイヤルカブト【Village★3】Royal Rhinos Gone Wild Sub x112%
ぎょーしょーしゅぎょー【Village★4】Peddling Practice Reward1 x112%
花の香りを掘り当てて【Hub★1】The Next Best Thing Reward1 x112%
雪山の荒くれ者【Village★2】The Mountain Roughrider Reward2 x110%
ギアノスたちを討伐せよ!【Village★2】Slay the Giaprey! Reward2 x110%
ブランゴたちの群れ【Village★2】A Pack of Blangos Reward2 x110%
雪山草摘み【Village★2】Medicinal Mountain Herbs Reward2 x110%
雪山の精算アイテム納品【Village★2】Arctic Ridge Accounting Reward2 x110%
青熊獣アオアシラ【Village★2】Arzuros the Azure Beast Reward2 x110%
渓流のジャギィノス退治【Village★2】Bye Bye Jaggia Reward2 x110%
真夜中のジャギィ達【Village★2】Howling Harassment Reward2 x110%
夢のキノコジュース【Village★2】Fungal Fad Reward2 x110%
ぽかぽかタケノコ納品【Village★2】Sunsnug Sprout Courier Reward2 x110%
渓流の精算アイテム納品【Village★2】Misty Peaks Accounting Reward2 x110%
ガウシカ料理に挑戦ですニャ!【Village★3】Anteka Anticipation Reward2 x110%
忍び寄る気配【Village★3】No Go on the Popo Reward2 x110%
忍び寄る気配【Village★3】No Go on the Popo Reward2 x110%
ブルファンゴを狩れ!【Village★3】Bully the Bullfango Reward2 x110%
おいしい卵は誰のため?【Village★3】For Whom the Egg Yolks Reward2 x110%
ざわめく森【Village★3】A Forest Fracas Reward2 x110%
ざわめく森【Village★3】A Forest Fracas Reward2 x110%
ロイヤルハニーハント【Village★3】Royal Honey Hunt Reward2 x110%
ぎょーしょーしゅぎょー【Village★4】Peddling Practice Reward2 x110%
大鉱脈、発見さる!【Village★4】Great Ore Discovery Reward1 x110%
雪のちウルクスス【Hub★1】Snow with Occasional Lagombi Reward2 x110%
肉食竜の討伐!【Hub★1】Preying on Giaprey Reward2 x110%
雪山草を探せ!【Hub★1】Special Home Brew Reward2 x110%
渓流の頭、ドスファンゴ【Hub★1】Bulldrome of the Peaks Reward2 x110%
伝説のメニューに不可欠なモノ【Hub★1】The Ingredient of Legend Reward2 x110%
ロアルドロスを狩猟せよ!【Hub★1】Royal Spit Take Reward2 x110%
ルドロス討伐作戦!【Hub★1】A Mother's Woes Reward2 x110%
渓流のジャギィ討伐作戦【Hub★1】Jaggi Junket Reward2 x110%
花の香りを掘り当てて【Hub★1】The Next Best Thing Reward2 x110%
ブランゴ討伐作戦【Hub★2】Blango Slaying Tactics Reward2 x110%
渓流のジャギィノス退治【Hub★2】Bye Bye Jaggia Reward2 x110%
燃石炭採掘指令【Hub★3】More Coal Please Reward1 x110%
アヤシイお仕事【Village★4】An Offer You Can't Refuse Reward1 x110%
アブナイお仕事【Village★5】An Offer You Can't Relieve Reward1 x110%
怪鳥の頭部破壊に挑戦!【Village★5】Kut-Ku Earbreaker Reward2 x110%
紅葉に散るは、熊か猫か【Village★6】The Right Cattitude Reward2 x110%
青と緑の波状包囲網【Village★6】Surrounded by Blue and Green Reward2 x110%
怒濤のドスラッシュ!【Village★10】The Slashing Leaders Reward2 x110%
振り返ってもヤツがいる【Hub★6】Everywhere You Look Reward2 x110%
黒き禍【Village★5】The Dark Age Reward2 x210%
砂漠を喰らう【Village★5】Trifecta of Terror Reward2 x210%
一匹狼に捧ぐ挽歌【Village★5】Garuga of the Hills Reward2 x210%
翠玉の閃電【Village★5】The Thunderclaw Wyvern Reward2 x210%
雪獅子、二重の咆哮【Village★5】Two Roars in the Snow Sub x210%
ビリビリするらしいです×??【Village★5】Hunt-a-thon: Khezu Reward2 x210%
峨々たる巨獣【Village★5】The Unwavering Colossus Reward2 x210%
エレクトリカル・バトル【Village★5】Lagiacrus Fuss Reward2 x210%
淡紅の泡狐がたゆたうか【Village★5】The Entrancing Water Dancer Reward2 x210%
大海の王・ラギアクルス!【Village★5】The Fisherman's Fiend Reward2 x210%
赤いおひさまアッチッチ【Village★5】Island Heat Reward2 x210%
ゲリョスな季節【Village★5】Hunt-a-thon: Gypceros Reward2 x210%
噴煙まとう王者【Village★5】A King, Robed in Smoke Reward2 x210%
脅威! 火山の鉄槌!【Village★5】Fight or Uragaan! Reward2 x210%
ドス来い! 真夜中の古代林【Village★5】A Late Jurassic Excursion Reward2 x210%
ドス来い! 真夜中の古代林【Village★5】A Late Jurassic Excursion Sub x210%
砂漠でサバイバルバトル【Village★5】A Sandy Battle Royale Reward2 x210%
砂漠でサバイバルバトル【Village★5】A Sandy Battle Royale Sub x210%
孤島の研究対象【Village★5】Scientific Method Reward2 x210%
孤島の研究対象【Village★5】Scientific Method Sub x210%
灼熱の刃【Village★6】The Scorching Blade Reward2 x210%
黒き衣を纏う竜【Village★6】Dark Wings, Dark Work Reward2 x210%
縄張りに進入するべからず【Village★6】Tuff Turf Reward2 x210%
砂漠の彼方から【Village★6】From Beyond the Sands Reward2 x210%
轟竜ティガレックス【Village★6】Tigrex by the Tail Reward2 x210%
千刃、襲来【Village★6】A Thousand Scales of Dread Reward2 x210%
英雄への道【Village★6】The Hero's Journey Reward2 x210%
雷狼竜はかく吠えり【Village★6】The Bellowing Zinogre Reward2 x210%
剛拳爆砕! ブラキディオス!【Village★6】Brachydios Mio! Reward2 x210%
粉骨砕竜!【Village★6】Break the Brachydios Reward2 x210%
ハンティングナイト!【Village★6】Night Terrors Reward2 x210%
ハンティングナイト!【Village★6】Night Terrors Sub x210%
剛毛フカフカの牙獣達【Village★6】Bristly Fanged Beasts Reward2 x210%
剛毛フカフカの牙獣達【Village★6】Bristly Fanged Beasts Sub x210%
渓流の覇権争いニャ!!【Village★6】Drawing the Waterline Reward2 x210%
渓流の覇権争いニャ!!【Village★6】Drawing the Waterline Sub x210%
毒まみれの沼地【Village★6】The Cankerous Quagmire Reward2 x210%
毒まみれの沼地【Village★6】The Cankerous Quagmire Sub x210%
恐るべき火山の魔球【Village★6】Volcano Triple Play Reward2 x210%
恐るべき火山の魔球【Village★6】Volcano Triple Play Sub x210%
雷電【Village★6】It's Electric Reward2 x210%
白き霊獣【Village★6】The White Brute Reward2 x210%
白き霊獣【Village★6】The White Brute Sub x210%
廻り集いて回帰せん【Village★6】Stop the Wheel Reward2 x210%
