黒真珠Black Pearl

A pearl with a black glow. Fetches a high price.

Rare 4Max Carry x99Sell Price 150zHermitaur LV1Ceanataur LV1

砂に潜む巨大蟹!【Village★3】Crustacean Frustration Reward2 x1100%
盾蟹と貝と狩り【Village★3】The Crabbiest Catch Reward2 x1100%
チコ村のヒーロー伝説【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Daimyo Hermitaur Reward2 x1100%
湿地帯の鎌蟹【Village★4】Marshlands Mission Reward2 x1100%
ショウグンギザミを愛でたくて【Village★4】Crustacean Infatuation Reward2 x1100%
空を切り裂く鎌【Hub★2】Pincer through the Sky Reward2 x1100%
チコ村のヒーロー伝説【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Daimyo HermitaurHunt 8x350%
チコ村のヒーロー伝説【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Daimyo HermitaurHunt 10x550%
旧砂漠の縄張り争いニャ!!【Village★3】Cancer of the DunesHunt 50x1050%
砂に潜む巨大蟹!【Village★3】Crustacean Frustration Reward1 x125%
盾蟹と貝と狩り【Village★3】The Crabbiest Catch Sub x125%
盾蟹と貝と狩り【Village★3】The Crabbiest Catch Reward1 x125%
チコ村のヒーロー伝説【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Daimyo Hermitaur Reward1 x125%
鉄壁の盾蟹【Hub★1】Shells of Steel Sub x125%
鉄壁の盾蟹【Hub★1】Shells of Steel Reward1 x125%
盾蟹たちの集い【Hub★1】Hermitaur Party Sub x125%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼1【Special Permit】Stonefist I: Hunt Reward1 x125%
【特殊許可】矛砕捕獲依頼2【Special Permit】Stonefist II: Capture Reward1 x125%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼3【Special Permit】Stonefist III: Hunt Reward1 x125%
湿地帯の鎌蟹【Village★4】Marshlands Mission Reward1 x120%
ガミザミの群れを掃討せよ!【Village★4】Crustacean Infestation Sub x120%
ショウグンギザミを愛でたくて【Village★4】Crustacean Infatuation Reward1 x120%
天下分け目の大合戦【Village★6】Under the Gaze of Heaven Reward2 x120%
天下分け目の大合戦【Village★6】Under the Gaze of Heaven Reward1 x120%
切り裂かれた誇り【Village★8】Shredded Pride Sub x120%
切り裂かれた誇り【Village★8】Shredded Pride Reward1 x120%
沼地の恐怖体験【Village★8】Marshland Terrors Reward1 x120%
空を切り裂く鎌【Hub★2】Pincer through the Sky Sub x120%
空を切り裂く鎌【Hub★2】Pincer through the Sky Reward1 x120%
鎌将軍の包囲陣【Hub★3】The Shogun's Encampment Reward2 x120%
鎌将軍の包囲陣【Hub★3】The Shogun's Encampment Reward1 x120%
炎の山の大将軍【Hub★5】Shogun in the Flames Reward1 x120%
炎の山の大将軍【Hub★5】Shogun in the Flames Sub x120%
【特殊許可】紫毒姫捕獲依頼7【Special Permit】Dreadqueen VII: Capture Sub x120%
これが本当のダイミョウ行列?【Village★7】Daimyo Duel Sub x220%
これが本当のダイミョウ行列?【Village★7】Daimyo Duel Reward1 x220%
旧砂漠横断のお荷物【Village★7】Luggage across the Dunes Reward1 x220%
鉄壁の盾蟹【Hub★4】Shells of Steel Reward1 x220%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼4【Special Permit】Stonefist IV: Hunt Reward1 x220%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼5【Special Permit】Stonefist V: Hunt Reward1 x220%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼5【Special Permit】Stonefist V: Hunt Sub x220%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼6【Special Permit】Stonefist VI: Hunt Reward1 x220%
【特殊許可】矛砕捕獲依頼7【Special Permit】Stonefist VII: Capture Reward1 x220%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼8【Special Permit】Stonefist VIII: Hunt Reward1 x220%
旧砂漠の縄張り争いニャ!!【Village★3】Cancer of the DunesHunt 20x520%
旧砂漠の縄張り争いニャ!!【Village★3】Cancer of the DunesHunt 30x520%
砂に潜む巨大蟹!【Village★3】Crustacean Frustration Reward2 x115%
盾蟹と貝と狩り【Village★3】The Crabbiest Catch Reward2 x115%
チコ村のヒーロー伝説【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Daimyo Hermitaur Reward2 x115%
湿地帯の鎌蟹【Village★4】Marshlands Mission Reward2 x115%
