キラビートルShiny Beetle

An insect with dazzling wings. Its hard shell is often used as an abrasive.

Rare 4Max Carry x99Sell Price 200zInsect LV1

野性味溢れるロイヤルカブト【Village★3】Royal Rhinos Gone Wild Reward1 x1100%
流行傾向・薬効のキモ【Village★3】Deliver the Liver Sub x112%
野性味溢れるロイヤルカブト【Village★3】Royal Rhinos Gone Wild Reward1 x112%
飛甲虫たちの饗宴【Hub★2】Bnahabra Bloodbath Sub x112%
砂漠の恵みの納品依頼【Village★2】Birthday Berries Reward1 x110%
観光客の旅路を守れ!【Village★3】Travelers in Trouble Reward2 x110%
野性味溢れるロイヤルカブト【Village★3】Royal Rhinos Gone Wild Reward2 x110%
沼地の精算アイテム納品【Village★3】Marshlands Accounting Reward2 x110%
湿地帯の鎌蟹【Village★4】Marshlands Mission Sub x110%
ガミザミの群れを掃討せよ!【Village★4】Crustacean Infestation Reward1 x110%
ガミザミの群れを掃討せよ!【Village★4】Crustacean Infestation Reward2 x110%
ショウグンギザミを愛でたくて【Village★4】Crustacean Infatuation Sub x110%
雷光の先の面影【Village★8】Shadow of the Thunderstorm Reward2 x110%
はじける貝殻マネー【Village★8】Shell Money Reward2 x110%
竜の卵の納品・ランチ【Village★8】Egg Delivery ・ Lunch Reward2 x110%
突撃取材! 巨大甲虫を追え!【Village★9】Follow that Giant Bug! Reward2 x110%
新たな食材ハンターの誕生!?【Hub★1】Ingredient Hunter Reward1 x110%
イーオス討伐作戦!【Hub★2】Ioprey Hunting Reward2 x110%
巨大昆虫、発生!【Hub★2】Attack of the Giant Bugs! Reward2 x110%
調合素材を採取せよ!【Hub★2】Collect to Combine Reward2 x110%
ガミザミの群れを掃討せよ!【Hub★3】Crustacean Infestation Reward1 x110%
孤島のコオロギ恋い焦がれ【Hub★2】A Cricket to Love Reward1 x110%
巨大昆虫、発生!【Hub★5】Attack of the Giant Bugs! Reward2 x210%
熱帯イチゴはカネの味?【Village★7】Taste like Money Reward1 x18%
熱帯イチゴはカネの味?【HubG★1】Taste like Money Reward1 x18%
沼地の恐怖体験【Village★8】Marshland Terrors Sub x28%
沼地の捕食者・ネルスキュラ【Hub★5】Marshland Predator Reward2 x28%
奥様は白水晶がお好き【Hub★6】Quartz Rivalry Reward2 x28%
奥様は白水晶がお好き【Hub★6】Quartz Rivalry Sub x28%
毒の洗礼【HubG★3】Poisonous Baptism Reward2 x28%
沼地に異常事態発生虫?【Village★3】Bug Reports Reward2 x17%
沼地は釣りの穴場?【Village★4】Marshlands Fishing? Reward2 x17%
赤く染まる沼地【Village★5】Blood Red Marshlands Reward2 x17%
サカニャが食べたい腹いっぱい【Hub★3】There's Always Room for Fish Reward2 x17%
なかよし・幻の水晶を求めて【Hub・DL】なかよし・幻の水晶を求めて Reward2 x17%
コロコロ・沼地に迷いこんだゾ【Hub・DL】コロコロ・沼地に迷いこんだゾ Reward2 x17%
Hunters for Hire
滋養強壮不老の蛾Medicinal MothsReward1x1100%
滋養強壮不老の蛾Medicinal MothsReward2x1100%
野性味溢れるロイヤルカブトRoyal Rhinos Gone WildReward1x1100%
野性味溢れるロイヤルカブトRoyal Rhinos Gone WildReward2x1100%
滋養強壮不老の蛾Medicinal MothsReward1x113%
滋養強壮不老の蛾Medicinal MothsReward2x113%
野性味溢れるロイヤルカブトRoyal Rhinos Gone WildReward1x113%
野性味溢れるロイヤルカブトRoyal Rhinos Gone WildReward2x113%
砂漠の恵みの納品依頼Birthday BerriesReward2x110%
砂漠の恵みの納品依頼Birthday BerriesReward2x210%
砂漠の恵みの納品依頼Birthday BerriesReward1x210%
砂漠の恵みの納品依頼Birthday BerriesReward2x210%
砂漠の恵みの納品依頼Birthday BerriesReward1x210%
砂漠の恵みの納品依頼Birthday BerriesReward1x110%
Low Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area8 40% 4〜6 x130%
Low Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area8 60% 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area9 4〜6 x110%
Low Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area9 3〜4 x120%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea6 40% 4〜6 x125%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea6 60% 3〜5 x15%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea7 30% 4〜6 x125%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea7 60% 3〜5 x15%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea9 4〜6 x110%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea11 4〜5 x130%
Low Rank旧砂漠DunesArea11 4〜6 x110%
Low Rank沼地MarshlandsArea1 70% 3〜5 x130%
