クンチュウヘルムKonchu Helm
A helm made from Konchu materials. Has a curvy, yet insect-like design.

クンチュウアームKonchu Braces
Putting your arms in these is like going inside a Konchu. Hunter tried and tested.

× Konchu Helm 12 ~ 60-+1+1+1+1◯◯― Guard:+2 Constitutn:-2
× Konchu Braces 12 ~ 60-+1+1+1+1――― Guard:+4 Constitutn:-2
24 ~ 120-+2+2+2+22ガード性能Guard:+6体術Constitutn ⚠:-4

ガード性能Guard+6Skills that affect the likelihood of standing your ground when blocking an attack.
体術Constitutn ⚠-4Skills that affect Stamina depletion when evading, blocking, etc.

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