ショウグンギザミを愛でたくて【Village★4】Crustacean Infatuation Reward2 x115%
空を切り裂く鎌【Hub★2】Pincer through the Sky Reward2 x115%
鎌将軍の包囲陣【Hub★3】The Shogun's Encampment Sub x115%
盾蟹のヤド破壊に挑戦!【Village★6】D. Hermitaur Shellbreaker Reward2 x115%
孤島の暴君、ダイミョウザザミ【Hub★6】Daimyo of the Deserted Island Reward1 x315%
砂漠の大名・座する盾【Hub★1・DL】砂漠の大名・座する盾 Reward1 x312%
盾蟹のヤド破壊に挑戦!【Village★6】D. Hermitaur Shellbreaker Reward1 x110%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼9【Special Permit】Stonefist IX: Hunt Reward1 x210%
【特殊許可】矛砕狩猟依頼10【Special Permit】Stonefist X: Hunt Reward1 x210%
砂に潜む巨大蟹!【Village★3】Crustacean Frustration Reward2 x28%
盾蟹と貝と狩り【Village★3】The Crabbiest Catch Reward2 x28%
チコ村のヒーロー伝説【Village★4】Hunt-a-thon: Daimyo Hermitaur Reward2 x28%
湿地帯の鎌蟹【Village★4】Marshlands Mission Reward2 x28%
ショウグンギザミを愛でたくて【Village★4】Crustacean Infatuation Reward2 x28%
熱帯イチゴはカネの味?【Village★7】Taste like Money Sub x28%
空を切り裂く鎌【Hub★2】Pincer through the Sky Reward2 x28%
鎌将軍の包囲陣【Hub★3】The Shogun's Encampment Sub x28%
鉄壁の盾蟹【Hub★4】Shells of Steel Sub x28%
奥様は白水晶がお好き【Hub★6】Quartz Rivalry Sub x27%
孤島の研究対象【Village★5】Scientific Method Reward1 x26%
つつかれて、またつつかれて【HubG★1】Poke Peck Pick Sub x36%
湿地帯の鎌蟹【Village★4】Marshlands Mission Sub x15%
ガミザミの群れを掃討せよ!【Village★4】Crustacean Infestation Reward1 x15%
ショウグンギザミを愛でたくて【Village★4】Crustacean Infatuation Sub x15%
ガミザミの群れを掃討せよ!【Hub★3】Crustacean Infestation Reward1 x15%
ザザミソは隠し味【Village★4】The Secret Ingredient Reward1 x15%
コロコロ・沼地に迷いこんだゾ【Hub・DL】コロコロ・沼地に迷いこんだゾ Reward1 x15%
高難度:赤の猛攻!【Village★6】Advanced: Seeing Red Reward1 x25%
熱砂の喧嘩は武器の素【Hub★5】Desert Brawlers Reward1 x25%
熱いウロコと鋭いハサミ【Hub★3】Hot Scales & Sharp Pincers Reward1 x13%
Hunters for Hire
炎の山の大将軍Shogun in the FlamesReward1x212%
炎の山の大将軍Shogun in the FlamesReward2x212%
空を切り裂く鎌Pincer through the SkyReward1x110%
空を切り裂く鎌Pincer through the SkyReward2x110%
鉄壁の盾蟹Shells of SteelReward1x18%
鉄壁の盾蟹Shells of SteelReward2x18%
鉄壁の盾蟹Shells of SteelReward1x28%
鉄壁の盾蟹Shells of SteelReward2x28%
鉄壁の盾蟹Shells of SteelReward1x33%
鉄壁の盾蟹Shells of SteelReward2x33%
Low RankダイミョウザザミDaimyo HermitaurShiny Dropx125%
High RankダイミョウザザミDaimyo HermitaurShiny Dropx125%
High Rank矛砕ダイミョウザザミStonefist HermitaurShiny Dropx125%
High Rank矛砕ダイミョウザザミStonefist HermitaurShiny Dropx125%
Low Rank矛砕ダイミョウザザミStonefist HermitaurShiny Dropx125%
High Rank矛砕ダイミョウザザミStonefist HermitaurShiny Dropx125%
High RankショウグンギザミShogun CeanataurShiny Dropx125%
Low RankショウグンギザミShogun CeanataurShiny Dropx125%
High RankダイミョウザザミDaimyo HermitaurBody Carvex110%
Low RankダイミョウザザミDaimyo HermitaurBody Carvex110%
High Rank矛砕ダイミョウザザミStonefist HermitaurBody Carvex110%
High Rank矛砕ダイミョウザザミStonefist HermitaurBody Carvex110%
High Rank矛砕ダイミョウザザミStonefist HermitaurBody Carvex110%
Low Rank矛砕ダイミョウザザミStonefist HermitaurBody Carvex110%
Low RankショウグンギザミShogun CeanataurBody Carvex110%
High RankショウグンギザミShogun CeanataurBody Carvex110%
High Rank鎧裂ショウグンギザミShredclaw Ceanataur ⚠Body Carvex110%
Low RankダイミョウザザミDaimyo HermitaurCapturex230%
Low Rank矛砕ダイミョウザザミStonefist HermitaurCapturex230%
High Rank矛砕ダイミョウザザミStonefist HermitaurCapturex230%
High Rank矛砕ダイミョウザザミStonefist HermitaurCapturex230%
High RankダイミョウザザミDaimyo HermitaurCapturex225%
High Rank矛砕ダイミョウザザミStonefist HermitaurCapturex225%
Meownster Hunters
Low RankダイミョウザザミDaimyo Hermitaurx120%
High RankダイミョウザザミDaimyo Hermitaurx320%