宿命の四天王【Village★6】The Fated Four Reward2 x210%
心火の斬竜炉【Hub★3】Flames of Glavenus Passion Reward2 x210%
轟竜ティガレックス【Hub★3】Tigrex by the Tail Reward2 x210%
黒き衣を纏う竜【Hub★3】Dark Wings, Dark Work Reward2 x210%
千刃、襲来【Hub★3】A Thousand Scales of Dread Reward2 x210%
電の反逆者【Hub★3】A Shocking Scoundrel Reward2 x210%
王の領域【Hub★3】The King's Domain Reward2 x210%
憤激する巨獣【Hub★3】Fury Run Afoul Reward2 x210%
驚浪雷奔ラギアクルス【Hub★3】Lagiacrus Lethargy Reward2 x210%
月夜に映える泡の華【Hub★3】Moonlit Bubble Bath Reward2 x210%
狩られる前に狩れ!【Hub★3】Topple the Monarch Reward2 x210%
孤島に渦巻く恐怖【Hub★3】Lagiacrushed Reward2 x210%
縄張りに進入するべからず【Hub★3】Tuff Turf Reward2 x210%
孤島を揺るがす剛音【Hub★3】Isle About that Bass Reward2 x210%
天と地の領域!【Hub★3】Heaven and Earth Sub x210%
パッション炸裂☆究極アフロ【Hub★3】Fro Shizzle Reward2 x210%
ブレイド・ディノバルド【Hub★3】Bladed Glavenus Reward2 x210%
脅威! 火山の鉄槌!【Hub★3】Fight or Uragaan! Reward2 x210%
ドス来い! 真昼の古代林【Hub★3】An Early Jurassic Excursion Reward2 x210%
ドス来い! 真昼の古代林【Hub★3】An Early Jurassic Excursion Sub x210%
砂上の竜脚【Hub★3】Wyvern Sand Runners Reward2 x210%
砂上の竜脚【Hub★3】Wyvern Sand Runners Sub x210%
雷狼の尾を踏む青熊【Hub★3】Zinogre, Bearly Fazed Reward2 x210%
雷狼の尾を踏む青熊【Hub★3】Zinogre, Bearly Fazed Sub x210%
沼地をめぐる攻防【Hub★3】Making it Safe for Swine Reward2 x210%
沼地をめぐる攻防【Hub★3】Making it Safe for Swine Sub x210%
ボルケーノブロー【Hub★3】Rumble in the Volcano Reward2 x210%
ボルケーノブロー【Hub★3】Rumble in the Volcano Sub x210%
雷電【Hub★3】It's Electric Reward2 x210%
白き霊獣【Hub★3】The White Brute Reward2 x210%
白き霊獣【Hub★3】The White Brute Sub x210%
USJ・巨大斬竜との激闘【Hub・DL】USJ・巨大斬竜との激闘 Reward2 x210%
カプコン・燃えるスピリッツ【Hub・DL】カプコン・燃えるスピリッツ Reward2 x210%
溶岩塊の季節【Hub・DL】溶岩塊の季節 Reward2 x210%
なかよし・幻の水晶を求めて【Hub・DL】なかよし・幻の水晶を求めて Reward1 x19%
夢のキノコジュース【Village★2】Fungal Fad Sub x18%
ぽかぽかタケノコ納品【Village★2】Sunsnug Sprout Courier Reward1 x18%
狡猾な襲撃者たち【Village★3】Farming Frustrations Sub x18%
ロイヤルハニーハント【Village★3】Royal Honey Hunt Reward1 x18%
ぽかぽかレスキュー隊出動!【Village★3】Sunsnug Isle Rescue! Reward2 x18%
厄介者のドスゲネポス【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Gendrome Reward2 x18%
森丘の静寂を守るのニャ!!【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Velocidrome Reward2 x18%
ドスイーオスのリーダー争い【Village★5】Hunt-a-thon: Iodrome Reward2 x18%
伝説のメニューに不可欠なモノ【Hub★1】The Ingredient of Legend Sub x18%
2対の麻痺牙【Hub★2】The Poison-fanged Duo Sub x18%
ドスイーオスの毒牙【Hub★2】Poisonous Pest Reward2 x18%
香り立つ渓流の鉱石【Village★3】The Mining Drag Reward1 x18%
跳狗竜の頭部破壊に挑戦!【Village★4】Great Maccao Headbreaker Reward2 x18%
疾走するドスランポス【Village★7】Quick and Nimble Reward2 x18%
冷血なるドスギアノス!【Village★8】Cold Blooded Raptors! Reward2 x18%
絢爛豪華な武闘会【Hub★2】A Resplendent Dance Reward2 x18%
炎天下の麻痺牙【Hub★5】Under the Blazing Sun Reward2 x18%
夜鳥の頭部破壊に挑戦!【Hub★6】Malfestio Headbreaker Reward2 x18%
大鉱脈、発見さる!【Village★4】Great Ore Discovery Sub x28%
燃石炭採掘指令【Hub★3】More Coal Please Sub x28%
サンリオ・ひとぐでしようぜ【Hub・DL】サンリオ・ひとぐでしようぜ Reward1 x28%
サンリオ・ひとぐでしようぜ【Hub・DL】サンリオ・ひとぐでしようぜ Reward2 x28%
香り立つ渓流の鉱石【Village★3】The Mining Drag Reward2 x16%
アヤシイお仕事【Village★4】An Offer You Can't Refuse Reward2 x16%
雪山のポイント捜索隊!【Village★4】Arctic Point Expedition Reward2 x16%
薬膳スープは雪山草仕立て【Hub★1】Taste the Mountains Reward2 x16%
渓流のポイント招きネコ【Hub★1】Lucky Mountain Cat Reward2 x16%
牙と毒の沼地【Village★6】Poison and Fangs Reward2 x15%
身の毒は気の毒【Village★9】Pitty and Poison Reward2 x15%
スノーフェスティバル【Village★10】A Snowy Festival Reward2 x15%
闘技場の牙獣と牙獣【Hub★3】Out of the Frying Pan Reward2 x15%
モンスターニャンター【Hub★7】Monster Prowler Reward2 x15%
JUMP・真紅の強者たち【Hub・DL】JUMP・真紅の強者たち Reward2 x15%
SF・サイキョ―流入門試験【Hub★1・DL】SF・サイキョ―流入門試験 Reward2 x15%
大鉱脈、発見さる!【Village★4】Great Ore Discovery Reward1 x25%
燃石炭採掘指令【Hub★3】More Coal Please Reward1 x25%
Hunters for Hire
孤島のたまご祭り!Deserted Island Egg FestivalReward1x120%
孤島のたまご祭り!Deserted Island Egg FestivalReward2x120%
燃石炭採掘指令More Coal PleaseReward1x110%
燃石炭採掘指令More Coal PleaseReward2x110%
ハチミツ集めのお手伝いHoney HelperReward1x18%
ハチミツ集めのお手伝いHoney HelperReward2x18%
燃石炭採掘指令More Coal PleaseReward1x25%
燃石炭採掘指令More Coal PleaseReward2x25%
Low RankクンチュウKonchuBody Carvex17%
Low Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area2 20% 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area3 20% 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area4 20% 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area5 20% 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area6 20% 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area8 4〜8 x15%
Low Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area9 2〜3 x120%