Low Rank沼地MarshlandsArea1 30% 3〜5 x125%
Low Rank沼地MarshlandsArea1 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank沼地MarshlandsArea6 70% 3〜5 x130%
Low Rank沼地MarshlandsArea6 30% 3〜5 x125%
Low Rank沼地MarshlandsArea6 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank沼地MarshlandsArea8 70% 3〜5 x130%
Low Rank沼地MarshlandsArea8 30% 3〜5 x125%
Low Rank沼地MarshlandsArea8 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea1 3〜5 x125%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea2 20% 3〜5 x125%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea2 80% 3〜5 x110%
Low Rank火山VolcanoArea9 3〜5 x125%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area5 30% 3〜4 x120%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area5 3〜4 x115%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area5 70% 3〜4 x15%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 40% 3〜4 x120%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 3〜4 x115%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 60% 2〜3 x15%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area7 30% 3〜4 x120%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area7 40% 2〜3 x120%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area7 70% 3〜4 x15%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area7 60% 2〜3 x15%
Low Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area9 2〜3 x115%
Low Rank氷海F. SeawayArea5 40% 3〜4 x115%
Low Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 45% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea1 3〜5 x125%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea1 60% 3〜4 x120%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea1 40% 6〜8 x120%
Low Rank砂漠DesertArea11 3〜4 x120%
Low Rank密林JungleArea2 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank密林JungleArea3 30% 4〜6 x125%
Low Rank密林JungleArea3 70% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank密林JungleArea4 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank密林JungleArea9 4〜6 x115%
Low Rank密林JungleArea10 30% 4〜6 x125%
Low Rank密林JungleArea10 70% 3〜5 x115%
Low Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area3 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area5 70% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area5 30% 4〜6 x120%
Low Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area7 3〜4 x125%
Low Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area7 70% 3〜5 x120%
Low Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area7 30% 4〜6 x120%
High Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area8 40% 4〜6 x130%
High Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area8 60% 4〜6 x120%
High Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area9 4〜6 x125%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area1 4〜6 x112%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area2 20% 6〜8 x116%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area2 80% 4〜6 x115%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area2 4〜6 x112%
High Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area9 3〜4 x120%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea6 40% 4〜6 x125%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea6 60% 3〜5 x15%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea7 30% 4〜6 x125%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea7 60% 3〜5 x15%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea9 4〜6 x15%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea11 4〜5 x130%
