コンガの剛毛Conga Pelt+

The hard pelt of a Conga. The thick fur can be used to make long-lasting equipment.

Rare 6Max Carry x99Sell Price 180zConga LV2

Dual BladesPink Maracas LV1Key x10
Hunting HornWar Drum LV1Key x12
Hunting HornWar Bongo LV1 x8
BowWild Bow LV1Key x4
Switch AxeGolba Bandar LV1 x8
Dual BladesPink Maracas LV1x8
Hunting HornWar Drum LV1x8
Heavy BowgunPower Stinger LV2x4
Light BowgunAssault Conga LV2x4
BowWild Bow LV1x3

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