Low Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area2 20% 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area4 20% 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area6 20% 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area8 20% 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area8 4〜6 x15%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea1 20% 3〜5 x110%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea1 80% 3〜5 x15%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea4 20% 3〜5 x110%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea4 3〜5 x110%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea4 80% 3〜5 x15%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea8 20% 3〜5 x110%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea8 80% 3〜5 x15%
Low Rank孤島D. IslandArea10 3〜5 x110%
Low Rank沼地MarshlandsArea7 20% 4〜6 x120%
Low Rank沼地MarshlandsArea7 80% 4〜6 x110%
Low Rank沼地MarshlandsArea9 20% 4〜6 x120%
Low Rank沼地MarshlandsArea9 4〜6 x110%
Low Rank沼地MarshlandsArea9 80% 4〜6 x110%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea2 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea3 80% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea3 20% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea5 80% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea5 20% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea8 80% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea8 20% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea10 40% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea10 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea10 60% 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea3 4〜6 x110%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea4 70% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea4 4〜6 x110%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea4 30% 4〜6 x110%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea10 70% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea10 30% 4〜6 x110%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area2 20% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area3 20% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area3 80% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area4 20% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area4 80% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area5 20% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area6 20% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area6 80% 4〜6 x15%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area8 4〜8 x110%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area9 2〜3 x120%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area2 80% 3〜5 x15%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area4 80% 3〜5 x15%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area6 80% 3〜5 x15%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area8 4〜6 x115%
High Rank渓流M. Peaks  ⚠Area8 80% 3〜5 x15%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea3 4〜6 x110%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea4 70% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea4 4〜6 x110%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea4 30% 4〜6 x110%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea10 70% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea10 30% 4〜6 x110%

Leather Headgear LV2x1
Leather Headgear LV3x1
Leather Vest LV2x1
Leather Vest LV3x1
Leather Gloves LV2x1
Leather Gloves LV3x1
Leather Belt LV2x1
Leather Belt LV3x1
Leather Trousers LV2x1
Leather Trousers LV3x1
Chainmail Headgear LV2x1
Chainmail Headgear LV3x1
Chainmail Vest LV2x1
Chainmail Vest LV3x1
Chainmail Gloves LV2x1
Chainmail Gloves LV3x1
Chainmail Belt LV2x1
Chainmail Belt LV3x1
Chainmail Trousers LV2x1
Chainmail Trousers LV3x1
Bherna Turban LV2x1
Bherna Turban LV3x1
Bherna Mail LV2x1
Bherna Mail LV3x1
Bherna Braces LV2x1
Bherna Braces LV3x1
Bherna Belt LV2x1
Bherna Belt LV3x1
Bherna Greaves LV2x1
Bherna Greaves LV3x1
Hunting Helm LV2x1
Hunting Helm LV3x1
Hunting Mail LV2x1
Hunting Mail LV3x1
Hunting Braces LV2x1
Hunting Braces LV3x1
Hunting Faulds LV2x1
Hunting Faulds LV3x1
Hunting Greaves LV2x1
Hunting Greaves LV3x1
Hunting Cap LV2x1
Hunting Cap LV3x1
Hunting Vest LV2x1
Hunting Vest LV3x1
Hunting Guards LV2x1
Hunting Guards LV3x1
Hunting Coat LV2x1
Hunting Coat LV3x1
Hunting Leggings LV2x1
Hunting Leggings LV3x1
Mafumofu Hood LV2x1
Mafumofu Hood LV3x1
Mafumofu Jacket LV2x1
Mafumofu Jacket LV3x1
Mafumofu Mittens LV2x1
Mafumofu Mittens LV3x1
Mafumofu Coat LV2x1
Mafumofu Coat LV3x1
Mafumofu Boots LV2x1
Mafumofu Boots LV3x1
Yukumo Kasa LV2x1
Yukumo Kasa LV3x1
Yukumo Dogi LV2x1
Yukumo Dogi LV3x1
Yukumo Kote LV2x1
Yukumo Kote LV3x1