Dual BladesGuild Knight Sabers LV1 x5
Hunting HornMetal Bagpipe LV1Key x3
Light BowgunEldra Musket LV1 x5
Long SwordCrab Cutter LV1 x1
Great SwordEl Dora Blade LV1 x5
Sword & ShieldEldora Closure LV1 x5
HammerTeddybear LV1 x2
Dual BladesSworn Rapiers LV1x3
Dual BladesCrab Horns LV2x1
Dual BladesLobster Piercers LV5x5
Charge BladeGuardian Blade LV3x2
Insect GlaiveShell Intoner LV2x1
Insect GlaiveCrab Intoner LV5x5
Hunting HornMetal Bagpipe LV1x2
Hunting HornMetal Bagpipe LV5x5
Hunting HornShell Castanet LV3x2
Hunting HornColored Castanet LV6x10
Hunting HornHandcrafted Frog LV4x5
Hunting HornSwell Shell LV3x4
Heavy BowgunHeavy Crab Buster LV5x5
Light BowgunDaimyo Pincer LV5x4
Light BowgunFelyne Ragdoll LV2x2
Light BowgunMelynx Ragdoll LV2x2
Long SwordCrab Cutter LV2x1
Long SwordDaimyo Cutter LV5x5
Long SwordShogun Cutter LV4x5
Great SwordRed Pincer LV2x1
Great SwordGreat Pincer LV5x5
Sword & ShieldDual Carapace LV3x5
HammerBig Blue Chopper LV5x8
LanceEstoc LV1x3
LanceBone Claw Lance LV2x1
LanceRed Lord Lance LV5x5
LanceClassy Fragrance LV4x5
BowChelae Warbow LV5x5
BowBear Blade Bow LV3x3
BowMorsel Bowfish LV2x2
Switch AxeScissor Axe LV2x1
Switch AxeMegatalon Shears LV5x5
GunlanceScissor Gunlance LV2x1
GunlanceScissor Cannon LV5x5

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.