鳥竜種の牙Bird Wyvern Fang

A sharp, durable fang from a bird wyvern. Used to make Bowgun ammo.

Rare 4Max Carry x50Sell Price 14zBird Wyvern LV1

マッカォの群れを討伐せよ!【Village★1】Wipe Out! Reward1 x220%
ネコ嬢のジャギィ討伐依頼【Village★1】Another Pack Attack Reward1 x220%
跳躍のアウトロー【Village★2】Vaulting Outlaw Sub x220%
古代林の暴れん坊【Village★2】On the Rebound Reward1 x220%
ドスランポスを狩猟せよ!【Village★2】Hunt Down the Velocidrome! Sub x220%
ランポスたちを討伐せよ!【Village★2】Slay the Velociprey! Reward1 x220%
真夜中のジャギィ達【Village★2】Howling Harassment Reward1 x220%
狡猾な襲撃者たち【Village★3】Farming Frustrations Reward1 x220%
不安なジャギィとジャギィノス【Village★3】Pack Woes Reward2 x220%
真っ赤な顔の荒くれ者【Hub★1】Red-Faced Ruffians Reward1 x220%
ゼンマイ肴に古代を感じて【Hub★1】A Fern is Forever Sub x220%
狡猾な襲撃者たち【Hub★1】Farming Frustrations Reward1 x220%
渓流のジャギィ討伐作戦【Hub★1】Jaggi Junket Reward1 x220%
渓流のジャギィノス退治【Hub★2】Bye Bye Jaggia Sub x220%
ドスランポスを狩猟せよ!【Hub★4】Hunt Down the Velocidrome! Sub x220%
貝殻に思いをのせて【HubG★2】Shell Account Sub x220%
狡猾な襲撃者たち【Village★3】Farming Frustrations Sub x1020%
ぽかぽかレスキュー隊出動!【Village★3】Sunsnug Isle Rescue! Reward2 x1020%
厄介者のドスゲネポス【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Gendrome Reward2 x1020%
森丘の静寂を守るのニャ!!【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Velocidrome Reward2 x1020%
ドスイーオスのリーダー争い【Village★5】Hunt-a-thon: Iodrome Reward2 x1020%
2対の麻痺牙【Hub★2】The Poison-fanged Duo Sub x1020%
ドスイーオスの毒牙【Hub★2】Poisonous Pest Reward2 x1020%
古代林のダンスパーティ【Hub★1】Dance: The Final Frontier Reward1 x218%
跳狗竜の頭部破壊に挑戦!【Village★4】Great Maccao Headbreaker Reward2 x1018%
疾走するドスランポス【Village★7】Quick and Nimble Reward2 x1018%
冷血なるドスギアノス!【Village★8】Cold Blooded Raptors! Reward2 x1018%
絢爛豪華な武闘会【Hub★2】A Resplendent Dance Reward2 x1018%
炎天下の麻痺牙【Hub★5】Under the Blazing Sun Reward2 x1018%
夜鳥の頭部破壊に挑戦!【Hub★6】Malfestio Headbreaker Reward2 x1018%
ドス来い! 遺跡平原の跳狗竜【Hub★4】Bag the Bounding Bandit Sub x617%
遺跡平原の狗竜達【Hub★4】Jaggi of the Steppe Reward2 x617%
罪深きタルの食材探訪【HubG★1】Ingredient Expedition Sub x617%
チコ村を脅かす水竜を狩れ!【HubG★2】Emerald Splash Sub x617%
渓流のジャギィノス退治【Village★2】Bye Bye Jaggia Reward1 x616%
不安なジャギィとジャギィノス【Village★3】Pack Woes Reward1 x616%
渓流のジャギィ討伐作戦【Hub★1】Jaggi Junket Sub x616%
渓流のジャギィノス退治【Hub★2】Bye Bye Jaggia Reward1 x616%
遺跡平原の狗竜達【Hub★4】Jaggi of the Steppe Reward1 x1014%
ジャギィノス掃討作戦【Hub★6】Open Season for Jaggia Reward1 x1014%
狡猾な襲撃者たち【Village★3】Farming Frustrations Sub x512%
ぽかぽかレスキュー隊出動!【Village★3】Sunsnug Isle Rescue! Reward2 x512%