Yukumo Obi LV2x1
Yukumo Obi LV3x1
Yukumo Hakama LV2x1
Yukumo Hakama LV3x1
Loc Lac Shawl LV2x1
Loc Lac Shawl LV3x1
Loc Lac Kilt LV2x1
Loc Lac Kilt LV3x1
Loc Lac Boots LV2x1
Loc Lac Boots LV3x1
Hunter's Helm LV2x1
Hunter's Helm LV3x1
Hunter's Mail LV2x1
Hunter's Mail LV3x1
Hunter's Vambraces LV2x1
Hunter's Vambraces LV3x1
Hunter's Faulds LV2x1
Hunter's Faulds LV3x1
Hunter's Greaves LV2x1
Hunter's Greaves LV3x1
Hunter's Cap LV2x1
Hunter's Cap LV3x1
Hunter's Vest LV2x1
Hunter's Vest LV3x1
Hunter's Guards LV2x1
Hunter's Guards LV3x1
Hunter's Coat LV2x1
Hunter's Coat LV3x1
Hunter's Leggings LV2x1
Hunter's Leggings LV3x1
Bone Helm LV2x1
Bone Helm LV3x1
Bone Mail LV2x1
Bone Mail LV3x1
Bone Vambraces LV2x1
Bone Vambraces LV3x1
Bone Faulds LV2x1
Bone Faulds LV3x1
Bone Greaves LV2x1
Bone Greaves LV3x1
Bone Cap LV2x1
Bone Cap LV3x1
Bone Vest LV2x1
Bone Vest LV3x1
Bone Guards LV2x1
Bone Guards LV3x1
Bone Coat LV2x1
Bone Coat LV3x1
Bone Leggings LV2x1
Bone Leggings LV3x1
Light Belt LV2x1
Light Belt LV3x1
Iron Belt LV2x1
Iron Belt LV3x1
Chaoshroom LV2x1
Chaoshroom LV3x1
Chaos Plate LV2x1
Chaos Plate LV3x1
Chaos Diadem LV2x1
Chaos Diadem LV3x1
Chaos Brigandine LV2x1
Chaos Brigandine LV3x1
Trapper's Gauntlets LV2x1
Trapper's Gauntlets LV3x1
Trapper's Greaves LV2x1
Trapper's Greaves LV3x1
Trapper's Gloves LV2x1
Trapper's Gloves LV3x1
Trapper's Boots LV2x1
Trapper's Boots LV3x1
Maccao Gauntlets LV2x1
Maccao Gauntlets LV3x1
Maccao Shinguards LV2x1
Maccao Shinguards LV3x1
Maccao Gloves LV2x1
Maccao Gloves LV3x1
Maccao Boots LV2x1
Maccao Boots LV3x1
Jaggi Gauntlets LV2x1
Jaggi Gauntlets LV3x1
Jaggi Shinguards LV2x1
Jaggi Shinguards LV3x1
Jaggi Gloves LV2x1
Jaggi Gloves LV3x1
Jaggi Boots LV2x1
Jaggi Boots LV3x1
Jaggi Helm LV2x1
Jaggi Helm LV3x1
Jaggi Mail LV2x1
Jaggi Mail LV3x1
Jaggi Vambraces LV2x1
Jaggi Vambraces LV3x1
Jaggi Faulds LV2x1
Jaggi Faulds LV3x1
Jaggi Greaves LV2x1
Jaggi Greaves LV3x1
Jaggi Cap LV2x1
Jaggi Cap LV3x1
Jaggi Vest LV2x1
Jaggi Vest LV3x1
Jaggi Guards LV2x1
Jaggi Guards LV3x1
Jaggi Coat LV2x1
Jaggi Coat LV3x1
Jaggi Leggings LV2x1
Jaggi Leggings LV3x1
Maccao Helm LV2x1
Maccao Helm LV3x1
Maccao Mail LV2x1
Maccao Mail LV3x1
Maccao Braces LV2x1
Maccao Braces LV3x1
Maccao Faulds LV2x1
Maccao Faulds LV3x1
Maccao Greaves LV2x1
Maccao Greaves LV3x1
Maccao Cap LV2x1
Maccao Cap LV3x1
Maccao Vest LV2x1
Maccao Vest LV3x1
Maccao Guards LV2x1
Maccao Guards LV3x1
Maccao Coat LV2x1
Maccao Coat LV3x1
Maccao Leggings LV2x1
Maccao Leggings LV3x1
Velociprey Helm LV2x1
Velociprey Helm LV3x1
Velociprey Mail LV2x1
Velociprey Mail LV3x1
Velociprey Braces LV2x1
Velociprey Braces LV3x1
Velociprey Tassets LV2x1
Velociprey Tassets LV3x1
Velociprey Greaves LV2x1
Velociprey Greaves LV3x1
Velociprey Cap LV2x1
Velociprey Cap LV3x1
Velociprey Vest LV2x1
Velociprey Vest LV3x1
Velociprey Guards LV2x1
Velociprey Guards LV3x1
Velociprey Coat LV2x1
Velociprey Coat LV3x1
Velociprey Leggings LV2x1
Velociprey Leggings LV3x1
Giaprey Helm LV2x1
Giaprey Helm LV3x1
Giaprey Mail LV2x1
Giaprey Mail LV3x1
Giaprey Vambraces LV2x1
Giaprey Vambraces LV3x1
Giaprey Tassets LV2x1
Giaprey Tassets LV3x1
Giaprey Greaves LV2x1
Giaprey Greaves LV3x1
Giaprey Cap LV2x1
Giaprey Cap LV3x1
Giaprey Vest LV2x1
Giaprey Vest LV3x1
Giaprey Guards LV2x1
Giaprey Guards LV3x1
Giaprey Coat LV2x1
Giaprey Coat LV3x1
Giaprey Leggings LV2x1
Giaprey Leggings LV3x1
Genprey Helm LV2x1
Genprey Helm LV3x1
Genprey Mail LV2x1
Genprey Mail LV3x1
Genprey Vambraces LV2x1
Genprey Vambraces LV3x1
Genprey Tassets LV2x1
Genprey Tassets LV3x1
Genprey Greaves LV2x1
Genprey Greaves LV3x1
Genprey Cap LV2x1
Genprey Cap LV3x1
Genprey Vest LV2x1
Genprey Vest LV3x1
Genprey Guards LV2x1
Genprey Guards LV3x1
Genprey Coat LV2x1
Genprey Coat LV3x1
Genprey Leggings LV2x1
Genprey Leggings LV3x1
Vespoid Helm LV2x1
Vespoid Helm LV3x1
Vespoid Mail LV2x1
Vespoid Mail LV3x1
Vespoid Vambraces LV2x1
Vespoid Vambraces LV3x1
Vespoid Tassets LV2x1
Vespoid Tassets LV3x1
Vespoid Greaves LV2x1
Vespoid Greaves LV3x1
Vespoid Cap LV2x1
Vespoid Cap LV3x1
Vespoid Vest LV2x1
Vespoid Vest LV3x1
Vespoid Guards LV2x1
Vespoid Guards LV3x1
Vespoid Coat LV2x1
Vespoid Coat LV3x1
Vespoid Leggings LV2x1
Vespoid Leggings LV3x1
Hornetaur Helm LV2x1
Hornetaur Helm LV3x1
Hornetaur Mail LV2x1
Hornetaur Mail LV3x1
Hornetaur Braces LV2x1
Hornetaur Braces LV3x1
Hornetaur Tassets LV2x1
Hornetaur Tassets LV3x1
Hornetaur Greaves LV2x1
Hornetaur Greaves LV3x1
Hornetaur Cap LV2x1
Hornetaur Cap LV3x1
Hornetaur Vest LV2x1
Hornetaur Vest LV3x1
Hornetaur Guards LV2x1
Hornetaur Guards LV3x1
Hornetaur Coat LV2x1
Hornetaur Coat LV3x1