High Rank旧砂漠DunesArea11 4〜6 x15%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea1 70% 3〜5 x130%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea1 30% 3〜5 x125%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea1 4〜6 x115%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea6 70% 3〜5 x130%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea6 30% 3〜5 x125%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea6 4〜6 x115%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea8 70% 3〜5 x130%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea8 30% 3〜5 x125%
High Rank沼地MarshlandsArea8 4〜6 x115%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea1 3〜5 x125%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea2 20% 3〜5 x125%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea2 80% 3〜5 x110%
High Rank火山VolcanoArea9 3〜5 x125%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area5 30% 3〜4 x120%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area5 3〜4 x115%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area5 70% 3〜4 x15%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 40% 3〜4 x120%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 3〜4 x115%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 60% 2〜3 x15%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area7 30% 3〜4 x120%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area7 40% 2〜3 x120%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area7 70% 3〜4 x15%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area7 60% 2〜3 x15%
High Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area9 2〜3 x115%
High Rank氷海F. SeawayArea5 40% 3〜4 x115%
High Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 3〜5 x115%
High Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 45% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea1 3〜5 x125%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea1 60% 3〜4 x120%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea1 40% 6〜8 x120%
High Rank砂漠DesertArea11 3〜4 x120%
High Rank密林JungleArea2 4〜6 x115%
High Rank密林JungleArea3 30% 4〜6 x125%
High Rank密林JungleArea3 70% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank密林JungleArea4 4〜6 x115%
High Rank密林JungleArea9 4〜6 x115%
High Rank密林JungleArea10 30% 4〜6 x125%
High Rank密林JungleArea10 70% 3〜5 x115%
High Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area3 3〜5 x120%
High Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area5 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area5 30% 4〜6 x120%
High Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area7 3〜4 x125%
High Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area7 70% 3〜5 x120%
High Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area7 30% 4〜6 x120%
G Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area8 60% 4〜6 x225%
G Rank森丘V. Hills  ⚠Area9 4〜6 x230%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area1 4〜6 x120%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area2 4〜6 x120%
G Rank雪山A. Ridge  ⚠Area2 80% 4〜6 x220%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea6 60% 3〜5 x215%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea7 60% 3〜5 x215%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea9 4〜6 x215%
