メラルーラグドールMelynx Ragdoll
A doll made in the image of a Melynx. It is a deadly Light Bowgun that can rapidly fire elemental bullets.

メラルーヘルドールMelynx Helldoll
The Melynx Ragdoll's final form. It looks cute until it unleashes sheer terror on the unsuspecting.

メラルーヘブンドールMelynx Heavendoll
== Ultimate Form == The coveted Ultimate Form of the Melynx Ragdoll.


Melynx Ragdoll LV1120
Reload: V. Fast
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: R Severe
Nrm 3 5 7 Rcv 33 Fir 4
Prc 3 3 3 Psn 21 Wat 0
Pel 4 4 4 Par 21 Thn 0
Crg 1 1 1 Sle 21 Ice 0
Cls 1 1 1 Exh 00 Dra 0
Normal S Lv1 [5/80力] 小
Flaming S Lv1 [3/70力] 小
Demon S[1/5]
Armor S[1/5]
Dung S[1/5]
―――Rare 2
Melynx Ragdoll LV2130
Reload: V. Fast
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: R Severe
Nrm 3 5 8 Rcv 33 Fir 4
Prc 3 3 3 Psn 21 Wat 0
Pel 4 4 4 Par 21 Thn 0
Crg 1 1 1 Sle 21 Ice 0
Cls 1 1 1 Exh 00 Dra 0
Normal S Lv1 [5/80力] 小
Flaming S Lv1 [3/70力] 小
Demon S[1/5]
Armor S[1/5]
Dung S[1/5]
―――Rare 2
Melynx Ragdoll LV3150
Reload: V. Fast
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: R Severe
Nrm 5 5 8 Rcv 33 Fir 5
Prc 3 3 3 Psn 31 Wat 0
Pel 4 4 4 Par 31 Thn 0
Crg 2 2 2 Sle 31 Ice 0
Cls 2 2 2 Exh 00 Dra 0
Normal S Lv1 [5/80力] 小
Flaming S Lv1 [3/70力] 小
Demon S[1/5]
Armor S[1/5]
P.Flaming S Lv1[4/24]
Dung S[1/5]
―――Rare 2
Melynx Ragdoll LV4180
Reload: V. Fast
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: R Severe
Nrm 5 5 8 Rcv 33 Fir 5
Prc 3 3 3 Psn 31 Wat 0
Pel 4 4 4 Par 31 Thn 0
Crg 2 2 2 Sle 31 Ice 0
Cls 2 2 2 Exh 00 Dra 0
Normal S Lv1 [5/80力] 小
Flaming S Lv1 [3/70力] 小
Demon S[1/5]
Armor S[1/5]
P.Flaming S Lv1[4/32]
Dung S[1/5]
―――Rare 2
Melynx Helldoll LV5190
Reload: V. Fast
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: R Severe
Nrm 6 5 9 Rcv 33 Fir 6
Prc 3 3 3 Psn 31 Wat 0
Pel 4 4 4 Par 31 Thn 0
Crg 2 2 2 Sle 31 Ice 0
Cls 2 2 2 Exh 00 Dra 0
Normal S Lv1 [5/80力] 小
Flaming S Lv1 [3/70力] 小
Demon S[1/5]
Armor S[1/5]
P.Flaming S Lv1[5/35]
Group Recover S[1/5]
―――Rare 2
Melynx Helldoll LV6250
Reload: V. Fast
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: R Severe
Nrm 7 7 9 Rcv 33 Fir 6
Prc 3 3 3 Psn 31 Wat 0
Pel 5 4 4 Par 42 Thn 0
Crg 2 2 2 Sle 31 Ice 0
Cls 2 2 2 Exh 00 Dra 0
Normal S Lv1 [5/80力] 小
Flaming S Lv1 [3/70力] 小
Para S Lv1 [2/100力] 大
Demon S[1/5]
Armor S[1/5]
P.Flaming S Lv1[5/40]
Group Recover S[1/5]
―――Rare 2
Melynx Heavendoll LV7310
Reload: V. Fast
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: R Severe
Nrm 8 710 Rcv 33 Fir 6
Prc 3 3 3 Psn 31 Wat 0
Pel 5 4 4 Par 42 Thn 0
Crg 2 2 2 Sle 31 Ice 0
Cls 2 2 2 Exh 00 Dra 0
Normal S Lv1 [5/80力] 小
Flaming S Lv1 [3/70力] 小
Para S Lv1 [2/100力] 大
Demon S[1/5]
Armor S[1/5]
P.Flaming S Lv1[6/42]
Group Recover S[1/5]
―――Rare 2

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