Hornetaur Leggings LV2x1
Hornetaur Leggings LV3x1
Bnahabra Hat LV2x1
Bnahabra Hat LV3x1
Bnahabra Suit LV2x1
Bnahabra Suit LV3x1
Bnahabra Gloves LV2x1
Bnahabra Gloves LV3x1
Bnahabra Coil LV2x1
Bnahabra Coil LV3x1
Bnahabra Boots LV2x1
Bnahabra Boots LV3x1
Bnahabra Headpiece LV2x1
Bnahabra Headpiece LV3x1
Bnahabra Vest LV2x1
Bnahabra Vest LV3x1
Bnahabra Sleeves LV2x1
Bnahabra Sleeves LV3x1
Bnahabra Coat LV2x1
Bnahabra Coat LV3x1
Bnahabra Pants LV2x1
Bnahabra Pants LV3x1
Konchu Helm LV2x1
Konchu Helm LV3x1
Konchu Braces LV2x1
Konchu Braces LV3x1
Konchu Cap LV2x1
Konchu Cap LV3x1
Konchu Guards LV2x1
Konchu Guards LV3x1
Mosswine Mask LV2x1
Mosswine Mask LV3x1
Mosswine Vest LV2x1
Mosswine Vest LV3x1
Mosswine Gloves LV2x1
Mosswine Gloves LV3x1
Mosswine Hip LV2x1
Mosswine Hip LV3x1
Mosswine Feet LV2x1
Mosswine Feet LV3x1
Rhenoplos Helm LV2x1
Rhenoplos Helm LV3x1
Rhenoplos Mail LV2x1
Rhenoplos Mail LV3x1
Rhenoplos Vambraces LV2x1
Rhenoplos Vambraces LV3x1
Rhenoplos Coil LV2x1
Rhenoplos Coil LV3x1
Rhenoplos Greaves LV2x1
Rhenoplos Greaves LV3x1
Rhenoplos Cap LV2x1
Rhenoplos Cap LV3x1
Rhenoplos Vest LV2x1
Rhenoplos Vest LV3x1
Rhenoplos Guards LV2x1
Rhenoplos Guards LV3x1
Rhenoplos Coat LV2x1
Rhenoplos Coat LV3x1
Rhenoplos Leggings LV2x1
Rhenoplos Leggings LV3x1
Bulldrome Helm LV2x1
Bulldrome Helm LV3x1
Bulldrome Mail LV2x1
Bulldrome Mail LV3x1
Bulldrome Braces LV2x1
Bulldrome Braces LV3x1
Bulldrome Faulds LV2x1
Bulldrome Faulds LV3x1
Bulldrome Greaves LV2x1
Bulldrome Greaves LV3x1
Bulldrome Cap LV2x1
Bulldrome Cap LV3x1
Bulldrome Vest LV2x1
Bulldrome Vest LV3x1
Bulldrome Guards LV2x1
Bulldrome Guards LV3x1
Bulldrome Coat LV2x1
Bulldrome Coat LV3x1
Bulldrome Leggings LV2x1
Bulldrome Leggings LV3x1
Bullfango Mask LV2x1
Bullfango Mask LV3x1
Arzuros Helm LV2x1
Arzuros Helm LV3x1
Arzuros Mail LV2x1
Arzuros Mail LV3x1
Arzuros Vambraces LV2x1
Arzuros Vambraces LV3x1
Arzuros Faulds LV2x1
Arzuros Faulds LV3x1
Arzuros Greaves LV2x1
Arzuros Greaves LV3x1
Arzuros Cap LV2x1
Arzuros Cap LV3x1
Arzuros Vest LV2x1
Arzuros Vest LV3x1
Arzuros Guards LV2x1
Arzuros Guards LV3x1
Arzuros Coat LV2x1
Arzuros Coat LV3x1
Arzuros Leggings LV2x1
Arzuros Leggings LV3x1
Cephalos Helm LV2x1
Cephalos Helm LV3x1
Cephalos Mail LV2x1
Cephalos Mail LV3x1
Cephalos Braces LV2x1
Cephalos Braces LV3x1
Cephalos Tassets LV2x1
Cephalos Tassets LV3x1
Cephalos Greaves LV2x1
Cephalos Greaves LV3x1
Cephalos Cap LV2x1
Cephalos Cap LV3x1
Cephalos Vest LV2x1
Cephalos Vest LV3x1
Cephalos Guards LV2x1
Cephalos Guards LV3x1
Cephalos Coat LV2x1
Cephalos Coat LV3x1
Cephalos Leggings LV2x1
Cephalos Leggings LV3x1
Derring Headgear LV2x1
Derring Jacket LV2x1
Derring Gloves LV2x1
Derring Belt LV2x1
Derring Trousers LV2x1
Alloy Helm LV2x1
Alloy Mail LV2x1
Alloy Vambraces LV2x1
Alloy Coil LV2x1
Alloy Greaves LV2x1
Alloy Cap LV2x1
Alloy Vest LV2x1
Alloy Guards LV2x1
Alloy Coat LV2x1
Alloy Leggings LV2x1
Battle Helm LV2x1
Battle Mail LV2x1
Battle Vambraces LV2x1
Battle Tassets LV2x1
Battle Greaves LV2x1
Battle Cap LV2x1
Battle Vest LV2x1
Battle Guards LV2x1
Battle Coat LV2x1
Battle Leggings LV2x1
Ingot Helm LV2x1
Ingot Mail LV2x1
Ingot Vambraces LV2x1
Ingot Coil LV2x1
Ingot Greaves LV2x1
Ingot Cap LV2x1
Ingot Vest LV2x1
Ingot Guards LV2x1
Ingot Coat LV2x1
Ingot Leggings LV2x1
High Metal Helm LV2x1
High Metal Mail LV2x1
High Metal Braces LV2x1
High Metal Tassets LV2x1
High Metal Greaves LV2x1
High Metal Cap LV2x1
High Metal Vest LV2x1
High Metal Guards LV2x1
High Metal Coat LV2x1
High Metal Leggings LV2x1
Metal Boots LV2x1
Metal Feet LV2x1
Melahoa Hat LV2x1
Melahoa Jacket LV2x1
Melahoa Branch LV2x1
Melahoa Folia LV2x1
Melahoa Roots LV2x1
Melahoa Bloom LV2x1
Melahoa Stalk LV2x1
Melahoa Petal LV2x1
Melahoa Trunk LV2x1
Melahoa Taproot LV2x1
Makluva Hood LV2x1
Makluva Cover LV2x1
Makluva Sleeves LV2x1
Makluva Coil LV2x1
Makluva Pants LV2x1
Makluva Gills LV2x1
Makluva Scale LV2x1
Makluva Sucker LV2x1
Makluva Fin LV2x1
Makluva Leggings LV2x1
Bistro Toque LV2x1
Bistro Suit LV2x1
Bistro Sarong LV2x1
Bistro Cap LV2x1
Bistro Vest LV2x1
Bistro Apron LV2x1
Obituary Vertex LV2x1
Obituary Thorax LV2x1
Obituary Brachia LV2x1
Obituary Elytra LV2x1
Obituary Crura LV2x1
Obituary Clypeus LV2x1
Obituary Pleuron LV2x1
Obituary Manus LV2x1
Obituary Alae LV2x1
Obituary Tarsi LV2x1
Butterfly Vertex LV2x1
Butterfly Thorax LV2x1
Butterfly Brachia LV2x1
Butterfly Elytra LV2x1
Butterfly Crura LV2x1
Butterfly Clypeus LV2x1
Butterfly Pleuron LV2x1
Butterfly Manus LV2x1
Butterfly Alae LV2x1
Butterfly Tarsi LV2x1
Death Stench Brain LV2x1
Death Stench Muscle LV2x1
Death Stench Grip LV2x1