厄介者のドスゲネポス【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Gendrome Reward2 x512%
森丘の静寂を守るのニャ!!【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Velocidrome Reward2 x512%
ドスイーオスのリーダー争い【Village★5】Hunt-a-thon: Iodrome Reward2 x512%
2対の麻痺牙【Hub★2】The Poison-fanged Duo Sub x512%
ドスイーオスの毒牙【Hub★2】Poisonous Pest Reward2 x512%
マッカォの群れを討伐せよ!【Village★1】Wipe Out! Reward1 x612%
ネコ嬢のジャギィ討伐依頼【Village★1】Another Pack Attack Reward1 x612%
跳躍のアウトロー【Village★2】Vaulting Outlaw Sub x612%
古代林の暴れん坊【Village★2】On the Rebound Reward1 x612%
ドスランポスを狩猟せよ!【Village★2】Hunt Down the Velocidrome! Sub x612%
ランポスたちを討伐せよ!【Village★2】Slay the Velociprey! Reward1 x612%
真夜中のジャギィ達【Village★2】Howling Harassment Reward1 x612%
狡猾な襲撃者たち【Village★3】Farming Frustrations Reward1 x612%
不安なジャギィとジャギィノス【Village★3】Pack Woes Reward2 x612%
真っ赤な顔の荒くれ者【Hub★1】Red-Faced Ruffians Reward1 x612%
ゼンマイ肴に古代を感じて【Hub★1】A Fern is Forever Sub x612%
狡猾な襲撃者たち【Hub★1】Farming Frustrations Reward1 x612%
渓流のジャギィ討伐作戦【Hub★1】Jaggi Junket Reward1 x612%
渓流のジャギィノス退治【Hub★2】Bye Bye Jaggia Sub x612%
ドスランポスを狩猟せよ!【Hub★4】Hunt Down the Velocidrome! Sub x612%
貝殻に思いをのせて【HubG★2】Shell Account Sub x612%
古代林のダンスパーティ【Hub★1】Dance: The Final Frontier Reward1 x612%
雪に紛れしドスギアノス【HubG★4】Lost in the Snow Reward2 x1311%
逆転裁判・闘技場で法廷バトル【Hub・DL】逆転裁判・闘技場で法廷バトル Reward2 x1311%
渓流のジャギィノス退治【Village★2】Bye Bye Jaggia Reward1 x210%
不安なジャギィとジャギィノス【Village★3】Pack Woes Reward1 x210%
渓流のジャギィ討伐作戦【Hub★1】Jaggi Junket Sub x210%
渓流のジャギィノス退治【Hub★2】Bye Bye Jaggia Reward1 x210%
女王、降臨す【HubG★2】Royal Assassination Sub x1010%
青と緑の波状包囲網【Village★6】Surrounded by Blue and Green Reward2 x1010%
怒濤のドスラッシュ!【Village★10】The Slashing Leaders Reward2 x1010%
振り返ってもヤツがいる【Hub★6】Everywhere You Look Reward2 x1010%
牙と毒の沼地【Village★6】Poison and Fangs Reward2 x106%
身の毒は気の毒【Village★9】Pitty and Poison Reward2 x106%
スノーフェスティバル【Village★10】A Snowy Festival Reward2 x106%
闘技場の牙獣と牙獣【Hub★3】Out of the Frying Pan Reward2 x106%
モンスターニャンター【Hub★7】Monster Prowler Reward2 x106%
JUMP・真紅の強者たち【Hub・DL】JUMP・真紅の強者たち Reward2 x106%
SF・サイキョ―流入門試験【Hub★1・DL】SF・サイキョ―流入門試験 Reward2 x106%
ドス来い! 遺跡平原の跳狗竜【Hub★4】Bag the Bounding Bandit Sub x105%
遺跡平原の狗竜達【Hub★4】Jaggi of the Steppe Reward2 x105%
罪深きタルの食材探訪【HubG★1】Ingredient Expedition Sub x105%
チコ村を脅かす水竜を狩れ!【HubG★2】Emerald Splash Sub x105%
遺跡平原の狗竜達【Hub★4】Jaggi of the Steppe Reward1 x64%
ジャギィノス掃討作戦【Hub★6】Open Season for Jaggia Reward1 x64%
女王、降臨す【HubG★2】Royal Assassination Sub x64%