G Rank旧砂漠DunesArea11 4〜6 x215%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea1 70% 3〜5 x230%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea1 4〜6 x215%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea6 70% 3〜5 x230%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea6 4〜6 x215%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea8 70% 3〜5 x230%
G Rank沼地MarshlandsArea8 4〜6 x215%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea1 3〜5 x225%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea2 80% 3〜5 x210%
G Rank火山VolcanoArea9 3〜5 x225%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area5 3〜4 x225%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area5 70% 3〜4 x220%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 3〜4 x225%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area6 60% 2〜3 x220%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area7 70% 3〜4 x220%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area7 60% 2〜3 x220%
G Rank原生林P. Forest ⚠Area9 2〜3 x225%
G Rank氷海F. SeawayArea5 60% 3〜4 x215%
G Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 55% 3〜5 x215%
G Rank氷海F. SeawayArea7 3〜5 x210%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea1 3〜5 x225%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea1 60% 3〜4 x215%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea1 40% 6〜8 x215%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea7 60% 3〜4 x225%
G Rank砂漠DesertArea7 40% 6〜8 x225%
G Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area3 3〜5 x215%
G Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area5 70% 3〜5 x215%
G Rank遺群嶺R. Ridge ⚠Area7 70% 3〜5 x215%
Meownster Hunters
High RankTundraInsectNormalx150%
Low RankWetlandsInsectNormalx150%
High RankTundraInsectRare x250%
G RankTundraInsectNormalx250%
Low RankWetlandsInsectRare x250%
G RankTundraInsectRare x350%
Low RankDesertInsectRare x140%
High RankCoastInsectRare x240%
G RankCoastInsectRare x330%
Low RankDesertInsectNormalx110%
High RankTundraInsectRare x110%
G RankTundraInsectRare x210%
High RankCoastInsectNormalx210%
G RankCoastInsectNormalx310%

Charge BladeCuddly Cat LV1 x3
Insect GlaiveHortadent LV1Key x4
Hunting HornVicello Nulo LV1Key x2
Hunting HornValkyrie Chordmaker LV1 x6
Heavy BowgunMeteor Bazooka LV1 x5
Light BowgunGourd Shot LV1 x5
Long SwordEager Cleaver LV1 x3
Long SwordGreat Hornfly Saber LV1 x2
Long SwordGuardian Sword LV1 x10
Great SwordLudroth Bone Sword LV1 x5
Great SwordLacerator Blade LV1 x8
Sword & ShieldSecta Nulo LV1Key x2
Sword & ShieldBone Pick LV1 x3
LanceSpiked Spear LV1 x2
BowArko Nulo (Y) LV1Key x4
Switch AxeGrim Cat LV1 x3
GunlanceFiore Nulo LV1Key x2
Dual BladesPetrified Daggers LV3x2
Dual BladesObsidian Daggers LV1x5
Dual BladesDual Hatchets LV1x4
Dual BladesSworn Rapiers LV1x6
Charge BladeObsidian Strongarm LV1x5
Charge BladeBone Blade LV3x4
Insect GlaiveObsidian Rod LV1x5
Insect GlaiveIron Bayonet LV2x1
Insect GlaiveBone Staff LV4x2
Insect GlaiveMagia Pitareen LV2x10
Hunting HornPetrified Horn LV3x2
Hunting HornObsidian Horn LV1x5
Hunting HornSonic Glass LV1x3
Hunting HornHunter's Horn LV1x5
Hunting HornMagia Charm LV2x10
Heavy BowgunObsidian Cannon LV1x5
Heavy BowgunArbalest LV3x2
Heavy BowgunBone Shooter LV3x2
Light BowgunPetrified Shooter LV3x2
Light BowgunObsidian Shooter LV1x5
Light BowgunHunter's Rifle LV3x2
Long SwordPetrified Saber LV3x2
Long SwordObsidian Saber LV1x5
Long SwordDark Scythe LV2x2