Death Stench Bowels LV2x1
Death Stench Heel LV2x1
Death Stench Soul LV2x1
Death Stench Heart LV2x1
Death Stench Grasp LV2x1
Death Stench Belly LV2x1
Death Stench March LV2x1
Acorn Helm LV2x1
Acorn Mail LV2x1
Acorn Cap LV2x1
Acorn Vest LV2x1
Mosgharl Vizor LV2x1
Mosgharl Ribplate LV2x1
Mosgharl Creeper LV2x1
Mosgharl Folia LV2x1
Mosgharl Roots LV2x1
Mosgharl Brim LV2x1
Mosgharl Ribguard LV2x1
Mosgharl Tendril LV2x1
Mosgharl Fronds LV2x1
Mosgharl Radicles LV2x1
Mosgharl Vizor LV2x1
Mosgharl Ribplate LV2x1
Mosgharl Creeper LV2x1
Mosgharl Folia LV2x1
Mosgharl Roots LV2x1
Mosgharl Brim LV2x1
Mosgharl Ribguard LV2x1
Mosgharl Tendril LV2x1
Mosgharl Fronds LV2x1
Mosgharl Radicles LV2x1
Edel Vizor LV2x1
Edel Ribplate LV2x1
Edel Creeper LV2x1
Edel Folia LV2x1
Edel Roots LV2x1
Edel Bloom LV2x1
Edel Ribguard LV2x1
Edel Tendril LV2x1
Edel Fronds LV2x1
Edel Radicles LV2x1
Skalda Vertex LV2x1
Skalda Thorax LV2x1
Skalda Brachia LV2x1
Skalda Elytra LV2x1
Skalda Crura LV2x1
Skalda Clypeus LV2x1
Skalda Pleuron LV2x1
Skalda Manus LV2x1
Skalda Alae LV2x1
Skalda Tarsi LV2x1
Spio Vertex LV2x1
Spio Thorax LV2x1
Spio Brachia LV2x1
Spio Elytra LV2x1
Spio Crura LV2x1
Spio Clypeus LV2x1
Spio Pleuron LV2x1
Spio Manus LV2x1
Spio Alae LV2x1
Spio Tarsi LV2x1
Droth Mail LV2x1
Droth Faulds LV2x1
Droth Greaves LV2x1
Droth Vest LV2x1
Droth Coat LV2x1
Droth Leggings LV2x1
Uroktor Torso LV2x1
Uroktor Tassets LV2x1
Uroktor Vest LV2x1
Uroktor Coat LV2x1
Larinoth Mask LV2x1
Gargwa Mask LV2x1
Moofah Head LV2x1
Moofah Suit LV2x1
Moofah Claws LV2x1
Moofah Coil LV2x1
Moofah Wig LV2x1
Moofah Jacket LV2x1
Moofah Sleeves LV2x1
Moofah Coat LV2x1
False Felyne LV2x1
Velociprey Head LV2x1
Velociprey Body LV2x1
Velociprey Claws LV2x1
Velociprey Feet LV2x1
Velociprey Mask LV2x1
Velociprey Suit LV2x1
Velociprey Gloves LV2x1
Velociprey Tights LV2x1
Genprey Head LV2x1
Genprey Body LV2x1
Genprey Claws LV2x1
Genprey Feet LV2x1
Genprey Mask LV2x1
Genprey Suit LV2x1
Genprey Gloves LV2x1
Genprey Tights LV2x1
Ioprey Head LV2x1
Ioprey Body LV2x1
Ioprey Claws LV2x1
Ioprey Feet LV2x1
Ioprey Mask LV2x1
Ioprey Wear LV2x1
Ioprey Gloves LV2x1
Ioprey Tights LV2x1
Remobra Headgear LV2x1
Remobra Suit LV2x1
Remobra Gloves LV2x1
Remobra Belt LV2x1
Remobra Feet LV2x1
Remobra Mask LV2x1
Remobra Wear LV2x1
Remobra Hands LV2x1
Remobra Band LV2x1
Remobra Tights LV2x1
Ioprey Helm LV2x1
Ioprey Mail LV2x1
Ioprey Vambraces LV2x1
Ioprey Tassets LV2x1
Ioprey Greaves LV2x1
Ioprey Cap LV2x1
Ioprey Vest LV2x1
Ioprey Guards LV2x1
Ioprey Coat LV2x1
Ioprey Leggings LV2x1
Kut-Ku Helm LV2x1
Kut-Ku Mail LV2x1
Kut-Ku Vambraces LV2x1
Kut-Ku Tassets LV2x1
Kut-Ku Greaves LV2x1
Kut-Ku Cap LV2x1
Kut-Ku Vest LV2x1
Kut-Ku Guards LV2x1
Kut-Ku Coat LV2x1
Kut-Ku Leggings LV2x1
Lagombi Helm LV2x1
Lagombi Mail LV2x1
Lagombi Vambraces LV2x1
Lagombi Faulds LV2x1
Lagombi Greaves LV2x1
Lagombi Cap LV2x1
Lagombi Vest LV2x1
Lagombi Guards LV2x1
Lagombi Coat LV2x1
Lagombi Leggings LV2x1
Gypceros Helm LV2x1
Gypceros Mail LV2x1
Gypceros Braces LV2x1
Gypceros Tassets LV2x1
Gypceros Greaves LV2x1
Gypceros Cap LV2x1
Gypceros Vest LV2x1
Gypceros Guards LV2x1
Gypceros Coat LV2x1
Gypceros Leggings LV2x1
Tetsucabra Helm LV2x1
Tetsucabra Mail LV2x1
Tetsucabra Braces LV2x1
Tetsucabra Faulds LV2x1
Tetsucabra Greaves LV2x1
Tetsucabra Cap LV2x1
Tetsucabra Vest LV2x1
Tetsucabra Guards LV2x1
Tetsucabra Coat LV2x1
Tetsucabra Leggings LV2x1
Hermitaur Helm LV2x1
Hermitaur Mail LV2x1
Hermitaur Braces LV2x1
Hermitaur Tassets LV2x1
Hermitaur Greaves LV2x1
Hermitaur Cap LV2x1
Hermitaur Vest LV2x1
Hermitaur Guards LV2x1
Hermitaur Coat LV2x1
Hermitaur Leggings LV2x1
Volvidon Helm LV2x1
Volvidon Mail LV2x1
Volvidon Vambraces LV2x1
Volvidon Faulds LV2x1
Volvidon Greaves LV2x1
Volvidon Cap LV2x1
Volvidon Vest LV2x1
Volvidon Guards LV2x1
Volvidon Coat LV2x1
Volvidon Leggings LV2x1
Ludroth Helm LV2x1
Ludroth Mail LV2x1
Ludroth Braces LV2x1
Ludroth Faulds LV2x1
Ludroth Greaves LV2x1
Ludroth Cap LV2x1
Ludroth Vest LV2x1
Ludroth Guards LV2x1
Ludroth Coat LV2x1
Ludroth Leggings LV2x1
Malfestio Helm LV2x1
Malfestio Mail LV2x1
Malfestio Braces LV2x1
Malfestio Faulds LV2x1
Malfestio Greaves LV2x1
Malfestio Cap LV2x1
Malfestio Vest LV2x1
Malfestio Guards LV2x1
Malfestio Coat LV2x1
Malfestio Leggings LV2x1
Khezu Helm LV2x1
Khezu Mail LV2x1
Khezu Vambraces LV2x1
Khezu Tassets LV2x1
Khezu Greaves LV2x1
Khezu Cap LV2x1
Khezu Vest LV2x1
Khezu Guards LV2x1
Khezu Coat LV2x1
Khezu Leggings LV2x1
Rathian Helm LV2x1
Rathian Mail LV2x1
Rathian Braces LV2x1
Rathian Faulds LV2x1
Rathian Greaves LV2x1
Rathian Cap LV2x1
Rathian Vest LV2x1
Rathian Guards LV2x1