渓流のジャギィノス退治【Village★2】Bye Bye Jaggia Reward1 x104%
不安なジャギィとジャギィノス【Village★3】Pack Woes Reward1 x104%
渓流のジャギィ討伐作戦【Hub★1】Jaggi Junket Sub x104%
渓流のジャギィノス退治【Hub★2】Bye Bye Jaggia Reward1 x104%
ドスランポスを狩猟せよ!【Hub★4】Hunt Down the Velocidrome! Sub x103%
貝殻に思いをのせて【HubG★2】Shell Account Sub x103%
マッカォの群れを討伐せよ!【Village★1】Wipe Out! Reward1 x101%
ネコ嬢のジャギィ討伐依頼【Village★1】Another Pack Attack Reward1 x101%
跳躍のアウトロー【Village★2】Vaulting Outlaw Sub x101%
古代林の暴れん坊【Village★2】On the Rebound Reward1 x101%
ドスランポスを狩猟せよ!【Village★2】Hunt Down the Velocidrome! Sub x101%
ランポスたちを討伐せよ!【Village★2】Slay the Velociprey! Reward1 x101%
真夜中のジャギィ達【Village★2】Howling Harassment Reward1 x101%
狡猾な襲撃者たち【Village★3】Farming Frustrations Reward1 x101%
不安なジャギィとジャギィノス【Village★3】Pack Woes Reward2 x101%
真っ赤な顔の荒くれ者【Hub★1】Red-Faced Ruffians Reward1 x101%
ゼンマイ肴に古代を感じて【Hub★1】A Fern is Forever Sub x101%
狡猾な襲撃者たち【Hub★1】Farming Frustrations Reward1 x101%
渓流のジャギィ討伐作戦【Hub★1】Jaggi Junket Reward1 x101%
渓流のジャギィノス退治【Hub★2】Bye Bye Jaggia Sub x101%
Hunters for Hire
渓流のジャギィノス退治Bye Bye JaggiaReward1x616%
渓流のジャギィノス退治Bye Bye JaggiaReward2x616%
ドス来い! 遺跡平原の跳狗竜Bag the Bounding BanditReward1x615%
かかあ天下も楽じゃないWifely WipeoutReward2x1014%
かかあ天下も楽じゃないWifely WipeoutReward1x1014%
ドス来い! 遺跡平原の跳狗竜Bag the Bounding BanditReward2x612%
スピードキッカーBoot to the HeadReward1x610%
スピードキッカーBoot to the HeadReward2x610%
渓流のジャギィノス退治Bye Bye JaggiaReward1x210%
渓流のジャギィノス退治Bye Bye JaggiaReward2x210%
かかあ天下も楽じゃないWifely WipeoutReward1x1010%
かかあ天下も楽じゃないWifely WipeoutReward2x1010%
渓流のジャギィノス退治Bye Bye JaggiaReward2x104%
かかあ天下も楽じゃないWifely WipeoutReward1x64%
かかあ天下も楽じゃないWifely WipeoutReward2x64%
渓流のジャギィノス退治Bye Bye JaggiaReward1x104%
かかあ天下も楽じゃないWifely WipeoutReward1x64%
かかあ天下も楽じゃないWifely WipeoutReward2x64%
Low RankランポスVelocipreyBody Carvex140%
Low RankジャギィJaggiBody Carvex140%
Low RankマッカォMaccaoBody Carvex140%
High RankジャギィJaggiBody Carvex135%
G RankジャギィJaggiBody Carvex135%
High RankマッカォMaccaoBody Carvex135%
G RankマッカォMaccaoBody Carvex135%
Low RankジャギィノスJaggiaBody Carvex118%
High RankランポスVelocipreyBody Carvex115%
G RankランポスVelocipreyBody Carvex115%
High RankジャギィノスJaggiaBody Carvex115%
G RankジャギィノスJaggiaBody Carvex115%
Meownster Hunters
Low RankCoastFixed2Normalx230%
Low RankCoastFixed2Rare x230%
High RankCoastFixed2Normalx430%
High RankCoastFixed2Rare x430%
G RankCoastFixed2Normalx630%
G RankCoastFixed2Rare x630%

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.