Great SwordObsidian Blade LV1x5
Great SwordIron Sword LV3x2
Great SwordChicken Decapitator LV4x15
Great SwordCarapace Sword LV1x5
Sword & ShieldObsidian Sword LV1x5
Sword & ShieldHunter's Knife LV6x5
Sword & ShieldBone Kris LV6x5
HammerObsidian Hammer LV1x5
HammerWar Hammer LV2x5
HammerSpiked Hammer LV1x5
HammerDragonhead Hammer LV1x6
HammerPumpking LV2x10
HammerCrystal Nova LV2x5
LanceObsidian Lance LV1x5
LanceLonghorn Spear LV1x2
LanceBarbarian Tusk LV2x15
BowObsidian Bow LV1x5
BowArko Nulo (Y) LV1x2
BowSonic Bow LV1x2
BowHunter's Stoutbow LV2x2
BowCrystalline Flower LV1x5
BowKut-Ku Stave LV1x5
BowBamboo Taketori LV2x5
Switch AxeObsidian Axe LV1x5
Switch AxeArzuros Axe LV1x3
Switch AxeElite Switch Axe LV1x3
Switch AxeBone Axe LV2x5
Switch AxePower Gasher LV1x4
GunlanceObsidian Gunlance LV1x5
GunlanceIron Gunlance LV2x2
GunlanceStriker's Gunlance LV1x4
GunlanceGolem Gunlance LV1x2
Jaggi Mail LV1 x2
Jaggi Vambraces LV1 x2
Jaggi Vest LV1 x2
Jaggi Guards LV1 x2
Maccao Braces LV1 x1
Maccao Faulds LV1 x3
Maccao Guards LV1 x1
Maccao Coat LV1 x3
Hornetaur Mail LV1 x1
Hornetaur Greaves LV1 x1
Hornetaur Vest LV1 x1
Hornetaur Leggings LV1 x1
Bnahabra Hat LV1 x1
Bnahabra Suit LV1 x1
Bnahabra Gloves LV1 x2
Bnahabra Coil LV1 x2
Bnahabra Boots LV1 x2
Bnahabra Headpiece LV1 x1
Bnahabra Vest LV1 x1
Bnahabra Sleeves LV1 x2
Bnahabra Coat LV1 x2
Bnahabra Pants LV1 x2
Arzuros Mail LV1 x2
Arzuros Greaves LV1 x2
Arzuros Vest LV1 x2
Arzuros Leggings LV1 x2
Cephalos Greaves LV1 x3
Cephalos Leggings LV1 x3
Metal Boots LV1 x2
Metal Feet LV1 x2
Melahoa Hat LV1 x1
Melahoa Bloom LV1 x1
Obituary Thorax LV1 x5
Obituary Pleuron LV1 x5
Butterfly Thorax LV1 x5
Butterfly Pleuron LV1 x5
Skalda Thorax LV1 x3
Skalda Crura LV1 x3
Skalda Pleuron LV1 x3
Skalda Tarsi LV1 x3
Spio Thorax LV1 x3
Spio Crura LV1 x3
Spio Pleuron LV1 x3
Spio Tarsi LV1 x3
Uroktor Torso LV1 x5
Uroktor Vest LV1 x5
Remobra Belt LV1 x2
Remobra Band LV1 x2
Lagombi Mail LV1 x3
Lagombi Faulds LV1 x3
Lagombi Vest LV1 x3
Lagombi Coat LV1 x3
Ludroth Mail LV1 x2
Ludroth Faulds LV1 x2
Ludroth Vest LV1 x2
Ludroth Coat LV1 x2
Rathian Mail LV1 x2
Rathian Vest LV1 x2
Ceanataur Helm LV1 x1
Ceanataur Mail LV1 x1
Ceanataur Tassets LV1 x1
Ceanataur Greaves LV1 x1
Ceanataur Cap LV1 x1
Ceanataur Vest LV1 x1
Ceanataur Coat LV1 x1
Ceanataur Leggings LV1 x1
Nargacuga Faulds LV1 x6
Nargacuga Coat LV1 x6
Garuga Tassets LV1 x2
Garuga Coat LV1 x2
Gore Faulds LV1 x3
Gore Coat LV1 x3
Tigrex Tassets LV1 x2
Tigrex Coat LV1 x2
Mosswine Gloves S LV1 x5
Mosswine Feet S LV1 x5
Kecha Faulds LV1 x2
Kecha Coat LV1 x2
EX Hermitaur Mail LV1 x3
EX Hermitaur Vest LV1 x3
Ludroth Greaves S LV1 x5
Ludroth Leggings S LV1 x5
High Metal Helm U LV1 x4
High Metal Cap U LV1 x4
Obituary Thorax S LV1 x8
Obituary Pleuron S LV1 x8
Butterfly Thorax S LV1 x8
Butterfly Pleuron S LV1 x8
Mosgharl Vizor LV8x1
Mosgharl Ribplate LV8x1
Mosgharl Creeper LV8x1
Mosgharl Folia LV8x1
Mosgharl Roots LV8x1
Mosgharl Brim LV8x1
Mosgharl Ribguard LV8x1
Mosgharl Tendril LV8x1
Mosgharl Fronds LV8x1
Mosgharl Radicles LV8x1
Mosgharl Vizor LV8x1
Mosgharl Ribplate LV8x1
Mosgharl Creeper LV8x1
Mosgharl Folia LV8x1
Mosgharl Roots LV8x1
Mosgharl Brim LV8x1
Mosgharl Ribguard LV8x1
Mosgharl Tendril LV8x1
Mosgharl Fronds LV8x1
Mosgharl Radicles LV8x1
False Felyne LV4x1

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Unofficial translations are provided by the MHXX english patch team.