Rathian Coat LV2x1
Rathian Leggings LV2x1
Nibelsnarf Helm LV2x1
Nibelsnarf Mail LV2x1
Nibelsnarf Braces LV2x1
Nibelsnarf Faulds LV2x1
Nibelsnarf Greaves LV2x1
Nibelsnarf Cap LV2x1
Nibelsnarf Vest LV2x1
Nibelsnarf Guards LV2x1
Nibelsnarf Coat LV2x1
Nibelsnarf Leggings LV2x1
Blango Helm LV2x1
Blango Mail LV2x1
Blango Vambraces LV2x1
Blango Tassets LV2x1
Blango Greaves LV2x1
Blango Cap LV2x1
Blango Vest LV2x1
Blango Guards LV2x1
Blango Coat LV2x1
Blango Leggings LV2x1
Ceanataur Helm LV2x1
Ceanataur Mail LV2x1
Ceanataur Braces LV2x1
Ceanataur Tassets LV2x1
Ceanataur Greaves LV2x1
Ceanataur Cap LV2x1
Ceanataur Vest LV2x1
Ceanataur Guards LV2x1
Ceanataur Coat LV2x1
Ceanataur Leggings LV2x1
Najarala Helm LV2x1
Najarala Mail LV2x1
Najarala Braces LV2x1
Najarala Faulds LV2x1
Najarala Greaves LV2x1
Najarala Cap LV2x1
Najarala Vest LV2x1
Najarala Guards LV2x1
Najarala Coat LV2x1
Najarala Leggings LV2x1
Nargacuga Helm LV2x1
Nargacuga Mail LV2x1
Nargacuga Braces LV2x1
Nargacuga Faulds LV2x1
Nargacuga Greaves LV2x1
Nargacuga Cap LV2x1
Nargacuga Vest LV2x1
Nargacuga Guards LV2x1
Nargacuga Coat LV2x1
Nargacuga Leggings LV2x1
Scholarly Hood LV2x1
Scholarly Suit LV2x1
Scholarly Grips LV2x1
Scholarly Sash LV2x1
Scholarly Boots LV2x1
Scholarly Cap LV2x1
Scholarly Vest LV2x1
Scholarly Cuffs LV2x1
Scholarly Coat LV2x1
Scholarly Tights LV2x1
Vaik Helm LV2x1
Vaik Mail LV2x1
Vaik Braces LV2x1
Vaik Faulds LV2x1
Vaik Greaves LV2x1
Vaik Cap LV2x1
Vaik Vest LV2x1
Vaik Guards LV2x1
Vaik Coat LV2x1
Vaik Leggings LV2x1
Skull Visage LV2x1
Skull Mask LV2x1
Aelucanth Vertex LV2x1
Aelucanth Thorax LV2x1
Aelucanth Brachia LV2x1
Aelucanth Elytra LV2x1
Aelucanth Crura LV2x1
Aelucanth Clypeus LV2x1
Aelucanth Pleuron LV2x1
Aelucanth Manus LV2x1
Aelucanth Alae LV2x1
Aelucanth Tarsi LV2x1
Rhopessa Vertex LV2x1
Rhopessa Thorax LV2x1
Rhopessa Brachia LV2x1
Rhopessa Elytra LV2x1
Rhopessa Crura LV2x1
Rhopessa Clypeus LV2x1
Rhopessa Pleuron LV2x1
Rhopessa Manus LV2x1
Rhopessa Alae LV2x1
Rhopessa Tarsi LV2x1
Artian Mail LV2x1
Artian Braces LV2x1
Artian Greaves LV2x1
Artian Vest LV2x1
Artian Guards LV2x1
Artian Leggings LV2x1
Garuga Helm LV2x1
Garuga Mail LV2x1
Garuga Vambraces LV2x1
Garuga Tassets LV2x1
Garuga Greaves LV2x1
Garuga Cap LV2x1
Garuga Vest LV2x1
Garuga Guards LV2x1
Garuga Coat LV2x1
Garuga Leggings LV2x1
Garuga Mask LV2x1
Uragaan Helm LV2x1
Uragaan Mail LV2x1
Uragaan Vambraces LV2x1
Uragaan Faulds LV2x1
Uragaan Greaves LV2x1
Uragaan Cap LV2x1
Uragaan Vest LV2x1
Uragaan Guards LV2x1
Uragaan Coat LV2x1
Uragaan Leggings LV2x1
Rathalos Helm LV2x1
Rathalos Mail LV2x1
Rathalos Braces LV2x1
Rathalos Faulds LV2x1
Rathalos Greaves LV2x1
Rathalos Cap LV2x1
Rathalos Vest LV2x1
Rathalos Guards LV2x1
Rathalos Coat LV2x1
Rathalos Leggings LV2x1
Lagiacrus Helm LV2x1
Lagiacrus Mail LV2x1
Lagiacrus Braces LV2x1
Lagiacrus Faulds LV2x1
Lagiacrus Greaves LV2x1
Lagiacrus Cap LV2x1
Lagiacrus Vest LV2x1
Lagiacrus Guards LV2x1
Lagiacrus Coat LV2x1
Lagiacrus Leggings LV2x1
Zinogre Helm LV2x1
Zinogre Mail LV2x1
Zinogre Braces LV2x1
Zinogre Faulds LV2x1
Zinogre Greaves LV2x1
Zinogre Cap LV2x1
Zinogre Vest LV2x1
Zinogre Guards LV2x1
Zinogre Coat LV2x1
Zinogre Leggings LV2x1
Mizutsune Helm LV2x1
Mizutsune Mail LV2x1
Mizutsune Braces LV2x1
Mizutsune Faulds LV2x1
Mizutsune Greaves LV2x1
Mizutsune Mask LV2x1
Mizutsune Vest LV2x1
Mizutsune Guards LV2x1
Mizutsune Coat LV2x1
Mizutsune Leggings LV2x1
Astalos Helm LV2x1
Astalos Mail LV2x1
Astalos Braces LV2x1
Astalos Faulds LV2x1
Astalos Greaves LV2x1
Astalos Cap LV2x1
Astalos Vest LV2x1
Astalos Guards LV2x1
Astalos Coat LV2x1
Astalos Leggings LV2x1
Gammoth Helm LV2x1
Gammoth Mail LV2x1
Gammoth Braces LV2x1
Gammoth Faulds LV2x1
Gammoth Greaves LV2x1
Gammoth Cap LV2x1
Gammoth Vest LV2x1
Gammoth Guards LV2x1
Gammoth Coat LV2x1
Gammoth Leggings LV2x1
Gammoth Helm LV2x1
Gammoth Mail LV2x1
Gammoth Braces LV2x1
Gammoth Faulds LV2x1
Gammoth Greaves LV2x1
Gammoth Cap LV2x1
Gammoth Vest LV2x1
Gammoth Guards LV2x1
Gammoth Coat LV2x1
Gammoth Leggings LV2x1
Glavenus Helm LV2x1
Glavenus Mail LV2x1
Glavenus Braces LV2x1
Glavenus Faulds LV2x1
Glavenus Greaves LV2x1
Glavenus Cap LV2x1
Glavenus Vest LV2x1
Glavenus Guards LV2x1
Glavenus Coat LV2x1
Glavenus Leggings LV2x1
Gore Helm LV2x1
Gore Mail LV2x1
Gore Braces LV2x1
Gore Faulds LV2x1
Gore Greaves LV2x1
Gore Cap LV2x1
Gore Vest LV2x1
Gore Guards LV2x1
Gore Coat LV2x1
Gore Leggings LV2x1
Regios Helm LV2x1
Regios Mail LV2x1
Regios Vambraces LV2x1
Regios Tassets LV2x1
Regios Greaves LV2x1
Regios Cap LV2x1
Regios Vest LV2x1
Regios Guards LV2x1
Regios Coat LV2x1
