跳狗竜の革手袋Maccao Gloves
Maccao gloves that are perfect for discerning Gunners who are into fashion.

跳狗竜の革長靴Maccao Boots
Leg armor for Gunners that's been carefully crafted to be both light and durable.

× Maccao Gloves 3 ~ 27--+1--――― Stam Drain:+4
× Maccao Boots 3 ~ 27--+1--◯◯― Stam Drain:+3
6 ~ 54--+2--2減気攻撃Stam Drain:+7

減気攻撃Stam Drain+7Skills that increase certain attacks' ability to Exhaust monsters.

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.