Regios Leggings LV2x1
Tigrex Helm LV2x1
Tigrex Mail LV2x1
Tigrex Braces LV2x1
Tigrex Tassets LV2x1
Tigrex Greaves LV2x1
Tigrex Cap LV2x1
Tigrex Vest LV2x1
Tigrex Guards LV2x1
Tigrex Coat LV2x1
Tigrex Leggings LV2x1
Kirin Horn LV2x1
Kirin Jacket LV2x1
Kirin Longarms LV2x1
Kirin Hoop LV2x1
Kirin Leg Guards LV2x1
Kirin Crest LV2x1
Kirin Cape LV2x1
Kirin Gloves LV2x1
Kirin Shorts LV2x1
Kirin Boots LV2x1
Brachydios Helm LV2x1
Brachydios Mail LV2x1
Brachydios Braces LV2x1
Brachydios Faulds LV2x1
Brachydios Greaves LV2x1
Brachydios Cap LV2x1
Brachydios Vest LV2x1
Brachydios Guards LV2x1
Brachydios Coat LV2x1
Brachydios Leggings LV2x1
Arc Helm LV2x1
Arc Mail LV2x1
Arc Vambraces LV2x1
Arc Faulds LV2x1
Arc Greaves LV2x1
Storge Helm LV2x1
Storge Mail LV2x1
Storge Braces LV2x1
Storge Faulds LV2x1
Storge Greaves LV2x1
Arc Cap LV2x1
Arc Vest LV2x1
Arc Guards LV2x1
Arc Coat LV2x1
Arc Leggings LV2x1
Storge Cap LV2x1
Storge Vest LV2x1
Storge Guards LV2x1
Storge Coat LV2x1
Storge Leggings LV2x1
Kushala Glare LV2x1
Kushala Cista LV2x1
Kushala Grip LV2x1
Kushala Cocoon LV2x1
Kushala Crus LV2x1
Kushala Snarl LV2x1
Kushala Vise LV2x1
Kushala Embrace LV2x1
Kushala Wind Wrap LV2x1
Kushala Shank LV2x1
Mizuha Cap LV2x1
Mizuha Guards LV2x1
Mizuha Sleeves LV2x1
Mizuha Sash LV2x1
Mizuha Gaiters LV2x1
Cham Hat LV2x1
Cham Camise LV2x1
Cham Sleeves LV2x1
Cham Coat LV2x1
Cham Trousers LV2x1
Kaiser Crown LV2x1
Kaiser Mail LV2x1
Kaiser Vambraces LV2x1
Kaiser Tassets LV2x1
Kaiser Greaves LV2x1
Kaiser Mask LV2x1
Kaiser Vest LV2x1
Kaiser Guards LV2x1
Kaiser Coat LV2x1
Kaiser Leggings LV2x1
Skeletal Skull LV2x1
Skeletal Sternum LV2x1
Skeletal Humerus LV2x1
Skeletal Hipbone LV2x1
Skeletal Femur LV2x1
Decayed Skull LV2x1
Decayed Sternum LV2x1
Decayed Humerus LV2x1
Decayed Hipbone LV2x1
Decayed Femur LV2x1
Black Head LV2x1
Black Hide LV2x1
Black Claw LV2x1
Black Spine LV2x1
Black Feet LV2x1
Black Face LV2x1
Black Skin LV2x1
Black Fist LV2x1
Black Scale LV2x1
Black Legs LV2x1
Black Belt Helm LV2x1
Black Belt Mail LV2x1
Black Belt Braces LV2x1
Black Belt Tassets LV2x1
Black Belt Greaves LV2x1
Black Belt Cap LV2x1
Black Belt Vest LV2x1
Black Belt Guards LV2x1
Black Belt Coat LV2x1
Black Belt Leggings LV2x1
Guild Bard Lobos LV2x1
Guild Bard Bolero LV2x1
Guild Bard Braces LV2x1
Guild Bard Coil LV2x1
Guild Bard Boots LV2x1
Guild Bard Hat LV2x1
Guild Bard Vest LV2x1
Guild Bard Sleeves LV2x1
Guild Bard Coat LV2x1
Guild Bard Gaiters LV2x1
Maiden's Hat LV2x1
Maiden's Suit LV2x1
Maiden's Gloves LV2x1
Maiden's Skirt LV2x1
Maiden's Socks LV2x1
French Maid Glasses LV2x1
French Maid Vest LV2x1
French Maid Sleeves LV2x1
French Maid Frills LV2x1
French Maid Tights LV2x1
Helper Hood LV2x1
Helper Suit LV2x1
Helper Sleeves LV2x1
Helper Skirt LV2x1
Helper Socks LV2x1
Healer Glasses LV2x1
Healer Vest LV2x1
Healer Sleeves LV2x1
Healer Frills LV2x1
Healer Socks LV2x1
Dianthus Cap LV2x1
Dianthus Gown LV2x1
Dianthus Sleeves LV2x1
Dianthus Skirt LV2x1
Dianthus Pants LV2x1
Campanile Cap LV2x1
Campanile Gown LV2x1
Campanile Sleeves LV2x1
Campanile Skirt LV2x1
Campanile Pants LV2x1
Bath Towel LV2x1
Bath Robe LV2x1
Bath Sleeves LV2x1
Bath Sandals LV2x1
Gourmew Toque LV2x1
Gourmew Suit LV2x1
Gourmew Gloves LV2x1
Gourmew Sarong LV2x1
Gourmew Boots LV2x1
Gourmew Cap LV2x1
Gourmew Vest LV2x1
Gourmew Mitts LV2x1
Gourmew Apron LV2x1
Gourmew Paws LV2x1
Gourmew Toque LV2x1
Gourmew Suit LV2x1
Gourmew Gloves LV2x1
Gourmew Sarong LV2x1
Gourmew Boots LV2x1
Gourmew Cap LV2x1
Gourmew Vest LV2x1
Gourmew Mitts LV2x1
Gourmew Apron LV2x1
Gourmew Paws LV2x1
Promising Helm LV2x1
Promising Plate LV2x1
Promising Braces LV2x1
Promising Girdle LV2x1
Promising Sabatons LV2x1
Halcyon Helm LV2x1
Halcyon Plate LV2x1
Halcyon Braces LV2x1
Halcyon Girdle LV2x1
Halcyon Sabatons LV2x1
Lucid Crown LV2x1
Lucid Robe LV2x1
Lucid Gauntlets LV2x1
Lucid Tassets LV2x1
Lucid Pleats LV2x1
Dreamy Crown LV2x1
Dreamy Robe LV2x1
Dreamy Gauntlets LV2x1
Dreamy Tassets LV2x1
Dreamy Pleats LV2x1
Arcfire Kasa LV2x1
Arcfire Dogi LV2x1
Arcfire Kote LV2x1
Arcfire Obi LV2x1
Arcfire Hakama LV2x1
Bonfire Kasa LV2x1
Bonfire Dogi LV2x1
Bonfire Kote LV2x1
Bonfire Obi LV2x1
Bonfire Hakama LV2x1
Waka Kasa LV2x1
Waka Dogi LV2x1
Waka Kote LV2x1
Waka Obi LV2x1
Waka Hakama LV2x1
Wagaku Kasa LV2x1
Wagaku Dogi LV2x1
Wagaku Kote LV2x1
Wagaku Obi LV2x1
Wagaku Hakama LV2x1
Nisetama Mask LV2x1
Nisetama Suit LV2x1
Nisetama Gloves LV2x1
Nisetama Greaves LV2x1
Nisetama Hood LV2x1
Nisetama Body LV2x1
Nisetama Sleeves LV2x1
Nisetama Leggings LV2x1

日本語  ·  Español

Kiranico © 2024

Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.